Legal relationships regarding the implementation by citizens of constitutional guarantees for electronic applications to the Department of Education (other state bodies), as well as the procedure for consideration of these applications by officials are specified in Federal Law No. 59 (2006). The application is published in accordance with the requirements defined in the Federal Law “On Personal Data” (No. 152 of 2006)
How to file a complaint
An appeal to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow can be submitted through a special service. It must be understood that the information indicated, including the surname, first name, middle name (except for the contact phone and e-mail) will become publicly available, will be available to visitors of the portal in the public domain.
If you want the appeal to the Moscow City Education Department not to be accessible to other citizens, you can send it through a public reception, post office, or use the Electronic Reception service. It must be remembered that when a citizen exercises his right to appeal, the freedoms and rights of others must not be violated, including the protection of business reputation and honor.
You can check the status of applying to the Department of Education in your personal account, without leaving your apartment.
Terms of consideration
How long is a complaint submitted by a citizen considered? An appeal to the Moscow City Department of Education should be considered within 30 days after its registration.
Only in exceptional cases, when it is supposed to send a request to other authorities, the duration of consideration of the appeal can be extended for another 30 days. In such situations, it is obligatory to notify the citizen that the terms of work for his appeal will be increased.
Basic moments
What should include an appeal to the Moscow Department of Education? The citizen shall indicate his last name, first name, patronymic (if any), an email address at which representatives of the department will be able to send notifications. You must also write a contact phone number.
An appeal to the head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow implies a detailed description of the essence of the complaint (claim), as well as the name of the educational organization to which it is presented.
When appeal is left without consideration
According to Federal Law No. 59, a complaint may be refused if it is not considered by the Moscow Department of Education. The appeal of parents remains motionless in the following situations:
- it does not contain information about the applicant (name, phone, email address);
- the appeal contains insulting or obscene language, threats to the health, life, property of an official (representatives of his family);
- the complaint shall indicate the question, on the merits of which the citizen was given answers before (unless new circumstances or arguments are given in the repeated appeal);
- on issues that are contained in the complaint, there is a court decision that has entered into legal force (or is under appeal);
- the answer to the question involves the disclosure of information that is considered a state secret.
What is important to know
If appeals are received by the Department of Education that state the committed, preparing, committed illegal act, as well as the citizen who plans (committed) him, then such information is transmitted to the appropriate competent authority. Notification of the consideration of the appeal is sent by the department to the email address indicated by the applicant.
Legal advice
The Department of Education of Moscow is a branch executive body that implements policies in the field of primary, pre-school, higher, secondary, and additional education.
Violation of the constitutional rights of a citizen is the basis for writing an appeal to the Moscow Department of Education. Its activities are carried out on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”. Among the grounds for filing an appeal should be noted:
- Conflict situations with the head of the educational organization;
- bias on the part of teachers in relation to the child;
- improper child care that has caused injury or injury;
- physical or moral abuse;
- lack of professionalism of the teacher;
- the inability to enroll a child in kindergarten or school;
- problems with promotion in the electronic queue at the preschool educational institution;
- incompetent assessment of ZUN (knowledge, skills) of the child;
- material requisitions in kindergarten (school).
Contact Forms
There are several options for filing a complaint with the Moscow Department of Education. Appeals of citizens are allowed in the form of a phone call, a written complaint, using the official website, with the personal reception of an authorized person
In case of violation of the rights of the child in the educational organization, the complaint may be sent in the following ways:
- At the address of the department: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Spasskaya, d. 15, building 1, by registered letter with a simple notification of delivery.
- For legal entities by email.
- To the reception in person.
The department has several telephone lines to which citizens receive calls. Around the clock, parents (legal representatives) can get an answer to their question.
Internet Application Algorithm
Currently, this method is particularly popular. Here is the sequence of actions for those who decided to file a complaint with the Moscow Department of Education:
- First, you need to select the "Electronic Reception" item on the DO official website in the "Citizens' Appeals" menu.
- Learn the basic rules for filing electronic circulation.
- Mark your name, indicate contact details, summarize the essence of the complaint.
- Choose a treatment option: from a legal entity or an individual.
- Mark the option for receiving a response: mail, email address.
- Type the text of the appeal.
- Add (if necessary) additional materials (letters, answers from the administration of the educational institution), etc.).
Appeal to leadership
In order to contact the head of the subsidiary of the city of Moscow, you must take the following steps:
- indicate the topic;
- fill in contact information, indicate educational institution;
- enter a complaint text;
- Add files no larger than 5 MB;
- send information.
Class Complaint Example
If the teacher is under pressure from the mentor in the school due to low academic performance (which is reflected in the statistical indicators of the class and educational institution), parents can file a complaint.
First, the document indicates the name of the school, the position of the class teacher. Further, it is important to report on those copies of calls that were made earlier. To expedite the resolution of the issue, it is advisable to forward a copy of the appeal to the school principal.
After a slight indentation, the word “Complaint” is written in the middle of the page. Then, the reason for the appeal is described in detail, and the degree of relationship between the child and the applicant is also indicated. The submitted complaint is signed, the date of appeal is indicated.
To summarize
It must be remembered that the application has certain consequences. If the facts stated in the complaint are confirmed, a certain employee or group of persons will be punished. After the complaint is received and registered by the Moscow Department of Education, all circumstances are checked, the purpose of which is to clarify the situation. The form of punishment implies different options: reprimand, dismissal, trial.
The following acts act as the legislative base on the basis of which a complaint is compiled at the Moscow subsidiary office:
- Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation";
- Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation";
- Constitution of the Russian Federation;
- Federal Law "On Personal Data".
Among the main reasons why parents turn to DOs, the following options are leading:
- The child is injured during a training session (during a break).
- Violence by classmates.
- Inadequate requirements for the student by the teacher.
- Humiliation and threats, violation of the freedoms and rights of students.
There are situations when anonymous appeals are received by the Department of Education. The reason is the fear of parents for the future presence of their child in school. Is an anonymous complaint accepted? The rules existing in our country do not allow registration of applications in which there is no contact information about the applicant.
Exceptions to this rule exist. If the appeal sets out serious violations of the rights and freedoms of the child. In this case, the employees of the Department of Education do not have the right to leave it unattended, they must respond to the information presented.
Lawyers advise grouping together by filing a collective appeal. In this case, the applicants have a much greater chance that their complaint will not be left without due attention, will be examined, studied, and measures will be taken. Before contacting the subsidiaries of Moscow, it is better to assemble a group of like-minded people to discuss the problem. If the rights of not one but several students are violated at once, it is highly probable that the application will be examined by the AS in the shortest possible time, and the perpetrators will be duly punished. After all the details have been considered, you can make a collective appeal.
What do professional lawyers recommend to parents? If there are problems with the teacher, class teacher, it is advisable to discuss the problem with the director of the educational organization where the child is studying before contacting the Department of Education. If the leader does not want to intervene in the conflict, does not take any actions with respect to the teacher, you can draw up an appeal to the Moscow DO.