What is UUD? Universal learning activities in modern school education

In today's society, saturated with the latest technology, the development of personal qualities and the ability to learn require special efforts both on the part of parents and teachers. In view of this situation, a new concept has been introduced into the learning process. What is UUD? How to help your child learn how to shape his personality from an early age? How important are universal learning activities in modern society? We will try to give answers to these questions.

Definition of UUD

Perhaps it will not be difficult for teachers to answer the question of what is UUD, but parents often do not understand abbreviations, and they are not familiar with the concept of “universal learning activities”. Many studied even according to the standard scheme created in the USSR. Teachers gave knowledge in the lessons, and the process of moral education took place at home. But today the world has changed, which means that the methods of teaching children in educational institutions are also required to change.

What is UUD?

Universal educational activities are the ability to learn, independently develop one’s abilities, as well as learn new knowledge and put it into practice. In fact, this is the child’s ability to self-development and self-improvement. In the primary grades, it is necessary to teach the student to set tasks for himself, to see how to solve them, to analyze the information received and to draw the right conclusions.

To date, children are well versed in technology, but do not think about basic rules of behavior. What caused such unbalanced development? Will the new standards introduced in the Russian Federation be able to cope with such a difficult task as raising personalities from young children?

Reasons for changing teaching methods

The 20th century was industrial, and the 21st century is informative. Children today are well versed in mobile phones, tablets and computers. The flow of information flows into the still unformed child psyche. As a result, they are not able to process all the information received. As a result, children do not know how to learn, independently conduct research and solve tasks.

In addition, most parents focus on the intellectual development of their children and completely ignore moral and spiritual education. As a result, smart children are not able to develop communicative qualities, and at the same time, the desire to learn disappears. Pride, selfishness and inability to cooperate with other people lead to disastrous consequences both in school and in adult life.

Today it is not fashionable to read books, and especially classics. Children are more involved in films and video games that do not contribute to the development of mental abilities. Hence the difficulties in learning, poor imagination, inability to analyze the read material and think logically.

These are just some of the reasons that a revision of the entire educational system is brewing. That is why universal secondary education is required in secondary general education. Examining the four types of ECM will help you better understand what actions the student will need.

Personal UUD

Consider the types of UUD, which are related to the development of personal qualities. They provide a value-semantic orientation of students, that is, the ability to compare events and actions with existing moral principles and moral standards. Children must learn not to get lost in relationships with others and in social roles. What activities are relevant to this?

FGOS school of Russia

  • Self determination. Allocate personal, life and professional. The child must grow as an individual and learns to express his own opinion.
  • Meaning. In fact, students should answer the following question: “What does education mean to me?” They should see the connection between learning and the motive that drives action.
  • Moral and ethical orientation. Assessment of the material studied, based on social and personal values. A personal choice based on moral principles is provided.

Science and education are advancing today, and in order to instill in a child high personal qualities, it is necessary to develop a love of books. Literary reading contributes to the development of meaningful, spiritual and creative activity. It must be borne in mind that each child is a person, he is individual and feels everything in his own way. It is necessary to develop his personality and encourage reading aloud for himself. This will help the student notice that he is unclear and what feelings arise when reading, and will also encourage him to share with classmates.

Cognitive UUD

They include logical actions, general educational and symbolic ones. These types of ECM contribute to the development of logical thinking in schoolchildren. What specifically include cognitive activities?

Logical actions encompass the analysis of objects in order to detect certain signs, as well as the selection of criteria for comparing and classifying objects. Finding a causal relationship and building a consistent chain of reasoning is required. Pupils can give their evidence and hypothesize with personal justification.

General educational activities include: self-determination of a cognitive goal, finding useful information, structuring the knowledge gained. Pupils should be able to meaningfully and arbitrarily express their thoughts both in writing and in oral. It is necessary to solve the set tasks, finding your own algorithm and solving the questions that arise creatively and with the search for the necessary information.

Developing cognitive abilities in students is necessary with the help of UUD. Mathematics in the elementary grades helps to develop logic in solving problems, while making diagrams. A brief description of the conditions of the problem gives students a certain algorithm, which they can subsequently use when solving more complex options.

Regulatory ECM

Regulatory qualities ensure that students organize their activities. In fact, they need to be able to organize themselves. To do this, you need to learn how to set goals and achieve them. In training activities, some principles will be required.

Goal setting teaches children to set learning objectives and relate already known material to unfamiliar. Further, planning is required - this means that the student is obliged to determine the sequence of actions in solving the problem, develop a specific plan and follow it. Prediction will help to see the preliminary result and the degree of assimilation, as well as the timeline for obtaining the result.

Monitoring, correcting, and evaluating actions will help develop self-control abilities. By controlling and verifying his work with the proposed sample, correcting his actions in accordance with the right decision, the child learns to make decisions correctly and develop a specific action plan. Self-regulation is also required - the ability to mobilize one's own forces and overcome obstacles that have arisen.

Communicative qualities

Communicative ECMs provide social awareness and take into account other people's views on the same issue. Children need to learn to listen and hear others, enter into dialogue and learn to discuss the problems that have arisen peacefully, to conduct discussions and build mutual relationships with peers and adults.

wood school program

To educate such qualities, the teacher will be required to create situations in which cooperation between students is envisaged. For example, you can apply UUD by technology: students are encouraged to work together on a project by dividing the class into groups. For the lower grades, the following tasks are given: "Find differences in the same subjects performed by different techniques" or "What tools are needed or not needed when performing a specific task." You can come up with a lot of tasks, the main thing is that they develop the communicative abilities of each child in the class.

Federal state standard

To develop children's educational skills and personal qualities, new standards have been introduced. GEF “School of Russia” is a federal state educational standard introduced on September 1, 2011 throughout the Russian Federation. He makes a number of requirements for the teaching process in schools.

First of all, the requirements are presented to the formation of the student’s personality, and not just to the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills by him. Thus, the system completely abandons the old training program. Secondary general education should form the personality of the student. The result of training is personal, meta-subject and subject results.

An integral part of the new standard is the introduction of universal learning activities. For the introduction of new methods, a UUD program was developed. A separate textbook has been compiled for each subject, helping teachers to form the required skills.

Along with the acquisition of standard teaching skills and the education of the student’s personality, a methodology is being introduced to orient elementary students in information and communication technologies, as well as to develop the ability to apply them consciously. What does it look like in practice?

The introduction of UUD in subjects

Thematic planning with UUD will allow you to see individual students with their abilities from the very first lessons. Since the peculiarity of the new standards is not only the formation of the student’s personality, but also the introduction of modern technologies, the teacher will need good preparation. The requirements include, along with the usual skills of traditional writing, the introduction of keyboard typing on a computer. This will help the child quickly learn new technologies and develop memory, logic and the ability to communicate with peers.

secondary general education

To date, a whole system of textbooks has appeared for the new standards of GEF “School of Russia”. They passed federal expertise and received positive feedback from the Russian Academy of Sciences. All textbooks are on the recommended federal list. They revised the approach to education. The materials explain what UUD is and how to put it into practice. According to new standards, textbooks are aimed at the development of universal learning activities among students. They also contain a methodology for involving children in the educational process in the study of all school subjects.


The UUD school program helps teachers with the help of modern teaching aids to formulate preset skills in children. Special tasks were included in the textbooks that develop the ability of schoolchildren to independently formulate a learning task for a given topic or specific lesson.

The number of tasks and questions of an educational and fascinating nature, as well as for working in groups or in pairs, has been increased. They help the student to focus on their own point of view and to connect existing knowledge with real events.

In the textbooks, there are new sections that help to reflect on recognized material: “What they learned. What we learned ”,“ We’ll test ourselves and evaluate our achievements. ” The rubrics “Our projects”, “Pages for the curious” and “Express your opinion” will help teachers develop the necessary skills in younger students.

Technology UUD

What can be introduced and how to incorporate the requirements of modern standards into the learning process? The work of experienced teachers will help in this. What is paramount to form in primary school students? UUD by technology require the teacher to be attentive to their students.

technology wood

He will need to develop in children the ability to evaluate their own work, for this an algorithm for evaluating their work should be developed. In this case, it is important not to compare students with each other, but to show the success of the child in comparison with his past works.

The teacher must attract children to discover new knowledge. For this, it will be necessary to discuss together why the task is needed, how it can be applied in life.

Another point: it is the technology teacher who is obliged to help children master the cooperation in the group. This basic skill of sociability develops only when working together. Here it is necessary to teach children to discuss the task together, find a collective solution to the problems and analyze the result.

For the formation of all kinds of skills, high-quality planning of UUD will be required, especially with younger students. While the children have not yet learned anything, you can use various methods and tasks. For example, the favorite children's game "find the differences." You can indicate the number of differences, or it is possible for the kids to find and share with classmates themselves.

There are different types of tasks that are aimed at the formation of universal educational activities. For example, participation in projects, summarizing the lesson, creative tasks, visual, motor and verbal perception of music.

Grade 3 (FSES) with UUD can already cope with more complex tasks, including ordering, drawing up support circuits, working with various types of tables, correcting “deliberate” errors, searching for the necessary information in the proposed sources, and mutual control.

To test knowledge, you can use KONOP (quiz for a specific problem), interactive listening, tasks "to prepare a story ...", "to describe orally ...", "to explain ...".

Technology can become a stronghold in the development of universal educational activities.

Physical Culture Management

It may seem that in a lesson such as physical education, one cannot cultivate moral skills in children. But this is far from the case. New methods of educating and developing the right attitude to one’s own health help to use physical education exercises.

types of UUD

It is the trainer who can induce a healthy lifestyle. How to develop skills in children doing physical education? To begin with, what universal abilities can be developed.

  • First, the child must be able to organize his activities, selectively apply the means to achieve the goal.
  • Secondly, to be able to actively cooperate with the team, join forces with peers to achieve collective goals.
  • Thirdly, only in physical education can you learn to present information simply, in an expressive and vibrant way, in the process of communication and cooperation with classmates and adults.

What personal qualities will students gain? You can learn to communicate and collaborate with peers, based on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy. It is equally important to be able to express the positive qualities of the person and manage their feelings in a variety of non-standard circumstances and conditions. These results will help to grow a balanced person. Physical education will contribute to discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving the goals.

Fine art

Each lesson of fine art should be focused on solving objective problems and form certain qualities of the child. UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standards for Fine Arts helps to develop the necessary skills in primary school students.

An example of a teacher can inspire students to more readily explain their impressions of a seen picture, select words to express emotions, tell elders and comrades about what they saw.

Joint creativity of children, divided into couples or groups of several people, allows you to quickly gain positive experience in solving communicative and regulatory problems: here children learn and have a conversation, and even defend their opinions, respect the opinions of partners, focus on the end result, and not personal , but general. All this allows you to quickly join the team and acquire positive qualities.

science and education

For clarity, we give an example of joint creativity. The children were given the task of drawing mittens on their hands in a group. How can we evaluate their joint work on the actions that they performed? Grading levels are different.

  • Low: the patterns are drawn with obvious differences or there are no similarities at all. What happened Children do not try to agree among themselves, everyone insists on their preferences.
  • Medium: the similarity is partial - the individual figures are the same, but there are also noticeable differences. The result of an inept agreement, everyone wanted to stand out with something.
  • High: mittens decorated the same way or with a very similar pattern. , , , . - , , .

In view of the requirements of new standards for teaching children new technologies, not only traditional visual art is possible, but also the use of computer technologies in teaching children. For example, to draw a picture not only on a landscape sheet, but also to produce it in a certain program. You can also teach children to take photographs, photo reports, teach them how to use graphic programs correctly.

Science and education now go hand in hand, and teaching methods must also change in accordance with the needs of the new generation.

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