Personal subsidiary plots (LPH): a breakdown of key concepts

What is meant by personal subsidiary plots (LPH) can be found from several legal documents, the most relevant of which today are the Land Code and federal law No. 112 (adopted in 2003, July 7). According to the latter, this term refers to non-entrepreneurial activities in the cultivation and personal use of agricultural products.

lph decryption

What features does LPH have? Decoding of normative acts indicates that a citizen should conduct such a method of managing alone or together with his family without hiring outside workers. Everything that he created on a land plot allocated for these purposes is his property and can be realized, for example, in the market. In this case, his activities will not be considered entrepreneurial.

How does the right to private household plots appear? Decoding of article number three of the aforementioned federal legislative act No. 112 informs that all capable citizens can keep a private household, while only the right to a land plot is registered, but some additional legal registration for private household plots is not required. Land plots for such needs are divided into household plots and field plots. Their main difference is that it is impossible to erect buildings and structures in the field plots. And on the household can be put a residential house, utility rooms, greenhouses, baths, etc.

personal subsidiary plots land

When does LPH management stop? The interpretation of Article No. 10 of the same law indicates that this type of management is terminated due to the termination of property rights to the land where the economy is located. The agency that provided the site does not have the right to intervene in the activities of this kind of family "enterprise" until any violations of the law are revealed.

How to organize a personal subsidiary farm? Land for it can be obtained from municipal or state ownership. Moreover, it is easier to do this for citizens registered in rural areas, since such allotments are provided to citizens only if there is free land.

what does personal subsidiary farming mean

What does LPH mean for the country's economy? The interpretation of the statistics shows that this way of economic activity in Russia is carried out by more than fifteen million people who possess about 6,400,000 hectares of land. They grow cattle, horses, pigs, produce significant potato crops, produce honey, fruits and berries of garden plants and trees.

In general, the state is interested in developing this important area, therefore, legislative acts provide for assistance in the form of building infrastructure, creating points for selling products, organizing free veterinary examinations, fighting epidemics in animals, providing equipment on a return basis, financial assistance, and introducing advanced technologies.

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