Oklahoma is a state in America. Description, development, attractions, photos

Oklahoma is a state that is located slightly south of the central region of the United States and is the twentieth largest, its length is a little more than 180 square meters. km The territory got its official name in 1890, before that it was mentioned among the local Native American resettlement settlements and the Choctaw tribes, headed by the leader Allen Wright.

Oklahoma is endowed with a unique landscape and nature, ranging from high mountain ranges, fast-moving rivers and ending with quiet lakes and marshes in the middle of the plains. The highest point reaches 1,500 m and is the peak of Black Mesa Mountain, the lowest point just below 90 m and is located in the flat terrain of the city of Idabel. The capital of Oklahoma is Oklahoma City. More than five hundred rivers varying in depth and length lie in this territory. The largest waterways are Arkansas and Red River. Numerous reservoirs created by artificial means, the number of which exceeds 200, supply fresh water to every corner of the state.

oklahoma state


Oklahoma is a state that has a difficult and interesting historical heritage. The official opening of this area was made by the Spaniards in the 16th century, who added it to the map of the Earth. And before this period, the state was inhabited by various ancient tribes of Wichita and Caddo, Kuapo and Osagei. The subsequent history of Oklahoma developed during the violent feuds between the Spaniards and the French for their primacy in these lands. Ultimately, the possession went to the French, after which, in 1803, Napoleon concluded a profitable agreement with the United States.

The cities of Oklahoma (like himself) passed to America as part of French Louisiana. The year 1830 was marked by the mass migration of Indian tribes to this territory . During the years 1861-1865 There were numerous civil wars that caused great harm to the local population. This problem was resolved after the agreement on the adoption of Oklahoma in the United States, it became 46 state in 1907.


Currently, the population of this region reaches 3.85 million people. The largest percentage of the population belongs to indigenous whites. Also in Oklahoma you can find the settlements of Africans and Indians, Polynesians and Asians, Latin Americans and Eskimos.

oklahoma state capital


Oklahoma is a state whose climate can be attributed to the temperate continental type. But due to the constant sharp change in temperature and mixing of different air masses, weather conditions are quite variable. So, in one day the state can be both +28 ° C during the day, and -8 ° C at night. This leads to frequent disasters in the region, ending with regular tornadoes, the number of which sometimes exceeds 50 per year. The last time the biggest and most devastating disaster hit the state in May 2013.

Oklahoma City

State value

In total, there are 598 different cities, villages, and tribal settlements in the Oklahoma area. The largest city in the state is considered its capital with the consonant name Oklahoma City. Slightly inferior to him in size and population of the city of Tulsa, Norman, Lawton and Broken Arrow.

Oklahoma is a state considered an industrial region where aircraft manufacturing and electronics, as well as energy, are well developed. A large number of aircraft and various components for them are produced here annually. Agriculture and food industry in the state is also high. Oklahoma ranks 5th in the ranking of wheat cultivation in the United States. With regard to energy reserves, this area is the second highest in gas and oil production in America. But due to the fact that the amount of extracted energy resources varies each year, production periodically collapses, which leads to a sharp decline in the level of the economy and an insufficient number of jobs, which is why unemployment is growing.

america oklahoma


America has always attracted travelers. Oklahoma is a fairly popular destination among American and European tourists. In addition to the magnificent flat landscapes surrounded by mountain ranges, the state has a developed cultural life and numerous attractions. Fans of cowboys and the wild west can have a great time at the Cowboy Glory Museum, which is located in the state capital, or by visiting the Will Rogers Cowboy Museum. If the guests of the state are interested in its history, then you should go to the restored small village where the old Indian settlements lived. You can also go to the Museum Hall of the Glory of the Indians in Anadarko.

The most beautiful natural attractions are local reserves and forests, the Little Sahara National Parks, a multi-storey botanical garden (7 floors with different compositions and local flora), Quartz Mountain and the Great Salt Plains are considered the most popular among tourists. Numerous museums and theaters can be visited upon arrival in the city of Tulsa. That is why you should definitely visit such an amazing state and fully explore it!

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