How to give shine to hair at home: tools and reviews

Dull, brittle and dry hair can spoil the impression of the image of a girl even with the most ideal features. How to give shine to hair at home? There are many proven effective ways to do this. You can do without buying expensive masks and concentrates, because often the contents of the refrigerator are enough to prepare an effective composition. The most popular ways to quickly add shine to hair at home are described in the article.

Why hair becomes brittle and dull

We list the common reasons why hair loses its beauty:

  1. Improper nutrition, diets and hunger strikes are almost guaranteed, after a couple of months, lead to a deterioration in the appearance of hair. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals accumulates rather slowly, as a result of which the effect on the hair after severe diets is not immediately noticeable, but only after a while. Most often, two months after the diet, the girls notice that the hair, previously shiny and thick, became dull and break off along its entire length. It is necessary to drink a vitamin-mineral complex and restore a healthy diet.
  2. The use of low-quality combs, the constant use of a hair dryer and tongs to straighten hair also inevitably leads to delamination and drying of each hair. As a result, the hair loses its healthy glow and looks just awful. Many girls who regularly use hair dryers and tongs have to do a short haircut. How to give shine to hair at home, if you have to constantly blow dry it? Simple recipes will help: oils, gelatin, egg yolks - these are the components that will help solve the problem and avoid a short haircut
  3. Constant stress, chronic fatigue and sleep problems also negatively affect hair condition. Sometimes it’s enough just to establish a normal psycho-emotional background so that the hair again begins to please the owner of a healthy shine and ceases to break off along the length, thereby creating ugly β€œroots”.
how to make homemade hair masks

How to restore shine to your hair yourself at home?

As mentioned above, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of professional masks and concentrates to give a healthy shine to the hair. Here is a list of the most requested ingredients for this purpose:

  • gelatin;
  • honey;
  • infusions of herbs;
  • burdock, olive, castor, linseed oil;
  • egg yolk;
  • bananas
  • sour cream, kefir, ayran.

How to restore shine to hair at home after dyeing? Hair after using permanent dyes is practically impossible to save - most often the structure is so burnt that it is not possible to restore it in any way (even if professional means are used). However, you can try to make gelatin masks, in some cases they can help (if the hair structure is not radically damaged).

homemade hair shine masks

Mask with gelatin: lamination at home

Gelatin is a powder, which when diluted is a substance that can fill the hollow sections of the hair cuticle. Of course, the effect of using this component is temporary: after several washes of the head with shampoo, the cuticle again becomes hollow, and the hair loses its shine.

How to quickly shine your hair at home? It is worth trying gelatin lamination. Reviews of girls about this procedure are enthusiastic. Just keep in mind that for a permanent result, you will have to repeat the procedure approximately every five to six days. Otherwise, judging by the reviews of the girls who performed this procedure, the hair again very quickly become dull and brittle.

Ingredients for Laminating Mask:

  • a glass of steamed boiling water and completely dissolved gelatin;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar (has an excellent conditioning effect, gives additional shine and smoothness to the hair);
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Apply the mixture to the hair after the gelatin steamed with boiling water has cooled to room temperature. Insulate with a bag and scarf. After an hour, rinse with cool water using shampoo.

masks for shine of dark hair

Mask with olive and linseed oil

Oils are a universal and well-known method for almost all girls how to give shine to hair at home. The most effective in this regard are olive and flaxseed. Burdock and castor oils also give shine, but their use is primarily aimed at treating hair loss and accelerating their growth. In order to give a very bright shine to both colored and natural hair - try a mixture of olive and linseed oil.

Simply mix a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and as much linseed. If you want to add a teaspoon of apple or simple table vinegar - this is an excellent conditioning additive.

After that, apply the mixture to the entire hair sheet, insulate them with a hat and leave for an hour. Wash the oil from the hair with warm water using shampoo, and soap twice so that the greasy film is sure to be washed off the hair. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by reviews.

homemade masks for shine hair

How to give shine to hair at home with olive oil? You can just apply it only on the canvas. If it is not possible to find flaxseed oil for sale, then it is entirely possible to make a mask using exclusively olive.

Mask with castor oil: make hair thick and shiny

Castor oil is a versatile and cheap tool that can restore shine and density to hair, as well as reduce hair loss. Reviews about the effect of castor oil on hair are enthusiastic: girls give comparisons that the volume of hair has become really thicker. In addition, reviews indicate that with regular use of masks with this component, the hair begins to shine very much, and literally shimmer in the sun.

How do blondes give shine to hair at home? Mix a tablespoon of castor oil, one egg yolk and a spoonful of honey. This composition will make it possible to give shine to fair hair due to the presence of honey in the composition.

masks for shiny hair

How to give shine to hair at home for brunettes? Apply a mixture of castor oil and egg yolk to the surface of the hair. At the same time, honey is added to nothing. An hour after application, wash off the mask with warm water.

Mask with egg yolk for hair shine

You can mix many ingredients with egg yolk, and in each case it will be a great mask that gives shine. Yolk is a base, one of the main ingredients for homemade homemade masks. The yolk of the chicken egg contains fatty acids that envelop the hair, so that the fabric after the procedure looks dense and beautiful, completely healthy.

With egg yolk, a mask of honey and castor oil with the addition of vinegar is good. You will need the following ingredients:

  • one yolk;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of castor oil;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Mix all ingredients and apply to hair for an hour. It should be borne in mind that the honey in the composition can lighten the hair a little - this is warned by the reviews of girls who have tested this mask on themselves.

hair masks with yolk

Banana-sour cream mixture to give hair shine

The ingredients for this mask are as follows:

  • one ripe banana (crush to gruel);
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar.

Apply to the hair from the roots to the ends. In order for the mask not to drain, you should choose a thick sour cream.

Reviews about this mask are different. Girls who compared its effect to the action of other masks for shining hair agree that the effect of a banana mask is relatively weak.

Yeast hair mask: accelerate growth and give shine

Reviews of the yeast mask indicate that with regular use it not only gives the hair shine, but also provides rapid growth and strengthening of hair follicles.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • a small slice of real dry yeast;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • one yolk;
  • tablespoon of any oil that has nutritional properties (olive, flaxseed, burdock, castor).

Apply the mask from root to tip. It should be borne in mind that it has a rather liquid consistency and will flow down the neck and back. To avoid this, it should be applied evenly and moderately, without excess.

Mask with beer and egg yolk for a luxurious look of hair

Reviews about this mask are enthusiastic: the hair becomes not only shiny and silky, but also very lush, looking thicker. How to make hair shine at home with natural live beer?

This will require the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of natural live beer (if the haircut is short, then half of this amount);
  • one yolk of a chicken egg;
  • if the hair is fair, you can add a little honey or a few drops of chamomile infusion.

Dip all the hair in the resulting liquid. You can also safely apply the composition to the scalp: this will contribute to the volume of hair from the roots and strengthen the follicles. Insulate your head with cellophane and a warm scarf. After an hour, rinse off the applied composition with cool water with a small amount of shampoo.

Mask of kefir, ayran and other dairy products

Sour-milk products contain a high amount of protein, which is able to give the hair a healthy shine. Masks from kefir, ayran, sour cream are excellent for both colored and natural hair. Moreover, these components for the preparation of masks can be used by both blondes and brunettes.

You can mix kefir with sour cream, you can use any one component - either sour cream, or kefir, or ayran. The girls' reviews indicate that many also actively add regular factory mayonnaise to hair masks - after that the hair becomes not so dry.

You can keep the sour milk mask as long as possible. Some girls in the reviews write that they leave ayran or kefir on their hair all night, of course, fixing their hair with cellophane and a warm hat so that the mask does not smear on the pillow at night.

masks for shine of fair hair

Henna and Basma for Shine

Henna and Basma are natural dyes of plant origin. They can be used only for those girls who want to achieve a reddish or dark hair color. On bleached or light brown hair, the shade may turn out to be greenish and not at all beautiful. Therefore, you should first apply henna on only one strand of hair and make sure that the shade is like.

In the reviews, some girls complain that henna and basma do not give shine, but, on the contrary, only make hair dry and lifeless. Other women are satisfied with the action of dyes and the resulting type of hair.

Chamomile infusion - an easy way to give shine to blond hair

How to give shine to light-colored hair at home? Very simple: brew a tablespoon of dry chopped chamomile with a glass of boiling water, let cool. After the usual procedure for washing hair, rinse with infusion of hair. This method is also suitable for highlighted hair.

How to give shine to hair at home? Chamomile infusion is effective in all cases, no matter what coloring technique is used: ombre, shatush and others. You can safely rinse your hair with chamomile infusion - they will look shiny and well-groomed.

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