When can I drive after alcohol, after what time?

Serious toughening of legislative sanctions for driving while intoxicated more and more often makes citizens think not to get behind the wheel of a car after drinking alcohol. Otherwise, you can get not only a fine, but also for a certain time to lose your driver’s license. In addition, we should not forget that for repeated driving while drunk, the offender can even lose his liberty and get a criminal record. In this regard, citizens began to wonder about when you can drive after alcohol. After what period of time is alcohol finally removed from the human body? All this will be written in this article.

Small introduction

man drinks beer

For most citizens of our state, no solemn event can do without drinking alcoholic beverages. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to control the process of drinking alcohol. For this reason, drivers are interested in the question of when to drive after alcohol. After all, drinking alcohol greatly affects attention and reduces the reaction of the driver. In addition, the largest number of road crashes is caused by drunken motorists.

As you know, after drinking alcohol a certain amount of time should pass, which will depend on how much a strong drink the driver took inside. For example, beer disappears a few hours after its consumption, but vodka only a day later. You must know about this. In addition, the driver must understand in his condition whether he is able to drive or if he needs to wait a bit.

Indicated by law

Earlier it was written that the sanctions for those who like to drive while drunk, have become even more severe than they were a few years ago. This is due primarily to road deaths due to drunk drivers. Nevertheless, even now, legislation allows citizens to drive if the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air does not exceed 0.16 ppm. It is believed that in this case the driver does not lose his reaction and his attention is not scattered.

In addition, when examining a person for a sample of alcoholic beverages, the blood of the latter should be no more than 0.35 ppm of alcohol. But this can only be confirmed by a narcologist after testing.

What influences

drunk man

When can I drive after alcohol? This issue is of interest to those drivers who would not want to lose their rights to drive vehicles due to their indiscretion and drunkenness. So, in order for a person to start moving on a car, he needs to sober up after drinking alcohol.

In this case, I would like to say that the state of human health and his age strongly affect the process of removing alcohol from the body. Moreover, if the driver’s liver is healthy and does not suffer from any chronic diseases, then he will become sober much faster. This must be remembered.


when to drive after drinking beer

So, many law-abiding citizens using private vehicles always ask themselves when they can drive after alcohol. However, most drivers are aware that a certain amount of time must pass.

Immediately worth mentioning that hard liquors (such as cognac) are excreted from the body within a day. Sometimes it takes more time. Everything will depend on the amount of alcohol consumed. According to experts, alcoholic beverages with a strength of 40 degrees and above are removed from the blood after 30 hours. The amount of alcohol consumed also affects this.


woman drinks alcohol

Women most often consume alcohol such as wine and champagne. At the same time, many of the fair sex also wonder about when to drive after alcohol. The time for the withdrawal of such alcoholic beverages as champagne and wine from the blood is approximately 8 hours (if you drink only 500 ml). Otherwise, this time period increases.

Young people who drive vehicles often prefer drinks such as beer or low-alcohol cocktails. At the same time, not many of them are aware that in order for the blood to clear of the remnants of the drink, it must take from two to 6 hours. And for this reason, drunk drivers get behind the wheel and lose their right to drive a car.

Existing Sanctions

For several years, lawmakers have been trying to fight not only with the "scorcher", but also with drunken motorists. After all, driving a car while intoxicated can cost someone life. For this reason, there are currently both administrative and criminal penalties for driving while intoxicated. The offender, who will be stopped by a traffic police officer, faces a fine of 30 thousand and an administrative arrest.

If the driver gets drunk while driving again, then he can even expect a prison term.

Thus, driving while intoxicated is not only dangerous for the life of the motorist or those around him, but also entails such negative consequences as problems with the law. Therefore, after drinking alcohol, you can only drive when the driver is confident that he is already completely sober. Otherwise, the negative consequences simply can not be avoided.


man drinks while driving

The higher the concentration of alcohol in the blood of a person, the more visible violations in his behavior. It often happens that after drinking alcohol, many people completely cease to control themselves and do not understand the significance of their actions. In addition, within an hour after taking alcohol inside, the maximum concentration of ethanol occurs in the body. This very often leads to irreversible consequences.

In this case, the question of how long after alcohol you can drive, requires a detailed and detailed answer. To begin with, depending on the degree of intoxication, a person has difficulty in determining the speed of movement of light sources (when the concentration of alcohol in the blood is from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm). Thus, a drunk driver simply will not be able to determine whether oncoming vehicles are driving fast or slow.

When the concentration of ethanol in the blood is from 0.5 to 0.8 ppm, the person slows down the reaction, he almost does not notice what is happening on the road. In such cases, road accidents occur.

With a blood alcohol concentration of more than 1.2 ppm, a person’s ability to drive vehicles is generally lost. Therefore, if a driver in such a condition sits behind the wheel, then he will cripple not only himself, but also those around him.


man holds a bottle of beer

When can I drive after drinking alcohol? Only when a person is completely sober. This means that he can only drive after the ethanol has completely left the body.

In order to sober up faster, you can use a few simple tips:

  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • sleep well;
  • drink sour-milk drinks (they help the removal of ethanol from the blood);
  • take in more water (preferably not carbonated);
  • You can drink strong tea or coffee with a lot of sugar (also not always useful).

In addition, you can seek help at the clinic. This should only be done if the person feels really really bad or has been poisoned by alcohol. Usually, droppers are made there that allow the body to recover faster and accelerate the process of removing ethanol from the body.

drinking alcohol before the trip

Nevertheless, each person decides how long after alcohol to drive. But you must remember that drunk driving is prohibited by law and can cause the death of innocent people.

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