What is management in Russian? Features and management standards in Russian

What is management in Russian? Almost every active user of the Word program or any other text editor probably thought about this question.

Why? Yes, because these programs often display error messages in management. In the Russian language, there are many rules that are not considered in detail in school lessons. Therefore, these messages appearing on the computer screen are often puzzling.

This article will help to understand this difficult, at first glance, question. The material will be useful to a wide range of readers: from schoolchildren to people for whom Russian is in the sphere of professional interests. And for those who are already familiar with the concept of communication management, it will be useful to repeat the definitions and rules. This article can be a great help in this case too.


The topic "Verb Management in Russian" refers to a large section called syntax. As you know, this part of science is devoted to phrases, sentences and phrases, that is, various groups of language units.

Relationship with morphology

But, studying syntax, one cannot ignore another section of linguistics - morphology. They are closely related. In phrases, a change in one of their components often entails the transformation of another. When using different verbs with the same noun, the latter often changes its form, that is, the number and case.

And this is directly related to morphology - a section on the components of words. Since it is by the endings that they are judged on belonging to a particular case, number, and so on.

Collocation structure

To understand the question "What is management in the Russian language", you must first talk about some basic concepts, without which further study of this topic would be extremely difficult.

So, first of all, you should repeat the definition of a phrase. This is the name of a group of two or more words. One of them is usually the main one, and the rest are secondary or dependent.

The relationships that exist between the components of this structure are called relationships. It is of three types. All of them will be briefly discussed in the material brought to your attention. One of them is examined in more detail.

Therefore, a separate section of the article is entitled "What is management in Russian?".

Full understanding

So you can characterize the type of connection, which is called coordination.

friendly handshake

For example, the phrase “blue suede shoes” contains three elements: a noun and two adjectives. The word “shoes” can be called the main one, since it is about them that we are talking.

blue suede shoes

But this division is rather formal.

In fact, all members of the phrase are equally dependent on each other. They have a similar form, that is, gender, number and case. For better assimilation of the material, these characteristics should be analyzed. All three words are represented in the nominative case, plural and masculine. If one of the components changes its shape, the same will happen with the other two. In the case when the main word will have a singular, the secondary ones will take the same form. What will the phrase look like in this case? She will take the following form: "blue suede shoe." As you can see, all the words have changed the number, and hence the ending.

Second view

Before proceeding to a discussion of the issue of governance in the Russian language, it would be logical to pay attention to other types of connections in order to compare them with each other. So, the second view is called "adjoining". Usually it is represented by a verb with the participle or participle. For clarity, it is worth giving an example. Listen carefully.

listen attentively

Here the main word is a verb. If you change its appearance, this will not affect the secondary structural element. Here is an example of such management in Russian.

Listens carefully, listened carefully, will listen carefully. In any case, the secondary word remains unchanged - "carefully." Any phrase constructed on the principle of adjacency has the same properties.

What is management in Russian?

Now it is time to begin to consider the main topic of this article. Management in the Russian language is a kind of word combinations in which the main element requires a certain form from the subordinate, that is, number, case, time, and so on.

control symbol

Most often, the verb plus noun constructions possess such qualities. Here the main member can change its shape, but the secondary member, despite this, will always remain unchanged.


The management of verbs in Russian can be illustrated by the following example. In the phrase "admire the sunset," the verb requires a certain form from the noun - it must necessarily stand in the instrumental case, answer the question "Who?" or "What?"

enjoy the sunset

In this case, the number of this element of the phrase can be both singular and plural.


But not only the observance of a certain form requires from a minor member the main one in a phrase built according to the type of management.

In some cases, a preposition must be present with a subordinate element. For example, when describing the action of a person who has fixed his gaze on an object, it should be said that he is looking at something. The pretext here is required.

In spelling dictionaries, in articles devoted to verbs, the preposition (if necessary) and the case in which the noun used with this word should be almost always indicated.

This type of communication, according to most philologists, is the most difficult in the Russian language. In English and German, as well as some others, things are similar. Therefore, dictionary articles about verbs often contain the necessary additional information that helps to use them correctly.

Common mistakes

When using the communication "management" in the Russian language, as mentioned above, the most errors in phrases occur. But basically these errors come down to just two types. The first of these is errors in the use of prepositions, and the second is the misuse of cases.

In the phrase "to admire nature," many make a mistake by using a noun with the preposition "on." Why is this happening? If the wrong option is typed in the popular text editor "Word", then the program will "see" this error and give an explanation that contains information that the verb "to admire" requires a noun accusative subordinate to it, as well as use without a preposition " "

Word logo

Also in this commentary, the reason will be mentioned for which such errors are most often made: the rules for using this verb are often confused with those that exist for the word “watch”.

It really requires the presence of the preposition "on" from nouns in some cases. Exceptions are the following examples of management in the Russian language: “watch a movie”, “look at both” and some others.

Confusion in the rules

As already mentioned, non-compliance with management standards in the Russian language occurs mainly due to a change in the rules. That is, if the word is used in the wrong case and not with the pretext as required by the rule. Often a form of a concept that is close in meaning is used. For example, in the phrase “taking pictures in full face,” the preposition “in” is superfluous. Many make the mistake of having a similar design with the word “profile” as the norm. But, according to the rules of the Russian language, you need to say "take pictures full face."

The substitution can occur in the same root words, which are different parts of speech.


"Surprised by health", but "surprised by health." "Angry at an inappropriate joke," but "angry with an inappropriate joke."

Non-compliance with management standards in the Russian language is often allowed if the rules for the same word do not match in different meanings.

Causes of Errors

For greater clarity, it is worth giving an example of management in the Russian language: "guarantee of success." This phrase contains an error. The preposition "on" with a given noun can be used only if it denotes a document. For example, "warranty on equipment."


The examples given in the article prove that the “management” method in the Russian language is the most complex form of communication. It is in such phrases that the most mistakes are made. Therefore, if you encounter difficulties in managing verbs in the Russian language, you should use a spelling dictionary to prevent annoying oversights.

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