Part-time work: Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Labor Code

For active and energetic people, the main job and part-time work becomes an excellent opportunity to show their abilities and get higher wages.

Russian law dictates the rules and procedures for carrying out such activities. The employer and his subordinates are required to know and comply with applicable standards, because they are designed to protect the interests of all participants in labor relations.


The essence and main advantages of combining jobs: the manager can save a certain amount while maintaining the quality and volume of the functions performed, and the employee makes more efficient use of the time available to him.

Part-time work: Labor Code of the Russian Federation, basic provisions

The central document regulating relations between the employer and the employee is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Among other things, it contains articles defining such a concept as “part-time work”. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that a part-time worker performs labor tasks in a free time from the main work for an agreed fee.

For employment of such an employee, the employer must draw up and execute an employment contract, which may be unlimited or concluded for a specified period.

Often, employment contracts do not expire. True, if the employee came to the place of a temporarily absent person (on vacation, maternity leave or sick leave), then this will be indicated in the contract. The period during which the employee will be on the staff of the enterprise should also be indicated.

Part-time work is limited to 20 hours a week and four hours a day. In this case, the employee is allowed to conclude contracts with an unlimited number of employers. For example, a part-time accountant can collaborate with a fairly large number of clients. This is due to the fact that such a specialist has to work hard only during the reporting period, and the rest of the time his workload is noticeably weaker (when it comes to accounting in small enterprises).

part-time shopping mall

Types and specifics of part-time work. Outside employment

Regardless of the scope of activity of the enterprise, employees hired as part-time workers must be properly employed. For high-quality work assignments, they are sure to pay wages and provide the necessary social guarantees.

Part-time work (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives this classification) can be external and internal. The first type is characteristic of a situation in which an employee of one enterprise gets a job at another employer. The position that requires more attention and time of the person (for example, 40 hours a week) is considered the main source of income, that is, this is his main workplace. Tasks performed for other employers - part-time work. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not offer restrictions on the number of sources of additional income. However, all employers are interested in maintaining the ability to work of their subordinates at the proper level, so part-time workers must correctly and adequately calculate their capabilities. For example, a part-time accountant must correctly and clearly fill out all the necessary forms for the timely submission of reports. Excessive workload will significantly affect the speed and quality of his work, which will affect his business reputation and pay.

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Internal combining provides for the employee to perform several labor functions at his main workplace. The employee devotes his free time to resolving issues related to the second post.

transfer from part-time to the main job

In order for the part-time worker to be drawn up correctly, he should conclude a second labor contract with the employer. It may be urgent or not have an expiration date.

Who and how can become a part-time worker

Almost every employee can consider applying for a part-time job, considering that he can cope with additional duties and responsibilities.

main work and part-time work

It should be noted that he should not ask his leader and gain his consent, it is enough to have the necessary skills, education and qualifications. The application is compiled in a generally accepted form, an example is proposed below.

sample application

However, for some categories of personnel there are prohibitions and restrictions that do not allow them to use external or internal part-time work:

  1. For young people under the age of majority.
  2. For employees whose responsibilities include driving various vehicles.
  3. For employees whose working conditions are classified as harmful, severe or dangerous.

In addition, deputies of the State Duma and leaders (legal entities) cannot be engaged in concurrently.

The procedure for applying for part-time work

In order to be able to use his time more effectively and get a second job, a person should prepare the following documents:

  • Relevant statement.
  • Identity document (passport).
  • Certificate of insurance.
  • In the event that the desired position is associated with harmful or difficult conditions, the employee should take care of a certificate from the main place of work.
  • If part-time work requires any special knowledge or skills, the employer has the right to require a diploma from the applicant about his education.

It is interesting that the part-time worker does not need a work book upon entering the second enterprise, it remains in the main organization. If a person wants to make a record of a second job in it, he should be given a special certificate to the personnel department at the place of main employment.

employment records sample

Record of part-time work

On the basis of a copy of the order on hiring or a certificate from the second enterprise, the head of the company, which is the employee’s main place of work, issues an order for entering new data into his personal documents. Then the employee of the personnel department makes the appropriate entries in the work book. A sample of the order in which information is recorded when applying for a job:

  • Box 1: record number in order.
  • Box 2: the day when a person was accepted into the second enterprise as a part-time worker.
  • Column 3: an indication of the fact of hiring a particular structural unit. They also write the position, specialty and qualification level.
  • Box 4: a note on the document that served as the basis for the entry in the work book.

An example of how the fact of dismissal is reflected: the serial number of the record, the date of its completion, the statement of dismissal, an indication of the reason (reference to the Labor Code), and the order number.

Concurrent rights and obligations

In fact, an employee who has been accepted into a part-time enterprise enjoys the same rights as permanent employees. Considering that the necessary deductions to various social funds are deducted from his salary, he is granted annual leave, and also benefits are paid when he goes on maternity leave or in case of injury.

The procedure for going on vacation must be specified in the employment contract.

part-time accountant

Legislation obliges managers to release part-time workers on special conditions. Holidays at all places of work of one employee should coincide with rest at the main place of work.

If a person has worked in the second enterprise for less than six months, but at the main place of work he was given leave, he can use the days that are due to him, and the rest of the time he will be at home “at his own expense”. Alternatively, the employer can provide the subordinate with vacation days in advance (then the average wage will be saved).

If during the holiday period a person becomes ill and provides management with a medical certificate confirming this fact, his leave will be extended for the duration of the illness.

Types of Vacations

According to the law, in addition to the main one, an employee of the enterprise can take advantage of several other types of recreation:

  1. Optional.
  2. Maternity.

The following factors become the basis for the provision of additional leave:

  • The absence of a standardized working day.
  • Excellent performance of work duties (vacation as an incentive).
  • Classification of working conditions as dangerous or harmful.
  • In the presence of a long experience.

To obtain additional leave for harmful work, part-time workers will have to work a little longer than those employees who are permanent.

Features of maternity leave

Women who wish to take maternity leave at the second enterprise must first carry out this procedure at their main place of work. It should be borne in mind that they are accrued benefits at both enterprises in the event that their experience as part-time worker is more than two years.

internal combination

The duration of maternity leave at all places of work should be the same.

A slightly different procedure for going on vacation is designed for a part-time student who studies in parallel with work. If at the main place of work this employee receives study leave, he can very well fulfill his functions at the second enterprise, using his free time. Therefore, the second employer is not required to release his employee.

A frequent consequence of the long-term cooperation of the part-time employer is the change in the status of the employee. The transfer from part-time to the main job is necessarily accompanied by the issuance of the relevant order, as well as the termination or clarification of the employment contract. Most often, the parties draw up an additional agreement and attach it to a perpetual agreement.

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