The design of the title page of any scientific work (including abstract) must comply with certain rules and standards of GOST. The title page is the first thing the teacher will pay attention to.
In addition, the educational institution can also make its requirements. It is clear that you can learn about them only in the process of study, but, as a rule, they do not deviate too much from the standards. Therefore, it is advisable in the first year to create the necessary templates that meet the requirements, and then only make changing data.
The design of the title page of the abstract
- at the top of the page (symmetrical to the fields) indicate the name of the institution and the department;
- in the center of the sheet write the word "Abstract" and the full name of the discipline;
- after making a few spaces, they write the word “Subject” without quotes, and below its name;
- in the lower right corner write the following data: student (student) of a certain course and group, and under these words indicate their last name; in the next line indicate information about the teacher (surname, initials, rank, academic degree);
- in the middle of the bottom edge of the page you need to write the city in which the educational institution is located, and the year the work is completed, while only numbers are written (without the word "year")
The design of the title page of the term paper
Grades for the term paper are entered in the test book, and the works themselves are stored in the educational institution for a long time. They can be selectively checked by a commission that regularly visits universities. Consequently, the design of the title page of the course must be maintained no less strictly than the abstract. It is also necessary to observe a certain style and font size. The classic version is Times New Roman. Below will be described the sequence of registration of the title page:
- Ministry of Education (with country);
- further the phrase: "educational institution" (without quotes) and the name of the university in quotation marks (in capital letters) ;
- The faculty where the student is studying;
- in the middle of the page we write a specialty, and below in bold (24 pt.) the words "term paper" in capital letters;
- further - topic title
All these data must be aligned in the center of the sheet, and information about the student and teacher is made out by analogy with the abstract.
Presentation of the title page of the report
The report can be attributed to the free form of submission of information. However, there are certain requirements for it:
- the title of the report is written on top of the sheet (in the center);
- the title should not contain abbreviations or abbreviations, extra indentation or line breaks;
- below the topic indicate the author of the report (14 type), you can use; italics;
- It should also indicate the university, year of work and teacher data.
If there is a need to make an annotation, then it is placed below in lowercase letters. As for formatting any title page, everything is standard here: the right margin is 1 cm, the rest is 2.5 cm. The title page is not numbered, but it is considered the first by default. In this regard, the next page will be considered the second and numbered with the number "2".
“Title” templates created in advance will facilitate the learning process and help you submit your work in a timely manner.