Mask for dry hair ends at home

Since ancient times, hair was considered the real wealth of a woman. In Russia, for example, the most enviable bride was the one who possessed the longest and thickest braid. Such a girl could provide her future family with protection from any evil, because it was believed that it was hair that gave a woman the opportunity to receive energy and wisdom from higher powers. But the haircut of curls always seemed something terrible, which can overnight deprive of beauty, attractiveness and strength. Of course, now few people think about old signs and beliefs, but modern women instinctively also dream of long and thick ringlets, like their ancestors.

Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex can boast of luxurious hair. Modern women face a whole set of problems that prevent them from growing their hair to the desired length. Most often it is fragility, lifelessness, loss of gloss and, of course, the notorious split ends. With the last trouble, ladies are found even when the general condition of the hair is pretty good. A hair mask for dry ends, which can be easily prepared at home, will help to cope with the problem. Today we will talk about all the features of caring for such moody curls.

hair mask for dry tips

Causes of Dry Hair

For the most part, homemade masks for dry hair ends are quite effective, but before using them, you must definitely find out what led your hair to a similar state. After all, brittle and split ends can be in women with any type of hair. Even those who complain of oily scalp can face a similar problem.

Trichologists say that normal hair along its entire length is smeared with a special secret that makes curls smooth, shiny and healthy. However, under the influence of various adverse factors, this secret ceases to be produced in the right amount, which immediately becomes noticeable by the state of hair. And in this case, a worried woman begins to look for a miraculous recipe for a hair mask for dry ends, without understanding, due to what factors the condition of her curls worsened.

In fact, there may be several reasons:

  • a hereditary disease in which the scalp does not have enough sebaceous glands;
  • thyroid problems;
  • Active use of hair straighteners, hair dryers or curling irons for hair styling - they thin and dry even the most healthy curls;
  • chemical effects (dyeing, curling, carving, and the like) turn luxurious hair into lifeless strands similar to straw;
  • if you are constantly visiting a tanning salon or often are in the sun while not protecting your hair, prepare for the fact that they will quickly lose their shine, begin to dry and split off;
  • pay attention to what kind of water you wash your head - excessively hard and chlorinated water spoils the hair structure ;
  • diets and poor nutrition lead to the fact that the body does not receive vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities, which immediately affects the hairstyle.

Therefore, when applying masks against dry and brittle hair ends, be sure to first of all eliminate the cause that worsened their condition.

homemade masks for dry hair ends

Rules for the use of home masks

Often women complain that the advertised hair mask for dry ends was ineffective. However, the problem is not in the composition of the folk remedy, but in the fact that not everyone knows how to use it correctly on withered strands. Try to observe a few simple rules in hair care, and then the result will not be long in coming:

  • Before applying the mask, the hair should be washed with shampoo;
  • a hair mask for dry ends must be warmed to room temperature, so the active substances penetrate the strands faster;
  • after applying the product, you need to cover your head with a hat or plastic bag, and then wrap it in a towel;
  • rinse off the mask only with warm water;
  • clean hair after applying the product should not be strongly rubbed with a towel and dried with hot air, let them dry naturally;
  • do not forget that in order to achieve the desired effect, masks must be applied at least twice a week for a month.

If you are consistent in the care of your hair, then they will quickly return to normal after using simple masks, which are easily prepared at home.

Masks for dry hair ends (reviews, recommendations and recipes)

As we already mentioned, dry ends may be the only problem of a woman with hair, in which the general condition of the hair is satisfactory and is not accompanied by brittleness and cross-section. In this case, the following masks can help you.

Oil Based Products

It is known that oils have a magical effect on the hair, so they are more effective than many other drugs in dealing with the problem of dry ends. To moisturize and nourish your curls, you will need one tablespoon of olive and burdock oils, warmed to room temperature in a water bath. Apply the mixture along the entire length of the strands, especially pay attention to the tips. Then cover your head with a plastic hat and a towel. The mask should be on the hair for at least one and a half hours, the product can be left even at night. Repeat the procedure twice a week for thirty days using different oils - burdock, coconut, castor or almond.

dry hair mask masks at home

Honey sour cream mask

This tool perfectly nourishes the hair and returns it a healthy shine, however, it is necessary to use sour cream at least twenty percent fat. For the mask you will need one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of sour cream. The product must be heated in a water bath until the honey is completely dissolved, then apply it to the strands. If you have a short haircut, then distribute the mask along the entire length of the hair. Otherwise, to their lower half. Soak the product on your head for sixty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Aloe juice based product

Aloe vera is an excellent restorative and nourishing agent, it easily copes with the dry ends of hair. To prepare the mask you need to mix in one dish a tablespoon of aloe juice and honey with two tablespoons of burdock oil. Apply the heated mixture to the hair and soak under a hat for at least an hour. Such procedures should be at least four per month.

Reviews of each of the three masks suggest that they are very effective. Many girls managed to get rid of their problem with their help in one month.

Masks for dry and split ends of hair

If your hair has also begun to split, then it is necessary to use products for their treatment that will not only moisturize, but also glue the hair scales. With regular use of such masks, the problem disappears after one to two months.

Gelatin Masks

For most women who suffer from dry hair ends, masks at home are the only salvation. Best based on conventional edible gelatin have proven themselves best. For such a mask, you will need to pour a tablespoon of gelatin with two tablespoons of milk, and wait until the gelatin swells. Next, the mixture must be heated in a water bath until it is brought to a homogeneous state. Apply a warm product to clean and still moist curls, paying more attention to the tips. After keeping the hair for sixty minutes under a plastic cap, rinse it with warm water. The procedure must be repeated every week until a result is achieved.

hair mask dry ends greasy roots

Banana remedy

Banana perfectly nourishes the hair and makes up for the lack of trace elements in their structure. To prepare the mask, half of one banana, mashed in mashed potatoes and diluted with milk, will be enough. The mixture is applied to clean hair along the entire length and aged for forty minutes. The head must be wrapped in a hat and a towel. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Starch mask

Potato starch in combination with egg yolk helps with dry tips. You need to take a tablespoon of starch and dilute it with high fat cream (the mixture should resemble sour cream in consistency). Then the product must be heated in a water bath and applied to the ends of the strands for approximately forty minutes.

Some women, in order to get rid of brittle hair, alternate masks in such a way that they use different ones twice a week. This gives a very good healing effect.

Greasy roots and dry tips: recipes for the best remedies

Owners of long hair should look after them with special care. They should use special masks for oily hair and dry ends. Herbal remedies proved to be excellent.

masks for oily hair and dry ends

Herbal mask

For hair treatment, you will need the following herbs:

  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile.

They should be taken in equal proportions and boiled with boiling water. The tool should be infused for about thirty minutes, then it can be applied along the entire length of the curls. Note that the hair should be clean and wet, because the mask does not need to be washed off with water and shampoo.

Exotic Hair Mask

With dry tips and fatty roots, a kiwi remedy does an excellent job. It is prepared very simply, and its effect is manifested the first time. Kiwi fruit must be mashed and applied to the hair, while massaging the scalp for three to five minutes. Then you need to hide the curls under a hat and stand for fifteen minutes. After that, the hair is washed with warm water.

There are recipes for masks that work effectively on dry ends with any type of hair. We will give them in the following sections of the article.

Carrot mask

If you have a juicer at home, then you will like this recipe and it will seem quite simple. To prepare the mixture you will need one part of carrot juice and any vegetable oil. This product must be applied to the hair for twenty minutes, and then rinse with warm water without shampoo.

mask for dry split ends

Cognac mask

Women on the forums enthusiastically describe the results from the use of this tool. It has proved to be excellent for treating hair, but it must be used regularly three times a week. If you are ready to comply with this rule, then the remedy, the recipe of which we will provide, will definitely help you. For the mixture you will need:

  • two teaspoons of burdock oil;
  • ten drops of brandy;
  • a tablespoon of aloe juice;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • egg yolk (two pieces).

The product is applied to the strands for about an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

Creamy mixture

Many ladies praise the product, mixed from fifty grams of cream, ten milliliters of wheat germ oil and five drops of lemon oil. This mask should be applied only to the ends of the strands for thirty minutes.

masks against dry brittle hair ends

Dry Hair Care Tips

While you are treating your curls, you should completely change the care system for them. Our tips will help you with this:

  • every three weeks, spend in the salon a haircut "hot scissors";
  • do not comb wet hair;
  • for the time of hair restoration completely eliminate any styling products;
  • add seaweed, nuts and oily fish to your daily diet.

Dry Hair Prevention

If your curls are shiny and healthy, then try to keep them in this state. Preventive measures to prevent dryness and thinning of hair will help you with this:

  • do not allow a destructive effect on the hair of the environment (put on a hat in winter and a hat or cap in summer);
  • do not wash your hair daily - this deprives them of natural protection;
  • try to buy shampoos that do not contain sulfates;
  • periodically apply dry shampoos;
  • Be sure to use conditioners after washing the curls.

Luxurious hair is not only heredity, but also regular care for your hair. If you take care of her, then thick and shiny curls will become your real decoration.

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