Between the superciliary arch and the eyelid, the European type of face has a small fold, the larger it is, the more the eye looks, and the look is more open and fresh. In English, there is an analogue of the term hanging eyelid - hooded eyes, which literally translates as "eyes with a hood." But there is such an eye structure in which the skin on the superciliary arch can hang over the upper eyelid, covering it and making the fold invisible. This type of structure is called the impending century. Makeup on a step-by-step photo that corrects the overhang looks rather complicated, but this is only at first glance, the main thing is to get used to it.
Cons of the impending century
The so-called overhanging eyelid makes the eye visually smaller , “pulls” it down, which gives the look a frown and irritation. Facial expression in general may seem a little tired and unhappy. And if the eyelashes are not too thick and do not tint, then they are almost imperceptible. In addition, the association with age-related ptosis creates the feeling that a person is older than he is.
Such a structure cannot be fully called a disadvantage; it is rather a matter of taste. Someone considers this a drawback, but someone, on the contrary, sees this as the languor and sexuality of the look. The uniquely impending eyelid gives the appearance a certain personality. Such a structure of eyes did not prevent many recognized beauties from becoming one of the most desired women in the world. For example, Gisele Bundchen, Blake Lively, Jennifer Lawrence and even the icons of the 90s by Claudia Schiffer and Kim Basinger.
Correction methods
If this structure of the eye does not suit, it can be changed using blepharoplasty. This is an operation by a plastic surgeon, in which the overhanging part of the skin is cut off.
In addition to blepharoplasty, there is cantoplasty (a change in the section of the eyes) and epicantoplasty (removal of the epicanthus). The popularity of these operations for young girls came from Japan.
They are full-fledged surgical interventions, which are mainly done under general anesthesia. Therefore, doing them at a young age is not entirely advisable. At this time, you can correct the overhanging eyelid with makeup.
Main principles
Makeup problems can be exacerbated, but if you follow all the rules, then the shortcomings of the overhanging century are leveled, and the features appear in a favorable light. The principles for adjusting the impending century with decorative cosmetics are as follows:
- make eyelashes brighter and more noticeable;
- give the eye a relief, try to make it visually deeper than it really is;
- emphasize the ciliary edge;
- a fold can be drawn using shades of natural shades;
- all lines in the makeup should be directed upwards;
- if the eye is completely flat, then it is not necessary to darken the outer part of the eye with a round eye shape, but the inner one;
- no graphics, only soft shading;
- do not bring the lower eyelid with dark shades, only the upper;
- the shadows should be not only on the moving upper eyelid, but also on its fixed part;
- give preference to matte textures, rather than glitter;
- colors in make-up are better to use natural shades.
If you follow these principles, then it is quite possible to visually increase your eyes and make the eyelid more prominent. On any photo of eye makeup with an impending eyelid, you can see how this gradually happens with every step.
Arrows are a great way to visually raise the corner of the eye, to make the look fresher and younger. With the impending century, this is also an excellent correction option. But the arrows should not be with a clear and graphic tip. In the case of the impending eyelid, it should be softly shaded arrows that do not go beyond the limit of the length of the eye, which tend to go up.
Do not make the arrows completely straight, otherwise they will make the eye even narrower than it is. Straight arrows are suitable only for girls with round eyes. The arrows will always make the image more dramatic and solemn, they can complement almost any eye makeup of the impending century. A step-by-step photo on how to do this is below.
To start drawing arrows, you need to apply the base. After you need to draw the ciliary edge with a soft black, dark brown or dark gray pencil. Hue depends on the color of the eyelashes. The arrow itself should be no lower than the parallel eyebrow. When drawing an arrow, you need to constantly open your eyes and control how it looks. Do not be afraid that with a closed eye it will be a bit of an irregular shape. The appearance of the arrow with an open eye is a priority.
Asian Eye Section
Such an eye incision is characteristic of all Asians and representatives of the Mongoloid race as a whole. In addition to the impending century and the complete absence of volume in the century, the Asian section of the eyes often has an epicanthus. In Russia, such an appearance is considered exotic and has its fans. But among Asians themselves now there is a general fashion for European facial features, and they are trying in every possible way to give themselves to them both with the help of plastic surgeries, and with the help of makeup.
And here is makeup suitable for an Asian type of eye with an impending eyelid.
The photo shows a feature of this makeup. She is in the thickly drawn and well-shaded dark arrows above the crease of the eyelid. In this case, the lower eyelid is practically not touched. Due to such arrows, the eye grows and takes on the treasured rounded shape.
Age-related ptosis
Over time, due to age-related changes, the motionless eyelid falls to the movable eyelid for everyone, and for those whose eyelids were overhanging by nature, the problem worsens. In this case, again, makeup saves. But you need to pay attention to a step-by-step photo, eye makeup with an impending eyelid for women aged has its own characteristics.
Among them are the following:
- Facial skin should be moisturized and nourished, but not oily.
- All makeup lines stretch exclusively up.
- No dramatic makeup, only light accents.
- Before applying eye shadow and pencil, thoroughly powder the upper eyelid.
- Do not use black, only shades of gray and brown.
- Since with age the crease nevertheless appeared, but began to go down, it is worth emphasizing it only to half.
- Avoid sharp and contrasting lines.
The rest of the makeup technique is the same as for the overhanging eyelids. A photo of makeup on aged women proves this.
Eyebrow makeup
Eyebrows for eye makeup are like a frame for a picture. Improper eyebrow makeup can level all the work of visually raising the eyelid. Naturally thick eyebrows are now in fashion. And for the overhanging eyelids - this is a great option, as thin eyebrows make the eye visually smaller than it is, and medium-width eyebrows - vice versa. But get involved and make them very wide, like Cara Delevingne, is also not worth it. This goes far from everyone.
When eye makeup for the impending eyelid eyebrows should be summed up gently, no clear lines. Especially carefully you need to blend the “tail” of the eyebrow. For adjustment, a product such as eyebrow shadow is best suited. Do not draw straight eyebrows. The kink will open the eye a little, but it should be at a very soft angle. But semicircular eyebrows should be avoided. The more dramatic the makeup, the brighter the eyebrows.
Easy makeup for every day
If you do makeup on overhanging eyelids according to the standard tutorial, it may turn out so that it simply will not be visible due to overhang. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the fold not where it really is, but above it. That is, to draw a fold where it does not exist, borrowing the surface of a fixed eyelid.
What is needed:
- three shades of opaque shadows: dark, medium light;
- feather brush;
- flat brush.
And here is the instruction for step-by-step makeup of the impending century for every day:
- Gather a medium shade on the fluffy shading brush and put a color spot in the outer corner of the moving eyelid.
- In the same shade, put another color spot over the previous one on a fixed eyelid where it will be visible.
- Connect both spots and blend them with a brush, pulling up.
- With the remnants of the shadows on the brush, draw a crease on the motionless eyelid where it does not exist, just above the real one, blend it until half-smoke.
- When there are practically no shadows on the brush, walk along the line of the drawn fold from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, leaving a weightless, barely noticeable trace to the eye.
- Continue to shade until the eyebrow, without fear of color, so with full make-up it will not be so obvious, the main thing is the softness of the shading.
- Take a dark shade on the same brush and apply on the crease of the eyelid so that the darkest shade is at the beginning of the overhang of the eyelid and the gradient directed to the eyebrow turns into a lighter one.
- Apply the lightest shade to the inner corner of the eye and blend. As with shading on the outer corner of the eye, you need to borrow a little surface of the fixed eyelid.
- To apply a medium shade with a flat thin brush on the lower eyelid without shading.
- Apply mascara.
Easy eye makeup with an impending eyelid for every day is ready! The basis for the success of eye makeup is the correct construction of the form. After the form is there, you can already add colors, enhance saturation, or otherwise change the makeup. If there is a desire to use a color accent, then the shadows of the desired color should be applied to the center of the eye and shaded, taking away the space from the fixed part of the eyelid, avoiding hard lines.
Smokey eyes
Literally from English the name of this type of makeup is translated as “smoky eyes”. This is a make-up with black or very dark shades of eyeshadow with thorough shading. For every day, such makeup is inappropriate, but for a party, classic makeup in the style of Smokey eyes is indispensable. Despite the fact that there is an opinion that this type of makeup for the eyes with such a physiological structure as the overhanging eyelid does not work, a well-made make-up in this technique is ideal for correcting the overhang of the eyelid. With it, you can visually make the eye deeper, which is so necessary with the impending century. Moreover, if you replace black with a light shade, then this makeup can be adapted for daily wear.
The shadow pattern for the impending century is a soft smoky darkening of the supposed, drawn folds of the eyelid. To draw this fold you need a little higher than the natural, on the fixed part of the upper eyelid. Here's the key secret to smokey eyes eye-shadow makeup.
What will be needed for the transformation:
- base under the shade;
- plain black pencil;
- soft and bold black pencil;
- shadows of a suitable shade of skin of a nude shade;
- basic shade (in the classic version, matte coal-black);
- highlighter;
- 2 shading brushes.
It is in this makeup that the first step will be to apply the base under the shade. For eye makeup with an impending eyelid, the use of a primer under the shadow is especially necessary. Since the whole secret of overhang correction is in the right shade, which is impossible without a good base for shadows. After applying the base, a step-by-step make-up of eyes with an impending eyelid in the style of Smokey eyes will look like this:
- Draw parallel arrows on the lower and upper eyelids with a regular pencil, not striving for a clear line, as the arrows will be shaded.
- With the same black pencil, draw the inter-ciliary space, including the water line, except for the areas of the connection of the upper and lower eyelids on the water line, they must be left light.
- Connect the arrows in bold black pencil, completing them in the "cat" arrow.
- Starting from the tail of the arrow, with abrupt movements in bold black pencil, raise the outer corner, heading towards the drawn fold of the eyelid.
- With the same abrupt movements, draw the very fold of the century where it should be.
- Feather over the borders of the applied pencil without affecting the color itself.
- If the color is slightly affected, then add it with a pencil.
- After shading is perfectly applied, with the same shading brush, fill in the black shadows and fill them with the place where it was drawn with a pencil, shading them along the borders along the way.
- Take a clean brush and blend the borders with the brow bone.
- Bring the lower eyelid with black shadows and shade them, give a shape that is rounded for far-seated and feline for closely-set.
- In addition to the inner corner, fill the remaining space of the moving eyelid with black shadows and shade them so that they are lighter in this zone.
- Border make-up shadows nude shade.
- Make accents highlighter under the eyebrow and in the inner corner of the eye.
- Dye your eyelashes with a thick layer of mascara, you can even use false eyelashes or bunches.
After the eye makeup is completed, you should pay attention to the tone of the face, with such bright eyes, it should be perfect, and the eyebrows are slightly brighter than usual.
If it’s not entirely clear exactly how to blend Smokey eyes makeup for the impending eyelids, this can be seen in the step-by-step photo.
Stickers for removing overhanging eyelids
One of the secrets of how to remove the overhang of the eyelids is special stickers and accessories. They can be bought in almost any Asian store, as they are actively used there. In Russia, they will have to be ordered either from China or from Japan.
Stickers work like this:
- Tweezers need to pick up the sticker.
- With a closed eyelid, stick it on the place where I would like to have a fold.
- Open eyes.
If everything is done correctly, the overhang will disappear while wearing such a sticker.
There is a plastic device that needs to be fixed at night. And during the night, the eyelid supposedly gets used to this situation and the whole next day will hang less. But in fact, it is this device that works poorly and is not worth attention. And the stickers are designed specifically for Asian women. And they are not suitable for all residents of Russia, since the structure of the eyes of Asians differs, and besides, their eyes are smaller.