Swimming Training Program for Beginners

A training program for swimming is necessary for those athletes who want to improve their results and learn to swim better and faster. In addition, a beginner will also need a specific program.

The program must be approached wisely

Experienced athletes share their experience with beginners. They argue that it’s not enough just to practice in the swimming section. It is also important to develop your own set of exercises. It is worth noting that a swimming training program for beginners is necessary in order to increase the speed of movement in water and endurance. Simple swimming will not bring similar results.

Swimming training program

Experienced swimmers strongly recommend alternating long swims and short distances. Long distance training strengthens the athlete’s strength and endurance, while short distances develop speed.

Typically, a swimming training program consists of the following items:

  • Easy workout. At least 10-15% of the total training time should be spent on it.
  • Practicing tremors and technology. Allocated time - 10-20% of the total time.
  • The main part takes from 40 to 70 percent of the total training time.
  • Recovery (5-10% workout). At this stage, the athlete must swim a few 100-meter freestyle and calm.

The opinion of professionals is important.

In order to improve, it is strongly recommended for beginners to enroll in the swimming section. Moreover, just going to group workouts and attending scheduled classes is not enough. It is important to start participating in competitions.

It is worth remembering that competitions do not have to be of a high level. Also, there is absolutely no need to be upset if the athlete has not reached any records. It is important to participate.

It is at the competitions that the trainer-teacher will be able to understand how effective the current swimming training program for an athlete is. If necessary, adjustments are made to it.

Speed ​​Training Program

Further training and self-development

There are many ways to improve the skills and self-development of an athlete. For example, a swimming training program (intermediate level) must necessarily include attending various seminars. Only through seminars will an athlete be able to master new techniques and achieve better results.

Some athletes can develop independently by studying various books, magazines and films. As a rule, technology literature is understood clearly and in detail. Many legendary athletes have developed and improved their techniques thanks to printed recommendations.

Also, in addition to attending training in the pool, it is important for the athlete to regularly go to the gym. It is proved that simulators help not only to develop more physically, but also allow you to train the heart muscle, which is very important for a professional athlete. In addition, jumping, squats and some other exercises help to develop certain muscle groups.

Terrain swimming training program

The main thing in sports is mood

To swim faster and better, you always need to set a goal. Without a goal, a person loses faith in himself and interest in what is happening. For example, if a beautiful figure is important for an athlete, then a swimming training program for relief comes to his aid. If health is important to him, then he chooses sparing activities.

Do not forget to set yourself more and more new tasks. For example, today an athlete sets himself the goal of swimming faster than his friend and so on.

Many experienced swimmers recommend never losing faith in yourself and never giving up. Only the athlete who has steel nerves and boundless willpower can learn to swim fast. You never need to pay attention to others, but go to your goal. By the way, close relatives can help.

How to swim fast in competitions

A speed-up swimming training program will help professional athletes win prizes in various competitions. Improving your skills can be very simple. It is enough to follow some simple rules during the competition.

  1. You need to deploy it correctly. It is worth doing the right turns even on simple heats. Non-touching the side can become a habit, and during the competition the judges can fine the athlete for this.
  2. Seeing the wall, do not regard it as a second place to relax. When approaching it, the athlete is recommended, on the contrary, to increase the pace and touch the wall as soon as possible.
  3. You need to push off the wall with effort. This method allows professional athletes to maintain or even increase their speed.
  4. The fastest way to travel under water is with a dolphin. During the next push, the athlete begins to move in waves. Thus, he can maintain maximum speed during the entire swim.

Swimming Training Program for Beginners

Of course, such an action plan can be resorted to only if the swim is allowed to be held in a free style.

Tips for a beginner swimmer

As mentioned above, professional athletes strongly recommend that beginners plan their workouts. We must not forget how important the swimming training program is and how it helps in future success.

There are some practical tips that you can give to each novice athlete.

The first tip is not to give up. It is very important. For the first time after training, a person will feel like a squeezed lemon. Just at this stage, a huge number of athletes abandon their dreams. They abandon training, thinking in vain that no good will come of them. It is believed that the first results will be noticeable only six months after the start of classes. It all depends on the athlete’s potential. It is likely that it will take more time to achieve results.

Swimming Program Intermediate

The second tip is not to forget about the right clothes for swimming. It is important to wear, for example, a hat. It will protect not only the hair, but also reduce the friction of water, which also interferes with the speed of movement. Many professional athletes always swim only in special suits. They also give a few winning seconds at the finish.

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