What is hemosorption? Patient reviews about the procedure

Hemosorption is an invasive method of detoxification. The main goal of the procedure is to cleanse the blood of toxins, allergens and antibodies. A positive effect is achieved due to the contact of blood with the sorbent - this substance is able to absorb components from solutions and gases.

Varieties of procedure

Two types of hemosorption are distinguished depending on the sorbent used. It:

  1. Non-selective option. As the sorbent, ordinary activated carbon is used, which is able to absorb most of the toxic substances. This type of procedure is used to divert fatty acids, bilirubin and indoles from the body.
  2. Selective option. The role of the sorbent is ion-exchange resins. They are distinguished by their ability to absorb a narrow range of chemicals. It is used to cleanse the blood of potassium ions, ammonium salts.

The choice of a particular option for performing the procedure remains with the doctor. In this case, the specialist should be guided by the diagnosis of the patient.

indications for hemosorption

Main indications

Hemosorption as one of the methods of blood purification is prescribed to patients with the following disorders and disorders:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • poisoning with metal salts, alcohol;
  • drug overdose;
  • acute form of pancreatitis;
  • pemphigus;
  • exudative psoriasis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • systemic lupus.

Another important indication is the presence of food polyallergy.

causes of hemosorption

Process description

For the procedure, you need a special device. It consists of a system of tubes, a pump and a sealed container for the sorbent. It provides protection against air embolism and special pressure gauges are installed to assess the pressure in the column.

Before hemosorption, the patient should calm down. In addition, he needs to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for a week. After the assembly of the mechanism, blood is run through a column with a selected sorbent. Harmful substances settle in the tank. To ensure a continuous flow of blood, a pump is used that is responsible for maintaining the required speed.

Hemosorption is a fairly serious procedure, therefore, for some time after it, the patient should remain in the hospital. After taking the tests, the doctor can let the patient go home. However, rehabilitation does not end there. Almost all patients at home should take medications to increase the body's resistance and prevent the development of a bacterial infection.

What is hemosorption?

Features of the procedure in children and pregnant women

If there are serious indications for hemosorption, this method of therapeutic effect can be successfully used in children. However, in this case, constant monitoring by the attending physician is required. In case of negative dynamics, it is better to refuse sessions.

As for women in the situation, this procedure has found its application here. The doctor should consider the risk of complications in the expectant mother and the potential benefits to the fetus. It is worth noting that lactation is not a contraindication for hemosorption, but still, it is better to consult with a specialized specialist before the procedure.

hemosorption in children

Advantages and disadvantages

In modern medical practice, the use of hemosorption is considered indispensable. This procedure has many advantages, including:

  • the possibility of reducing the percentage of deaths with such serious pathologies as peritonitis and acute pancreatitis;
  • the ability to quickly cleanse the body of poisons and toxins;
  • even with low performance indicators, hemosorption has proven to be one of the effective methods for removing harmful substances from the body.

Among the disadvantages, many include the duration of the assembly of the apparatus for the procedure.

Patient Reviews

The opinions of patients who have already had to resort to the help of hemosorption of blood are found only with a positive color. The procedure really helps to alleviate the condition of the patient after poisoning with poisons or chemicals. It is especially effective in cases with bronchial asthma and systemic lupus.

Many note that a positive effect is noticeable after just a few sessions. Long-term use of hemosorption allows not only to make the result more pronounced, but also to fix it for a long time. In this case, the likelihood of complications (lowering blood pressure or fever of the patient) is reduced to zero. Only in isolated cases is the procedure accompanied by such negative consequences.

hemosorption reviews

Hemosorption is a relatively inexpensive treatment option. As a rule, one session costs from 800 to 1200 rubles. For one course of treatment, 4 to 12 such procedures are required. However, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition and the severity of his pathology. In different medical institutions, the total cost of the service may vary.

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