Spinal hernia exercises

Spinal hernia exercises are necessary for many reasons. They contribute to the normalization of various muscle groups, strengthening the spinal corset, stretching spasmodic areas, stretching the spine. After stretching exercises, the distance between the vertebrae increases, and as a result, the pinched nerves are released, and the pain becomes much less.

Such gymnastics should be carried out daily for at least twenty minutes. Traction is carried out lying on the stomach or back, while fixing the shoulder girdle with straps. You can also lie on your stomach on a small stool, directing part of the weight to your elbows and knees, and the rest should be on a support located under the stomach. The muscles in this exercise should be relaxed.

Lying on your side, you can also perform exercises with a hernia of the spine. If pain is present in one side, then it is necessary to lie on a healthy one. Well, if unpleasant sensations are felt in both sides, then both are used alternately. Walking on all fours is very useful for stretching the spine. The arms should not be bent, the back should be straight. It is also advisable to do exercises with a hernia of the spine on the floor. You need to lie on your back on the floor and pull the socks of your legs towards you, while the chin should stretch to the chest.

Useful for this disease and swimming. However, the load should be minimal. A set of exercises for a hernia of the spine will help strengthen muscle corset.

1. Lying on the back, hands should be placed along the body. Legs should be bent at the knees. It is necessary to raise the pelvis, fix it in this position for several seconds. The emphasis should be on the feet, shoulder blades and shoulders. The maximum number of repetitions of this exercise is five times.

2. Stand on all fours and focus on your knees and palms. Raise the opposite leg and arm, and fix this position for a few seconds. This exercise is done seven times.

3. Lie on your stomach, place your hands in parallel under the chin. Then raise the head, chest and arms, but do not tear the pelvis and legs off the floor. Try to hold this position for seven seconds. Then raise the straight legs. Each of the elements of the exercise must be repeated four times.

4. Lie down with your stomach, arms stretch out along the body. When inhaling, point your hands to your legs, raise your head and shoulders. Then return to the original position and exhale.

Exercises for the spine with a hernia will bring tangible results only if they are performed several times daily. If we take as a whole the time spent on gymnastics, then it should be at least an hour. These therapeutic exercises should be carried out very carefully, in slow motion. If they cause acute pain, then they need to be stopped for a while. But there will still be small unpleasant sensations, since stagnant muscles will now have to work.

Recommended exercises for spinal hernia activate muscles, promote deeper breathing, increase immunity, and improve the general condition of the patient.

However, in addition to special therapeutic exercises, you need to follow some general rules in order to alleviate your condition. First of all, it is unacceptable to carry heavy bags in one hand, and even for long distances. The load must be distributed symmetrically. When lifting it, try not to bend your back, it should be straight. It is advisable to keep the load closer to you. This will significantly reduce the load on the spine. The shoulders should be straightened, since any curvature will adversely affect its condition. It should be noted that insufficient moisture will significantly reduce the chances of recovery, so you need to drink as much as possible.

Poor nutrition leads to the fact that the vertebrae will gradually become loose, the intervertebral discs will collapse. Therefore, the presence in the body of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium is simply necessary. To do this, you need to carefully review your diet and make a list of the necessary foods, for example, such as fatty cottage cheese, walnuts, cabbage, peas, carrots, celery, beets.

If you make every effort and patience in the fight against this ailment, then it is very possible to cope with it.

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