For more than sixty years, Michael McKean has dedicated his acting career and continues to act in films until now. Most often, he starred in comedy and drama films and series. The filmography of McKean at the moment contains more than two hundred and seventy film projects.
You probably heard about Michael McKean, the photos of this actor are quite popular on the net. This article will talk about several films where the actor starred. Most often, he gets secondary roles, but Michael's characters are still very remembered by the audience.
One of the most popular films with Michael McKean is a comedy with elements of the detective "Ulica". The tape is also known as the "Clue".
It all starts with the fact that one rich Briton decides to organize a secular dinner. He invites six people who have never met before to his home. Moreover, none of them knows even the owner of the house, since in the invitations he signed "Mr. Body." This rather strange invitation also says that a person should not tell anyone his real name, but use the one indicated in the invitation.
Despite the strangeness of the situation, guests still arrive. They are greeted by a butler named Wadsword. The house also houses Maid Yvette and Asian cook Ho. Guests will find out that the owner is late and dinner should start without him. When Mr. Body also appears, it turns out that he is the man who has been blackmailing each of his guests for many years. As it turned out, the main characters are not so honest and decent people who are trying to look like. Everyone has a sin that can cost a person a position, reputation, or even freedom.
At one point, the light turns off, and someone kills the owner of the house. Now six guests have to start their own investigation and prove their innocence. Meanwhile, the number of victims in the house is growing. Who is doing this? In the film, Michael McKean played the role of Mr. Green, an employee of the State Department, who is a hidden homosexual.
"Life in the style of country-2"
Also, Michael McKean can be seen in the film "Country Style 2". The tape tells about a young girl named Bobby.
Bobby has always dreamed of becoming a singer, and it seems that her dream is about to come true. The girl moves to a big city and already begins her first performances. However, Bobby does not know that her voice is a gift from the angels that can be lost. If a girl breaks three rules: not to lie, to keep promises, to be fair, then she will forever lose her voice.
However, show business is a rather complicated business. How to remain yourself, be a good person and not lose your fame? Can a girl hold out and prove that she deserves such a gift?
The girl has to start from the bottom, she works as a waitress in a small cafe with a strict manager.
"Adventures of Power"
The filmography of Michael McKean also has the tape "The Adventures of Power." The events of the film unfold in a small mining town. Ordinary workers are in great difficulty. They do not have enough money to live on, and the working conditions are very difficult and even dangerous.
This is where a young guy named Power lives. He does not want to make the wrong choice in his life. The hero firmly decided that he would not choose a profession that would bother him all his life. The guy wants to be happy. Power is confident that he can become a famous musician, but first he needs to learn how to play the drum kit. Let the main character seem a little strange and eccentric, nothing will stop him on his way to a dream.
"Confession of the invisible"
Among the films starring Michael McKean, there is also the film story Confession of the Invisible. In the center of the plot this time is a young guy named Nick Halloway. He works as an ordinary broker in a large company. Recently, the hero was very tired at work, so he himself did not notice how he fell asleep right at the table.
While Nick was sleeping, a closure occurred in the laboratory, which made several floors of the building invisible. Halloway was in one of these buildings at this time. The accident affected him. Nick became invisible. When the ability of the protagonist becomes known, the CIA begins to hunt for him in order to catch him for conducting scientific experiments.