Hair mask with gelatin at home: recipes, photos before and after, reviews

What components are not used by women in pursuit of luxurious curls. Mayonnaise and kefir, eggs and hot pepper are used ... Among the most effective hair masks are gelatin. They literally made a splash in folk cosmetology, which is not surprising, because the effectiveness of such a tool is visible after the first application. Today we offer to talk about how to prepare a hair mask with gelatin at home, how to apply it! Let's talk about whether such a cosmetic product is harmful.

The benefits of gelatin

This familiar product can be found in almost every kitchen. But few know that he is able to solve a variety of problems that are associated with hair. Masks with this component eliminate brittleness and dryness, eliminate greasy and dandruff, restore thin and dull hair. In the reviews of the hair mask with gelatin, the beauties note: they even have the strength to activate hair growth, awaken the "sleeping" hair follicles! In addition, the effectiveness of such a cosmetic product is noticeable after the first procedure: the hair immediately becomes smooth, obedient and incredibly shiny.

What is the reason for this dizzying effect?

gel mask for hair at home

What is the reason for such an incredible spectrum of exposure to hair masks with gelatin? It's all about one unique component of gelatin - collagen. Its molecules are incredibly small, they are able to penetrate deep into the hairs. Using a hair mask with gelatin at home, you provide curls with building material that can repair damaged areas of each hair. Gelatin masks are able to deal with split ends and many other imperfections.

It is impossible not to say that collagen forms a kind of film on the surface of the hairs, which gives the curls an amazing shine. This allows you to use hair masks with gelatin for lamination. But the film performs other functions: experts say that it is able to protect hair from mechanical damage, high temperatures. Another useful property of the film is the retention of moisture in the structure of the hair, the strengthening of the hair, giving them splendor.

Basic application rules

In order for a hair mask with gelatin to work 100 percent at home, a number of certain conditions must be observed. Firstly, before applying such a cosmetic product on the head, it must be washed with ordinary shampoo. It is important that the gelatin is completely dissolved. For this, 3-4 tablespoons of water will need one tablespoon of gelatin. It must be left to swell, then put in a water bath or placed in a microwave. Only when the gelatin has completely dissolved and cooled slightly can it be used. The mass should not be very thick, easily applied to the hair with the help of hands or a special brush. Rinse off the gelatin mask with hair can be extremely cool water. Otherwise, there will be no collagen film on the curls, which means that there will be no use from such a tool.

Application Tips

gelatin hair mask reviews

Experts say: if you are a happy owner of healthy and smooth hair, you should not expect any miracles from the gelatin mask: it just add a little softness and shine. But for dry and damaged curls such a tool is a real salvation. Gelatin instantly seals split ends, smoothes hair along its entire length and gives it an incredible volume. For this reason, for lamination, a hair mask with gelatin is used most often. It is necessary to apply the composition exclusively on clean hair, it is best to slightly moist, distributing the product among the strands. But you should not rub such a mask into the scalp, otherwise you risk getting severe itching. Experts recommend holding a gelatin mask for at least 40 minutes, wrapping your head in a warm shawl or towel, warming it with a hairdryer. Rinse off the mask with shampoo.

How often can I make a mask

A hair mask with gelatin at home is recommended to be done no more than once a week. If you shorten the interval between procedures, your hair will quickly get used to this component, without a mask they will very quickly lose their healthy appearance. In the event that you want to “feed” hair more often with gelatin, try making a shampoo with this ingredient.

To prepare it is quite simple: you need to add a couple of tablespoons of ordinary shampoo to a warm gelatinous preparation, mix everything thoroughly and wash your hair, holding the shampoo on your hair for about five minutes. By the way, water for the preparation of gelatin can be replaced with milk, a decoction of useful herbs, such as burdock, linden, chamomile or nettle. Cream is excellent for dissolving gelatin. All these components will greatly enhance the effectiveness of a hair mask with gelatin. In the photo below you can see the effect of such a composition.

hair mask with gelatin and honey

The most effective recipes

As you already understood, gelatin is a real salvation for dry and brittle hair. During the procedure, to enhance the effect of the components of the mask, it will be necessary to cover the hair with cellophane and a towel. To apply, you will need a brush or comfortable gloves. Now we bring to your attention the most popular recipes for hair masks with gelatin and a number of other ingredients!

With oils

If your hair needs strength, it lacks shine, it looks dull and lifeless, try using a gelatin mask with various oils. It helps to accelerate hair growth, gives curls a healthy shine. To do this, add a tablespoon of oils - castor and burdock to the gelatin blank. The resulting composition must be warmed up in a water bath, then applied to the hair. The duration of the procedure should be 30-40 minutes. This composition is ideal for all types of hair.

Honey option

A hair mask with gelatin and honey is simply indispensable if you want to improve the appearance of curls. This composition is incredibly nutritious, and its recipe is extremely simple: honey must be added to a warm gelatinous preparation: for long hair, you need one tablespoon, for short hair - a teaspoon. The mixed mass must be warmed up in a water bath, the resulting composition will need to be cooled, rubbed into the hair and scalp. After half an hour, the mask will only have to be washed off with shampoo. After the first application of such a composition, your curls will look simply impeccable.

With oils and henna

Choosing a composition that accelerates hair growth? A hair mask with gelatin, egg, henna and oils will make hair long, voluminous and incredibly strong. In order to prepare the composition, you will need melted gelatin, two tablespoons of colorless henna, one egg yolk, a tablespoon of castor and burdock oil, five to seven drops of lavender oil. The entire mass must be thoroughly mixed. Mask for hair growth with gelatin is ready! It only needs to be applied to the hair along the entire length, and after an hour rinse with water. In the event that your hair is quite long, just increase the amount of all the ingredients several times. In order to get the maximum effect from the mask, you need to do it once a week for a month, and after that - once every 2 weeks.

With honey and milk

mask for hair growth with gelatin

If you pick up a mask for dry hair, gelatin will come to the rescue again. An amazing composition helps restore curls from any damage, seal split ends. Please note: the composition is completely washed off after four procedures for washing the hair, and therefore you need to repeat such a mask depending on how often you wash your hair. You will need:

  • one tablespoon of gelatin and honey;
  • three tablespoons of milk;
  • a few drops of essential oil.

Gelatin must be diluted in milk, let it brew for 20 minutes, and then gently heat in a water bath. The mixture should never boil. When the gelatin has completely dissolved, let it cool, then add a small amount of essential oil. It is best to use lavender, ylang-ylang. After mixing, the mask is ready. Apply it to wet hair, keep at least 40 minutes. After this, the composition should be washed off with shampoo and warm water.

With fruits or vegetables

Of course, fruit and vegetable masks are useful not only for facial skin, vitamins are also needed for hair. Blondes for this mask will need lemon juice, and for brunettes - carrot. To prepare the nutrient mixture, gelatin and juice must be combined in a ratio of one to three. The mass must be insisted, heated in a water bath and used as a normal mask.

With almond oil

hair mask gelatin and egg

Owners of very dry hair will surely like a hair mask made of gelatin and oil - preferably almond. In addition to these components, you will need three tablespoons of water. You need to add a tablespoon of gelatin to it, wait until it swells, warm it in a water bath, and then pour one and a half teaspoons of almond oil for dry hair and one teaspoon for normal. The resulting composition must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the hair along the entire length, then rinse.

With egg

For dry hair, a hair mask with gelatin and an egg is perfect. It is only necessary to add the yolk to the dissolved gelatin, after which the composition is recommended to be mixed thoroughly. Keep the mask on your hair should be no less than half an hour, after that it remains only to rinse it off with cool water.

With lemon and bread

Owners of oily hair can also use gelatin to beauty their curls. This component is ideally combined with brown bread and lemon, which allow you to normalize the sebaceous glands. To prepare the mask, you need to soak 100 grams of black bread in half a glass of warm milk, and then add a teaspoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of diluted gelatin to the composition. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes.

With mustard

Choosing a mask for hair density? Gelatin combined with mustard is ideal for this purpose. All you need to do is soak a tablespoon of gelatin in 3 tablespoons of water for literally 10 minutes, and then add one teaspoon of colorless henna and the same amount of mustard powder. If desired, you can add one egg yolk. The composition must be mixed, put in a water bath or in the microwave so that it is completely dissolved. The cooled mixture should be applied to the hair and left for 30 minutes.

With mineral water

gelatin hair mask photo

In order to make your hair look healthy and radiant, you can prepare a composition based on gelatin and mineral water. It is best to take non-carbonated water, in the amount of 3 tablespoons. In it you need to add a tablespoon of gelatin, a few drops of vitamins A and E, lemon juice or essential oil. The cosmetic product must be brought to readiness in a water bath, then slightly cooled and applied to curls.

With apple cider vinegar

To prepare such a mask you will need a tablespoon of gelatin, three tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of vinegar. All ingredients must be mixed, heated in the microwave, add a few drops of any essential oil, then apply to the hair. The composition will allow you to cope with all noticeable damage to the hair, making them soft and silky.


It is difficult to imagine a composition more useful for hair than a gelatin mask. After her hair will become incredibly soft and obedient, radiant, voluminous. All that is needed is to combine one part of gelatin and three parts of water. In a water bath, you must completely dissolve the gelatin, and then gently distribute it over the strands. After that, you need to put a shower cap on your head or wrap it with polyethylene. It is recommended that you cover your head with a warm scarf or towel. Forty minutes later, gelatin can be washed off.

With tea or herbs

Instead of dissolving gelatin in water, you can try green tea or an infusion of herbs. Owners of dark hair are recommended to use a nettle broth, while chamomile is best for blondes. The proportions do not change: one part of gelatin will require three parts of water. The composition must add a teaspoon of honey - with a slide, one egg yolk, any essential oil. All ingredients should be mixed, heated in a water bath, then cool a little. Such a mask should be left on the hair for 50 minutes, and why rinse thoroughly. The herbs that make up the mask will moisturize the hair, soften it, and gelatin will give them a healthy glow.

Harm gelatin masks

gelatin hair mask recipe

Of course, many are wondering if gelatin masks are harmful? Is it possible to worsen the condition of hair using masks prepared on the basis of gelatin? In their reviews, some girls note that after their use, the hair can become even more dull and stiff, when washing off with hot water the gelatin is poorly washed, it is very difficult to comb it. Girls note a feeling of fatness at the roots, while the tips are completely dry. Moreover, after applying gelatin masks, the tips can break off and the hair may fall out.

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