Algal Wrap - The Way to Beauty

In cosmetology, algae wrapping is considered one of the most effective means in the difficult struggle with extra pounds and cellulite. This procedure is not only pleasant, but also very useful for the health of the whole organism. Being the inhabitants of the seas, algae absorb healing biologically active substances and salts. They contain vitamins, polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids, iodine, trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, etc.), alginates, vitamins (C, A, D, B1 (2,3,6,12), PP, K, E). The benefits of these ancient marine plants have been known for a long time. Thanks to them, problems related to the condition of the skin, its beauty and youth are solved, and the condition of internal organs improves. Upon contact with the body, the beneficial components that make up the plants begin to be actively absorbed into the skin. Algae wrap allows you to enhance the breakdown of fat. It also activates the renewal of skin cells and removes excess fluid from tissues.

Algal wrap, reviews of which indicate the high effectiveness of this procedure, is performed in two ways: cold and hot. The first method involves soaking the plants in water for three hours at a temperature of up to 20 degrees. In this case, kelp are superimposed locally (on a specific area). This procedure allows you to get rid of edema, reduce fatigue and improve the outflow of lymphatic fluid. When hot wrapping, algae are soaked for thirty minutes in water, the temperature of which is no more than 38 degrees. This procedure contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, activation of blood circulation, the breakdown of fats, which gives good results in the fight against obesity and cellulite.

Algae wrapping at home is recommended in accordance with the recommendations below. First of all, body peeling should be carried out - preparation of the upper layers of the dermis for better penetration of biologically active substances. In addition, harmful toxins are better removed from clean skin with open pores. Next, on the prepared areas of the body, it is necessary to apply an algal mask, wrap it with a film and cover it with a thermal blanket. The procedure lasts about thirty minutes. During this time, the beneficial substances of plants are absorbed into the skin. Then the mask is washed off with water, and a correction gel is applied to the body.

Preparation of the main material

Algal laminaria wrap is used for a strong healing and anti-cellulite effect. To perform this procedure, you need to fill in 500 grams of the plant with five liters of water. Algae that has increased in volume should be evenly distributed over previously cleansed skin. A jelly-like membrane located on the surface of the sheet contributes to the rapid absorption of nutrients.

Algal wrapping with the same plant species can be carried out only two times. After the first use, the kelp must be immersed in the same water in which it was soaked. It is recommended to store plants in a cool place, and not more than three days.

Wrapping with micronized algae (crushed kelp and fucus) is carried out as follows: in a container with 150 ml of water you need to gradually pour the plants in a ratio of 1 to 4 with a thin stream, and stirring constantly. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. The resulting composition must be left for 10 minutes to thicken. After that, the mask can be applied to the body.

The result from the algal wrap is noticeable after several sessions. At home, the healing course is 12 treatments. For greater effectiveness, it should be carried out every four months. The interval between sessions should not be more than two days. Wrapping is contraindicated for people who are allergic to iodine and thyroid pathologies.

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