Henna is a healing natural dye for curls, as well as for the body. With this product, you can not only give your hair a rich noble copper and chocolate shade, but also make them much stronger, restore, nourish, and get rid of dandruff. But how to breed henna for hair? The answer to this question can be found in our article. But before that, you should familiarize yourself with the features of henna in more detail.
general description
In most cases, in cosmetic stores, henna boxes are on the lower shelves. Sometimes it can be seen in a plain paper bag, when you look at it, any desire to buy henna disappears. But this is only at first glance. The thing is that such a product does not need advertising. As mentioned above, it is a natural, real hair dye, completely harmless to them. It is a plant that is crushed into powder. The color of the mixture is green, but do not be afraid that the hair will turn green. With the help of green powder, you can cure your own curls, and also at the same time give them the desired shade. The color is not necessarily red, as many people believe.
Important tip
If you want to improve the condition of your own hair, then you should pay attention to the shampoos that you use to wash your hair. 97% of these cosmetics contain substances that poison the human body. They adversely affect the structure of curls, due to which the hairs become brittle, lose strength and elasticity, their shade fades. But the worst thing is that this "chemistry", according to some reports, can cause cancer. Therefore, experts advise to abandon the use of cosmetics, which contain the following substances: sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, coco sulfate.
More recently, experts conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos for hair, where the leading position was taken by the product from the company Mulsan Cosmetik. This manufacturer makes all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control, as well as certification systems.
But if you doubt the quality of your shampoo, then you should pay attention to its expiration date. As a rule, it should not be more than one year. Now, let's get acquainted with how to breed henna for hair.
Henna breeding rules
Do not immediately rush to breed this powder. Before breeding henna for hair, you should pay attention to the fact that dyeing is done on clean and dry hair. They may also be slightly damp. Otherwise, if you paint dirty curls, you should not hope for a better result. As a rule, in such cases, the color is more dull. Before planting henna for hair, you need to slightly dry your head after washing.
After this, the powder is poured into an unenameled container. How to dilute henna for hair, or rather, what amount is needed for the staining procedure? Everything will depend on the length of the curls. For example, for medium length, when the hair reaches to the shoulders, about 125 grams of powder is enough. After that, it is necessary to fill it with hot water, but in no case can you use boiling water, since it will never show the coloring properties of the product.
We continue to consider how to properly breed henna for hair. After mixing the powder with hot water, the resulting mixture should be brought to the consistency of thick thick sour cream. It should be noted that there should be no lumps in the composition.
So, we have examined how to properly dilute henna for hair coloring. And now you should pay attention to the care of the hair during dyeing. To do this, it is recommended to add a little cosmetic oil to the resulting mixture. It should be remembered that each such tool has its own list of useful properties and functions. In most cases, before properly diluting henna for hair coloring, oil is added to the mixture in order to moisturize the curls and scalp, as the powder dries them strongly. For this reason, experts recommend not very often dye their hair with henna. The basic recipe involves the addition of burdock essential oil, which accelerates hair growth. After the above manipulations, the mixture is completely ready.
Staining procedure
Knowing how to breed henna for hair coloring, you can proceed directly to the basic dyeing procedure. Before you dye your curls, you need to make sure that you have gloves, since this pigment is poorly washed off the skin. In order not to stain the neck and forehead, they must be greased with a greasy cream.
It is important to know not only how to breed henna for hair coloring, but also how to apply the resulting mixture to the hair. On curls, the resulting composition must be applied quickly until it has cooled. Staining begins with the nape of the neck, and ends in the temples and forehead, where the curls are lighter and are painted much faster. Hair must be collected at the back of the head, and the head should be wrapped with a towel or polyethylene. After this, wait 20-30 minutes.
Henna is washed off with curls with plain water without the use of shampoo, but you can use conditioner or balm to make the hair softer. After the staining procedure, it is better not to wash your hair with shampoo for several days to fix the result.
We answered the question of how to breed henna for hair coloring. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this product is also used in a colorless form as a mask. Let us consider in more detail how to breed white henna for hair in order to strengthen it.
Colorless henna
To make such a mask with white henna, you must properly dilute it. But how to breed henna for hair? Proportions will be what? This will require the following tools and ingredients:
- One teaspoon of burdock oil and any hair balm.
- Hot water.
- Three teaspoons of colorless henna.
When all the ingredients are collected, you can begin the procedure for preparing the mixture. To do this, you need to know how and with what water to breed henna for hair in order to strengthen it. To prepare such a mask, you should take hot water and henna powder. But for more nutrition of curls in the mask, you can add one spoonful of burdock oil, which very well moisturizes the dry ends of the cut hair. So that the mixture is well washed off with curls, and its grains do not remain at the roots, you can add one teaspoon of any balm to the mask. This makes rinsing easier.
First you need 3 teaspoons of colorless henna pour boiled hot water, allowing it to infuse for 5 minutes. After that, balm and burdock oil are added to the resulting composition. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
Then, using a special brush, the mask should be distributed over the curls, starting from the roots and ending with the tips. This must be done very carefully, massaging the scalp at the very roots of the hair. You should pay attention to the fact that the composition will be applied to the head very hard due to large particles of henna that begin to swell under the influence of boiling water. After that, the hair is twisted into a bun high on the head, and a shower cap is put on top, the hair is insulated with a towel. The mask should be on the hair for 20 minutes. But if you have fair hair, then the time is reduced to about 10 minutes.
Next, rinse off the mask first with a strong pressure of water, after which ringlets are thoroughly washed with shampoo, and in the end apply balm. After such a mask, the hair can be dried with a hairdryer or allowed to dry naturally.
To strengthen curls, not only henna, but also basma is used. How to breed henna for hair has been described above, and now it is worth familiarizing yourself with this procedure using basma. It is a natural dye that has been used by women since ancient times. Today it is used in combination with henna to color hair. There are several breeding methods for these two products. To prepare the mixture you will need:
- Porcelain or glassware.
- Henna.
- Hot water.
- Wooden spatula.
- Olive oil.
- Basma
So, how to breed Indian henna for hair with basma? First of all, it should be mentioned that you should not dye your curls with just basma, otherwise the hair will acquire a blue-green hue. Basma is always divorced from henna. Depending on the proportion of ingredients, different shades can be obtained after staining.
To get a light chestnut tint, it is necessary to mix both powders in equal quantities in a porcelain or glass container. In order to obtain a chestnut shade, 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma are taken. To get a black color, you will need to change the proportions vice versa. A saturated black shade can be obtained if you dilute one part of henna powder with three parts of basma powder.
To prepare the mixture, approximately 25 to 200 g of the mixture is taken, the amount will depend on the length of the curls. After that, the composition is poured with boiling water, stirred with a wooden spatula until a thick oily sour cream is obtained, all the lumps must be crushed. The finished mixture should be infused for 40 minutes, after which it is applied to curls.
Basma with henna is brewed only with hot water, the temperature of which should be about 80 degrees. But for this, you can also use infusion or a decoction of herbs. To give your hair a rich chestnut shade, you can use strong tea, coffee, as well as buckthorn broth for brewing. To obtain a red tint, warmed red wine is used as the basis. Beetroot juice is used to make purple when mixing basma and henna. To get golden sparks in colored curls, the mixture must be diluted with acidified water. To do this, lemon juice is added to it, as well as apple vinegar in the amount of one teaspoon per one glass of water. To get a shade of mahogany, 3-4 teaspoons of cocoa powder can be added to the water.
If you have sparse or dry hair, then you can add hot cow's milk, yogurt or yogurt at room temperature to the paint.
To make the mixture evenly distributed throughout the hair, experts recommend adding 0.5-1 tablespoon of olive oil to it.
Porridge, which turned out to be a consistency of thick sour cream, should be used for staining the roots. To dye the entire length of the hair, it will be necessary to prepare a new portion, for which a double amount of liquid is taken or the mixture is diluted with hot water. Liquid paint is more easily distributed by curls, and thick paint dries quickly and falls off in clumps, leaving light spots on hair after that.
How to dye your hair with basma and henna?
It was described in detail above how to breed henna for hair (Iranian or Indian) with basma. But how then to properly color your curls with the resulting composition? To avoid getting a green shade, which, as a rule, stains basma, it must be applied to previously washed and moist curls after the initial staining with henna or with it.
After that, take the required amount of the mixture, which will depend on the length of the curls, as well as on the desired result. For uniform staining, it is recommended to add a small amount of shampoo, glycerin or decoction based on flaxseeds to the resulting composition.
The skin near the hairline must be lubricated with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream, so that it is possible to avoid discoloration of the skin on the face in difficult washings. Next, the composition is applied along the parting, but first you should dry the curls with a towel.
The remaining mixture is diluted with hot water, and then applied to the ends of the curls. The hair is wrapped in a plastic bag, and a terry towel is wrapped around the head to create a thermal effect.
To get a light tone, the paint is held for 10-40 minutes. For a darker shade, the composition on the hair must be kept for at least 1 hour.
After that, the hair is washed with warm water without the use of shampoo. After a day, the curls can be washed with acidified water.
Useful tips before staining
Before the first staining, you should not risk much. It is best to apply a small amount of the mixture to the strands to see the result and make sure your choice is correct. It should be remembered that Basma can not be washed off with curls, it only cuts off, like any black paint.
Henna for tattoo
As a rule, temporary tattoos are made using a composition, the basis of which is henna. There are many different recipes for preparing these mixtures. Consider the most popular of them.
Recipe number 1
This option is the closest to the old recipe from India. To prepare the composition, you need to make black tea, very strong. The resulting drink is first infused, and then filtered. Half a cup of tea leaves is mixed with two tablespoons of granulated sugar and lemon juice from half the fruit. Henna is diluted with the mixture until a sour cream is obtained. The solution should be infused for 20 minutes. Ready paste is filled in a special tube, which is used to draw a tattoo.
Recipe number 2
For this recipe, you need to take 50 g of henna powder, the juice of one medium lemon, 50 ml of cool tea leaves, as well as one drop of any essential oil. The tea leaves and lemon juice are mixed, after which henna is gradually added to the resulting mixture. Now the mass should be thoroughly mixed, let it brew for 4 hours. The next step is adding essential oil, after which the mixture is used to draw a tattoo.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that most women choose natural products for hair coloring. One such remedy is henna. If you properly breed the powder at home, then you can achieve very good staining results.