“A pear hangs - you can’t eat” - what are we talking about?

Little kids - big nightmares. And sometimes, in order to distract and entertain them, parents go to all sorts of tricks. But sometimes even their imagination is not enough. Then they seek help on the Internet.

And they find her. In the form of various logical tasks to guess which babies and kindergartens and schoolchildren love so much. However, it is not enough for parents to know the riddle itself; the answer to it must also be known.

That is why in this article we will find out what is being said about in the riddle "hanging a pear - you can not eat."

hanging pear can not be eaten

What are puzzles for?

A riddle is a kind of brief symbolic, encrypted condition, which contains a description of any object, subject, having solved it, it will be possible to find the correct answer, the solution to the riddle.

Such exercises are not only entertaining in nature. They also train the brain, intelligence, human logic. They teach him to assemble pieces of mosaic into a single whole. Thus, finding the answer, for example, to the riddle "hanging pear - you can not eat."

Such logical tasks are necessary not only for kids. Adults should also train their brain, because otherwise degradation is possible, that is, in simple terms, dullness. Fortunately, crosswords, charades, mathematical equations, logical questions and tasks are available both on the Internet and in various print media. Therefore, everyone can find what will be to his liking.

hanging pear can not eat a riddle

The correct answer to the riddle

Of course, to almost every question, equation, task, charade, riddle, there is an answer. For many logical conditions, it is quite famous, while others will have to work hard. And even then there is no guarantee that it will be correct.

Perhaps some readers have already found the answer to the question: “What is this - a pear hanging, you can not eat?” If not, you should wait a bit, as the answer is already very close. Those who are still pondering the answer are strictly forbidden to get ahead of themselves. Indeed, in order to really increase one’s potential and mental capabilities, it’s not the result that is important - the answer, but the process of finding the answer, analysis of options and comparison.

Therefore, before finding out the correct answer to the riddle "you can’t hang a pear, eat it", you should try to solve it yourself.

And now the moment of truth has come! If readers of this article find it difficult to voice a guess or want to check how true it is, then it will be presented. The most important thing is to start it only after a fruitful thought process. Otherwise, the goal is not achieved.

So, to the riddle "a pear hangs - you can’t eat", the answer is "light bulb".

hanging pear can not eat the answer

The reason you can’t eat a pear from a riddle

Many children, even having learned the answer, begin to ask the following question: "Why is it impossible to eat such a pear?" And then the parents have a new headache, because simply telling the child “is impossible” is wrong, and there will be little sense from this. After all, such an answer will provoke a new flurry of “why.” The pear hangs, you can’t eat - it is very strange and does not fit with the children's logic.

In addition, a fool can secretly try to bite off a piece of the cherished "pear" from mom and dad. Saying how dangerous this is most likely not worth it. Adults already understand and are afraid of this more than anything else. After all, even people aged sometimes have the idea to check why a light bulb enters their mouth freely and is removed only with the help of doctors. Needless to say about small children.

That is why it is best to explain to the baby what the guessed object consists of and what the attempt to taste such a “pear” is fraught with. After all, the right answer is a light bulb. It is she - the pear - that hangs, but you can’t eat. It consists of fragile material - glass - which is dangerous in that it can break and injure a person with small fragments.

hanging pear why not eat why

What other riddles exist

In fact, riddles are one of the types of Russian folklore. Therefore, you can find them in a huge amount, corresponding to the desired topic and suitable for the age of the child. Here are the ones that kids will love:

  • Who does not sleep at night, guards the house, drinks milk, does not let mice into the house? (Cat)
  • Piglet and tail crocheted, she likes to eat plenty, often basking in the mud. Come on! Who is it? Tell me! (Pig)
  • He doesn’t bark, he doesn’t let him into the house. (Castle)
  • Brown, white and polar, plush but wayward. Don’t wake up, start to roar! What is his name ...? (Bear)
  • And he copes with cabbage and carrots so deftly! White, gray and oblique. Who is this, say, such? (Hare)

In addition, parents can also ask the baby to solve the puzzle "hanging pear, you can not eat." The parents themselves learned the answer from this article.

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