Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich: biography and interesting facts

His contribution to Soviet cinema was immensely huge. He played on the set, made films that subsequently entered the golden fund of our cinema, wrote excellent scripts for films and, of course, passed on the invaluable experience of the actor, director and screenwriter to the younger generation. Evgeny Ivanovich Tashkov, being a true patriot of his country, repeatedly emphasized that domestic cinema should carry a “educational” mission, and this goal is achieved only when the viewer passes through the feelings and feelings of the main character. Undoubtedly, his talent was multifaceted. But where did Evgeny Ivanovich Tashkov begin his career and what legacy did he leave behind? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Years of childhood and youth

Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich - a native of the village of Bykovo, located in the Volgograd region. He was born on December 18, 1926. However, the documents wrote that he was born on January 1, 1927. It was this fact that subsequently influenced the fact that the future director was not taken to the front and he was not killed. Eugene’s childhood was not rosy: his father was repressed, and the family bore the mark of an enemy of the people.

Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich

He studied at a regular rural school. When the war began, the teenager began to work on the collective farm, making two norms a day. As a child, Eugene attended the drama club, which was organized by one actress. Once he was offered to play a role from Chekhov's “Bear”. Tashkov brilliantly coped with the task, and as a gift received a photo album with the inscription: "Zhenya, your path is art!" This fact determined the choice of the future profession.

Studying acting

But after school, Evgeny Ivanovich Tashkov entered the railway institute. However, after studying there for some time, the young man realized that he was mistaken with the university. He decided to become an actor and submitted documents to VGIK. There were difficulties with housing: he had no one to stay in in crowded Moscow. But still, the young man found friends who sheltered him. Having successfully passed the exams, he became a student at a theater university. The mentors of the young man turned out to be the famous acting couple: Boris Bibikov and Olga Pyzhova. In 1950, Evgeny Ivanovich Tashkov, whose biography is of great interest to many, became a graduate of VGIK.

Actor career

The test ball of the beginning lyceum in the cinema was the dramatic film “The Commander of the Ship” (dir. W. Brown, 1954). In it, Evgeny Ivanovich played the cameo role of a sailor.

Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich biography

Two years later, directors Heinrich Gabai and Vsevolod Voronin invite Tashkov to the film “Captain of the Old Turtle” and approve him for the role of Repyev. In the 60s, the actor starred in such films as “Alien Name” (dir. I. Shulman, 1966), “I come from childhood” (dir. V. Turov, 1966). Almost all of his images are episodic, but how talented and bright she is played! Filmography Tashkova has about 16 roles in the movie.

Director's career

In 1957, a graduate of VGIK begins his career as a director, working at the Odessa film studio. There, he shoots together with Vladimir Kochetov the picture “Pages of the Past,” which reflects the underground life of the revolutionary workers of Odessa. Two years later, Evgeny Ivanovich makes the film "Thirst", which demonstrates the difficult life of occupying Odessa.

But the real glory to Tashkov brings the film "Come Tomorrow" (1962). This story is about a simple girl from the hinterland who dreams of becoming a singer. After the film was released, Evgeny Ivanovich became a recognizable figure.

Director's success was repeated in the late 60s. And although Evgeny Ivanovich Tashkov, whose photo was known by almost the whole country, was already a well-known man by that time, the paintings “Adjutant of His Excellency” (1969) and “Major Whirlwind” (1967) only added to his popularity. It seemed that they stood apart from other works of the maestro, since the images of the main characters were even more detailed and deeply written in them.

Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich personal life

However, in the film “Adjutant of His Excellency” there was no clear division into “friends” and “strangers,” which, naturally, the censors did not like, and they simply “rejected” it. And only Tashkov’s personal intervention, who turned to the special services for help, returned everything to normal.

Screen adaptation of literary works

In the 70s, Evgeny Ivanovich in his directorial work increasingly turns to domestic literature. After analyzing S. Naydenov’s autobiographical play, which tells about the life and life of a merchant family that adheres to patriarchal principles, Tashkov makes the film “Children of Vanyushin” (1973). Six years later, he is filming the work of his friend Valentin Rasputin, "French Lessons." And in 1983 the series “Teenager” was released, which Yevgeny Ivanovich shot based on the novel of the same name by Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. It was this writer that the maestro considered an expert on the Russian soul.

In 2011, the final tape of Yevgeny Ivanovich “Three Women of Dostoevsky” was released. He not only directed her, but also wrote a script for her.

Secrets of Success

Tashkov emphasized that when he works on the film, he makes every effort to deeply delve into the nature of the image, his care, business and misfortune.

Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich photo

And the audience, looking through the picture, should follow the director’s example and empathize with the main character. Only in this way can a person become better and think about the state of his spiritual world.

A family

Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich, whose personal life was not without tragedy, twice bound himself with marriage. With his first wife, Ekaterina Savinova, he met in a dormitory, he was subdued by the chest voice of the girl. They became friends, the maestro invited her to the picture “Come Tomorrow”, and after a while he offered her a hand and a heart. The actress agreed. And of course, Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich really wanted the offspring. His children appeared. The son from his first marriage, Andrew chose an acting profession.

Tashkov Evgeny Ivanovich children

Unfortunately, trouble happened in the Tashkov family. Savinova fell ill with brucellosis, and then the disease spilled into schizophrenia. In 1970, after much torment, she threw herself under a train. Evgeny Ivanovich was very upset by grief.

The second director's choice was 30 years younger than him. Actress Tatyana Alexandrovna Vasilyeva was initially discouraged from marrying Yevgeny Ivanovich, who was suitable for her fathers. But they got married and were happy. In marriage, their son Alex was born, who chose the profession of a psychologist.

Evgeny Tashkov died on February 15, 2012 from a stroke. The maestro was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery of the capital.

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