What is the deepest pool in the world?

Would you like to know where the largest and deepest pool in the world is designed? The volumes are really impressive! If you are interested, then this article is for you!

the deepest pool in the world

Very deep pool

Few, even the most advanced divers, manage to reach the bottom of the pool, located at a depth of 40 meters. This is the deepest pool in the world (the photo you see in the article) - Y-40 The Deep Joy, located in Italy. It was designed by architect E. Boaretto and commissioned in June 2014. The pool structure is divided into several floors. The upper tiers of this basin are located at a sufficient width, and their depth varies at the level of 3-12 meters. However, with the deepening there is a narrowing of the pool, and not everyone can reach the bottom through a narrowed shaft. At a shallow depth of up to 10 meters, there are various grottoes, underwater tunnels and caves in the pond so that divers and scuba divers can spend their time under water with interest. Also in the pool there are various classes for adults, children and even pregnant women.

the deepest pool in the world photo

Before this deepest pool in the world appeared, the first place belonged to the Belgian Nemo 33. Its construction took almost seven years, and at the moment it is a complex with underwater caves and passages located at various levels, up to 33 meters deep. At its core, the pool is a flooded residential quarter, through the windows of the houses of which you can watch divers. And at a depth of 15 meters there is a narrowing, and a narrow shaft leads to the bottom.

The largest indoor pool

Now you know what is the deepest pool in the world. 40 meters - the depth is pretty impressive! Let's talk now about the largest indoor pool. The leader in this segment is currently considered the Ocean Dome, located in Japan. If you look from above, the dimensions of the reservoir are simply huge - its width is 150 meters and its length is almost 300. Above the pool is a transparent roof in the form of a dome. In the room itself, a comfortable temperature of water and air is maintained. The pool has many water attractions, there is even a small artificial volcano.

ocean dome

Huge rooftop pool

In Singapore, on the roof of one of the tall buildings, at an altitude of 190 meters, there is another of the remarkable pools. Thanks to the unusual design, an unforgettable view of the water flowing directly along the walls of the building is obtained. However, this is just an optical illusion and functionally there is a special catchment area behind the wall, which is also one of the degrees of protection and safety of using the pool. This pond is not only the largest of all located on the roof, but also a leader in height, due to its location on a skyscraper. Plunging into the waters of this pool, one can observe gorgeous views of the whole city.

the largest and deepest pool in the world

The most unusual swimming pool

The most unusual occurrence story rightfully belongs to one of the basins located on the territory of Russia, but, unfortunately, now it can only be seen in historical chronicles. This is a reservoir, which was located on the territory of the modern church of Christ the Savior. After the temple was blown up in the 30s of the 19th century, a large pit formed in its place, which it was decided to turn into a huge open-air pool. It received the name "Moscow". For a long time, this pool was the largest in our country, until in the 80s a group of social activists raised the question of rebuilding the temple in its original place. In 1994, the project for the destruction of the reservoir and the restoration of the temple was adopted, and already in 2000, at this very place a modern church of Christ the Savior was erected.

And now about the modern pool in the homeland

What is the deepest pool in the world - the reader already knows. And what about the large pools in Russia? Currently, the largest pool in our country is considered an artificial reservoir, created based on pirates of the Caribbean in the water park of St. Petersburg. There are also record holder slides with a total length of almost 500 meters.

In general, the entire complex of the water park consists of several pools of different depths and water temperatures, so its territory is quite huge. If you want to visit the largest basin in Russia, then get ready for the fact that you will have to spend all day there.

San Alfonso del Mar

I want to say that the deepest pool in the world is still not the largest. The largest pool in the world is considered to be San Alfonso del Mar, located in Chile. It was built in the resort area and patented by its creator, since its construction used unique technologies. The pool is a separate lagoon on the seashore with a total area of ​​almost 8 hectares and a length of more than 1 kilometer. To make it possible to imagine how huge its size is, a comparison can be made - its area is equal to the area of ​​20 large Olympic stadiums.

the deepest pool in the world 40 meters

It took almost 5 years and enormous financial expenses to build this giant. The estimate for its construction amounted to more than two billion dollars, and the amount of the annual life support services for the basin is almost 4 million dollars. The grand opening took place in 2006.

Fresh water arrives in the pool directly from the sea according to a specially developed filtration and purification scheme. The reservoir maintains a constant water temperature of 26 degrees, and its transparency and purity are such that even in the deepest places of the pool, at the level of 5 meters, the bottom can be seen with the naked eye.

deepest pool

One of the features of this pool is boat trips, which are carried out right around its perimeter. The reservoir is one of the main attractions and pride of Chileans, many tourists come to the country just to visit here.

Time does not stand still, technologies are constantly improving, changing, and maybe soon the list of the most unusual pools will be supplemented by new works by architects creating unusual projects for artificial reservoirs.

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