The World Wide Web. The history of the name and how in the USA they created the Internet

The Internet is becoming an increasingly important place in our lives. Not a single technology created by man has gained such wide popularity. The Internet is the World Wide Web that spans the globe, wrapping it in a network of television towers. He began to gain his popularity back in the relatively distant 1990s. In the article, we will discuss where it came from and why it became so popular.

The Internet as the World Wide Web

The second name of such a plan was given for a reason. The fact is that the Internet brings together many users around the world. Like a spider web, it wraps the entire globe with its threads. And this is not an ordinary metaphor, it really is. The Internet consists of wires and wireless networks, the second of which are not visible to us.

But this lyrical digression, in fact, the Internet is connected to the World Wide Web (www, or the Word Wide Web). It covers all computers connected to the network. On remote servers, users store the necessary information, and can also communicate on the Web. Often, this name means the World or Global Network.

It is based on several critical protocols, such as TCP / IP. Thanks to the Internet, the World Wide Web, or in another Word Wide Web (WWW), operates, that is, transmits and receives data.

Globe and www

Number of users

At the end of 2015, a study was conducted based on which the following data were obtained. The number of Internet users around the world is 3.3 billion. And this is almost 50% of the total population of our planet.

Such high performance was achieved thanks to the proliferation of 3G cellular networks and high-speed 4G. Providers played an important role, thanks to the massive introduction of Internet technologies, the cost of maintaining servers and manufacturing fiber optic cables decreased. In most European countries, the Internet speed is higher than in Africa. This explains the technical backlog of the latter and the low demand for services.

World and www

Why is the Internet called the World Wide Web?

It is not paradoxical, but many users are sure that the above term and the Internet are one and the same. This is a profound misconception in the minds of many users, caused by the similarity of concepts. Now we will figure out what's what.

The World Wide Web is often confused with the similar phrase โ€œWorld Wide Webโ€. It represents a certain information volume, based on the basis of Internet technology.

What is the world wide web?

History of the World Wide Web

By the end of the 90s, the dominance of NSFNet over ARPANET technology was finally approved in the world. Oddly enough, but one research center was engaged in their development. By order of the US Department of War, ARPNET was developed. Yes, the first to use the Internet were the military. And NSFNet technology was developed independently of government services, with almost pure enthusiasm.

It was the competition between the two developments that became the basis for their further development and mass introduction into the world. The World Wide Web of the Internet became available to the masses in 1991. It had to work somehow, and Berners Lee took up the development of a system for the Internet. For two years of successful work, he created hypertext, or HTTP, the famous electronic language HTML and URL. We do not need to go into details, because now we see them as ordinary links for website addresses.

Informational space

First of all, it is an information space, access to which is provided through the Internet. It allows the user to have access to data that is on the servers. If you use a visual-figurative method, then the Internet is a volume cylinder, and the World Wide Web is what fills it.

Through a program called a โ€œbrowser,โ€ a user gains access to the Internet for surfing on the Web. It consists of innumerable sites that are based on servers. They are connected to computers and are responsible for the safety, downloading, viewing data.

Mouse and globe

Spider webs and modern man

Currently, Homo sapiens in developed countries are almost completely integrated with the World Wide Web. We are not talking about our grandfathers and grandmothers or about remote villages, where they donโ€™t know about any Internet.

Previously, people in search of information went straight to the library. And often it happened that the book he needed was not found, then I had to go to other institutions with archives. Now the need for such manipulations has disappeared.

In biology, all species names consist of three words, for example, our full name is Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Now you can safely add the fourth word internetiys.

Covers the whole planet

Internet captures the minds of mankind

Agree, we draw almost all the information from the Internet. We have tons of information in our hands. Tell our ancestor about this, he would eagerly bury himself on the monitor screen and spend all his free time there searching for information.

It is the Internet that brought mankind to a fundamentally new level, it contributes to the creation of a new culture - mixed or multi. Representatives of different nations mimic and adapt, as if merging their customs into one pot. Where does the final product come from.

It is especially useful for scientists, there is no longer any need to gather at councils in a country located 1000 km from yours. You can exchange experiences without a personal meeting, for example, through instant messengers or social networks. And if you need to discuss an important issue, you can do it via Skype.


The World Wide Web is a component of the Internet. Its work is ensured thanks to storage servers, which provide information to the user upon his request. The Network itself was developed thanks to scientists from the United States and their enthusiasm.

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