Who is the righteous? Meaning of the word, synonym and interpretation

An interesting, but at the same time controversial topic awaits us today. When it comes to the righteous, it immediately brings up associations about incense, the church and other attributes of religious faith. Consider the duality of the concept of righteousness, or rather, the ambiguity of its interpretation.


Cross and setting sun

Many can be cited as an example of the righteous. I immediately recall the religious prophets, but this is not entirely correct. Still, the prophet is already another "floor" of the religious hierarchy. Usually, the righteous are monks. Elder Zosima comes to mind from literary heroes.

But the real world is filled with saints and the righteous. Perhaps little is known about them for two reasons:

  • Firstly, they are not used to advertising.
  • Secondly, the masses are much less interested in virtue than vice.

After all, even Dostoevsky, who gave us the image of the old man Zosima, created his villains with great pleasure. Here, the main measure is one - artistic power. Few people remember Alyosha Karamazov, but everyone remembers Ivan. Or, for example, the image of Nikolai Stavrogin is remarkable for its tragedy. Although is he a righteous man? No, Stavrogin is extremely far from good.

However, from literary matters it is necessary to move on to linguistic matters and see how rich the explanatory dictionary is in this sense. It has two values ​​fixed:

  1. Believers: a person who lives a righteous life has no sins.
  2. A man who does not sin in anything against the rules of morality.

The second meaning is ironic, which means it is likely that such a name may have the opposite meaning. That is, the righteous is called the one who does not deserve it. We analyze the second value in more detail below.

People with double morality

Politician at the microphone

The righteous - it can also be a social mask. It is no secret that a person in society is one, but in a private setting - another. We all play roles and play games. In social space, a person cannot reveal the whole diversity and diversity of a person, because, more often than not, he is reduced to his social role - the profession. When the latter is public in nature, then often a person is forced to profess a double morality. Although, to be honest, this way is also a choice.

Of course, politics comes to mind first. They always create the image of positive characters, and then journalists dig out the piquant details of their personal lives and give publicity terrible secrets. We may slightly disappoint the reader, but there will be no real or historical examples. Let us explain the meaning of the word “righteous” differently: we will use the services of cinema.

Remember the movie "Dead Zone"? There, the main antagonist of the protagonist Greg Stilson, a politician who creates the image of a kind of "his boyfriend". But in fact, he is driven by a thirst for power, and of such strength that, if he got to the presidency, he could very well have unleashed the third world war.

"Holy" as the only synonym

Hands reaching for the sky

After the complex nature of righteousness has become clear, we can tell the reader that there is only one full-fledged synonym for the object of study - this is “holy”. But contextual replacements can be any number. Much depends on what exactly we mean by the noun "righteous." A synonym for it, thus, becomes a matter of taste and the subject of a creative search.

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