It is rather difficult to say why the simplest rules of the Russian language raise so many questions among the inhabitants of our country. Perhaps they just like to complicate their lives. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that a large number of people do not have the slightest idea about how to spell the words "without objecting" and "do not mind". In this regard, in this article, we decided to introduce spelling rules for the “not” particle with verbs and participles.
What is a verb?
The verb is a part of the speech, denoting the action or condition of a particular subject and answering the questions "what to do?" or "what to do?"
The verb can be irrevocable and reflexive, intransitive and transitive. Usually in a sentence this part of speech is defined as a predicate. Here is an example: Ivan went to the forest for mushrooms . In this case, the word "Ivan" (who?) Is the subject, and "went" (what did?) Is the predicate.
Verb in Russian
How do you spell the word "do not mind": together or separately? Before answering this question, it should be said that in Russian verbs have 7 grammatical features, namely:
- mood;
- view;
- time;
- number;
- person (only not elapsed time);
- pledge;
- gender (not future and present tense).
It should also be noted that conjugation is sometimes taken as a separate sign.
Due to such an abundance of forms, most people have a huge number of questions about the spelling of verbs. One of them is the following: how to write "do not mind"? To answer it, it is necessary to recall the rule about the spelling of the “not” particle with this part of speech.
The word "do not mind": together or separately?
A negative particle “not” with verbs (in the infinitive, in personal form, as well as in the participle form) is always written separately. Here is an example: I didn’t know, I don’t want to, I won’t hurry, do not rush, and so on.
However, the Russian language is vast, and it often contains verbs with which the particle “not” is written together. Let us give an example: to resent, to become unwell, to undo and so on.
So why the rule that “not” with verbs is always written separately does not apply here? The fact is that all of the above words without "no" are not used. To make sure of this, we will try to remove the particle and say them out loud: “Fell”, “Greet”, “Blend”. As you can see, such words simply do not exist in modern Russian, which means they are written together with “not”.
It should be noted that this is the only exception that concerns the spelling of the “not” particle with verbs.
Based on the foregoing, it is easy to answer the question of how the word "do not mind" is spelled. As you know, it answers the question "what am I doing?" Therefore, it is a verb having a first person, an imperfect form, present and singular. Due to the fact that this word is widely used without the “not” particle, it does not belong to the category of exceptions. And if you are asked about how to write “do not mind,” feel free to answer that separately.
Other spelling features of the word
Now you know the information on how to write the word "do not mind." However, this expression raises a number of other questions in most people, concerning not only the integral or separate spelling of the “not” particle. For example, many are interested in why it is impossible to write this word in the following way: “I DO NOT OPERATE”? The fact is that the named verb consists of the following parts:
- Prefixes "cart". That is why it will be right “I do not mind”, because the prefixes “VAZ” in Russian simply do not exist.
- The root is "rage." That is why it will be right "do not mind." However, this is in the event that the given word was formed from “does not mind” (synonyms: do not mind, agree, etc.). If we are talking about the birth of something or someone, then the root will be "erysipelas", that is, "I give birth."
- Suffix -a.
- Verb ending u.
“Not” or “neither”?
How to write "do not mind" by all the rules, you know. However, some people manage to put a particle of “neither” instead of the “not” particle. Doubts about a particular application of negative particles are resolved by referring to yet another simplest rule. Let us consider it in more detail: the particle “ni” is usually used only with the predicate in subordinate clauses in order to strengthen the negation. The verb of the perfect form “I object” is self-sufficient and does not need additional amplifications. In this regard, in such an expression should write "DO NOT mind."
You can learn how the “not” particle is written with verbs from the previous section of the article. However, a large number of schoolchildren and people who have long graduated from a general educational institution are also interested in the question of how to write the word “without objecting”. Agree, the two expressions presented are very similar to each other. But they belong to completely different parts of speech.
The participle is an independent part of speech, denoting an additional action with the existing main action. Sometimes in Russian the participle is called a special form of the verb. And this is no accident, because this part of the speech combines all of its signs (recurrence, appearance and transition). In addition, in the participle there are also signs of an adverb (the syntactic role of circumstances, immutability). The presented part of the speech answers the questions: “what by doing?”, “What by doing?” And How?". Let us cite an example: “having said this, he left,” “while speaking, he fell asleep,” “without protesting, he fell silent.”
Holy Communion in Russian
In its origin, the participle dates back to the short form of the nominative case of the sacrament. In Old Russian, it was formed due to the loss of forms of declension. However, this part of speech has almost all the signs of a verb.
Previously, it was believed that participle signifies only an act that has just been completed (for example, “having said this, he left,” “when she saw this, she burst into tears,” etc.). But today, this part of speech is also used in the -sa form, which is formed from the reflexive verb.
Let us give an example: to get hungry - to get hungry, to wash - to wash, to get closer - to get closer, and so on.
Spelling participles
How do you spell the word "without objecting" - separately or together? This question interests many people who want to correctly compose a letter or text. To answer it, one should recall the simplest rule about writing a negative particle “not” with the participles. Let's consider it in more detail.
How is the “not” particle spelled out with gerunds? As in the case of the verb - separately, that is, "without objecting." The same rule applies to other words that answer the questions “what are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”.
So, the negative particle “not” with practical participles is always written separately. Let us give an example: “without rest, he went to the forest”, “without lunch, she began to work”, “not noticing the watchman, he went forward” .
However, it should be noted that in Russian there are also such participles that with the negative particle “do not” are written together. Consider in what cases this happens:
- The particle “not” with the participles is written together if this part of speech is formed from a verb that is not used without “no”. For example, hating, resentful, perplexed and so on. All the words presented came from the verbs: hate, resent, perplex, which are not used in oral or written speech without the particle “not”.
- The “not” particle with the participles is written together if this part of speech is formed from a verb that has a prefix under . For example: underperforming, lack of sleep (underperforming, lack of sleep) .
Based on the foregoing, we can safely conclude that the word "without objecting" is written separately. After all, this is an imperfection of germs that answers the question “what are you doing?”. By the way, this expression in perfect form is also written separately: "without objecting."
To summarize
In order to correctly compose a letter or some text, you should remember all the above rules that will help you figure out how to write a negative “not” particle with verbal participles and verbs (together or separately). To facilitate this task, it is recommended to make a kind of table for yourself where you can make the following notes:
The “not” particle is written separately:
- with numbers (for example: not two);
- with verbs (for example: did not know);
- with short adjectives that have a shade of obligation (for example: not required, not needed, etc.);
- with the names of adjectives, which are in a comparative degree (for example: not thinner);
- with any words, if with them there is a contrast with the union “a” (for example: not a wide, but a narrow river);
- with any words while reinforcing the denial: no one, not at all, far from, not at all, not at all (for example: far from joyful people);
- in words that have a pretext (for example: not in the spirit, not with anyone, not in power, not for anyone).
The “not” particle is written together:
- in verbal adjectives ending in mth (for example: independent);
- in words that are not used without “not” (for example: invincible, ignorant);
- in words that can be replaced by a synonym or giving a qualitative description of any subject (for example: unhealthy - sick, etc.);
- in indefinite pronouns (something, someone, etc.);
- in verbs that have the prefix " under" , which attaches importance to incompleteness of action (underestimate, incomplete, etc.).