Vanessa Morgan: biography and filmography of the actress

Film star and singer Vanessa Morgan Mzirei was born on March 23, 1992. The star’s father is African, and her mother is a Scot. Vanessa was the youngest in the family. Parents did not particularly spend time thinking about who the baby would be in the future, because the girl from childhood loved to sing.


Five years after the birth of Vanessa Morgan, the baby with her parents moves to live in Palm Springs. A few years later, she manages to win the beauty contest, and receive the title of "Little Miss America." After that, the girl is invited to shoot in the film "Diva's Christmas Song", where the young star appeared before the audience in the image of little Vanessa Williams. Having made her film debut, the actress continued to engage in filming and singing, and in 2002 she visited the capital of Russia.

The further life of the actress

Actress Vanessa Morgan

In 2010, Vanessa Morgan graduated from school, and in May decided to take a vacation in order to completely plunge into the world of freedom and relaxation. Indeed, since 2006, the young star has not had the right to rest, because her schedule was painted with all kinds of television shots. Here is what the actress herself says about that period of her life:

I needed a vacation in order to gain new strength and return to my true dream associated with singing.

The main goal of the star is to create lyrics for songs. Vanessa became famous on the children's family channel thanks to the image of Amanda Pierce. In addition, the girl herself sang the main song for the serial film. The most famous films with Vanessa Morgan are: “Spy Harriet: The War of Blogs”, “My Nanny is a Vampire” and “The Beautiful Prince”.

Work in various films

role in the movie "My Vampire Nanny"

In the series "Spy Harriet: The War of Blogs," the actress played the role of schoolgirl Marion Hawthorne. The main character of the film is the secret agent Harriet Welch, who always dreamed of maintaining her own blog. However, here the girl is faced with a problem, because the popular student of the school Marion Hawthorne does not want to share her fame with anyone. After this, a real confrontation begins between the heroines. The film “My Nanny is a Vampire,” starring Vanessa Morgan, is also associated with the school. The plot of the film is set around a guy named Ethan Morgan. Initially, he does not stand out among his peers, but with the onset of night, he goes to the night streets in order to track supernatural powers. Another series with the participation of Vanessa is "The Beautiful Prince". This is a story about a shy guy and a beautiful popular girl who, by coincidence, are working together on one project.

The girl’s popularity is growing every day, so everyone is sure that there will be many more successful movie roles and a dizzying musical career ahead of her.

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