The star of the television series "Teen Wolf" Crystal Reed and her biography

On the screens, the name of a certain Crystal Reed appears more and more often, and her beautiful face can be found in various films and series. What is she - "beloved" of the protagonist of the series "Teen Wolf"? Her talent originates in the smallest theater, and now she is a real "lady" from Hollywood.

Actress Biography

actress Crystal Reed

Crystal Reed from the affluent town of Roseville, Michigan, USA, was born on February 6, 1985. The girlโ€™s family was strict and simple, which professed Catholicism, and this, of course, affected the character of the girl, she was a calm and kind child. In the family, Crystal was the youngest child; she has a brother, Corey. As a child, the girl loved to dance, finishing school, she even managed to become the captain of the cheerleader team. In addition to dancing, Reed performed at the nearest public theater and became a regular member of his community, playing in various musicals. The girl tested herself in such productions as The Violinist on the Roof and Annie. Crystal also began attending a Baptist church, taking over the love of faith from her parents. The girl graduated from school in 2003, but the actress refuses to remember her. According to her, her then-young man had just one dance with her, and then quit. After school, Reid entered Wayne University and earned a bachelor's degree in humanities. A photo of Crystal Reed can be seen in this article.

The beginning of an acting career

actress biography

Next, Crystal expected to move to Chicago, where she again began to perform in various small theaters, and when she realized that she did not have great prospects in this place, she decided to go to Hollywood. It happened in December, in 2008. There she was waiting for the first role in the cinema. The actress began acting in the series CSI Crime Scene. Crystal soon decided on a role in Rizzoli and Isles, after - in the new season of CSI and the sci-fi movie Skyline. At the same time, Reid got a role in the romantic comedy "This Wacky Love" along with already pretty well-known actors, for example, with Gosling and Emma Stone. In early 2011, the actress was one of the first to come to the casting for the role of Allison Argent in the mystical series "Teen Wolf".

Crystal Reed in the series Teen Wolf

actress in the series "Teen Wolf"

Due to the role in the television series "Teen Wolf", Crystal has become popular. In the serial film, she played the heroine Allison, who was the lover of the main character, Isaac Leichi. Allison was a hunter - she was very good at bow and arrow. This role gave Crystal almost worldwide fame, she was nominated three times by the prestigious Teen Choice Awards. And now the girl has a Young Hollywood Awards prize in the nomination "Best Acting Ensemble".

The decision to leave the series

actress Crystal Reed

But many actors are afraid to become a hostage of a single role, Crystal Reed was also scared. At the beginning of season 3, she agreed with the executive producer of the series, Jeff Davis. He was able to talk with the scriptwriters, and they were able to change the storyline of the series. So in March 2014, Reid left this series - her heroine Allison died, heroically saving Isaac from They. Here is the quote from the actress on this occasion: โ€œYes, leaving the show was my choice. But how hard it was for me! I had no idea how difficult it would be when we get to the final scene. Allison has a lot from me, and from me - from her . " The departure of the girl did not cause a storm of indignation, fans supported her and wished them success in new projects. And this phrase only aroused respect, not every actor can put a part of himself in any role.

Further career of the actress

In 2013, the actress played the main character in the horror film "Obsessed". In the film, Crystal Reid appeared in the image of a teenage girl named Bess, who has long had feelings for the main character Scott. Reed admitted that she herself loves thrillers for a slight sense of fear after terrible and sharp moments. In 2016, in February, the actress again appeared in the television series "Teen Wolf", but not as her past heroine Allison, but as Marie-Jen Valet, the first hunter from Argentes. The creators of the television series substantiated the absolute similarity of the heroes by the fact that Ellie Argent is a descendant of Marie-Jen.

The personal life of the actress

actress life and work

The personal life of Crystal Reed is not full of scandals and intrigues, but this does not make her biography boring, and even vice versa - nowadays you rarely see a celebrity without a doubtful past. Crystal in 2013 began dating with the partner on the series Teen Wolf, actor Daniel Sharman. The girl does not like to tell all the details, but the fans found out that Dan's English humor annoyed her. In 2013, at the initiative of a guy, the couple broke up. It was very painful for Krystal, because this is the first time that a relationship has been broken not on her initiative.

To drown out the pain, Reid began a journey through European cities. And this was the right choice - fresh air and a beautiful view from the window quickly helped the beauty to recover, and with Daniel they remained good friends. The TV star did not stay alone for long, in early January 2014, a romantic relationship appeared between Crystal Reed and British actor Darren McMullen. And in June 2017, this beautiful couple was already engaged, and at the moment they are happy together. In the same year, the actress was offered another interesting role in the dark and dramatic series "Gotham." There, Crystal as the daughter of the manager of the mafia gangs, the influential villain Carmine Folkone. The premiere of the new season, based on the comics of the same name from DC Comics, took place at the end of September 2017.

Actress now

Currently, the actress is 33 years old, and in front of the girl there are still many beautiful and interesting roles. Crystal Reed does not plan to end her acting career and is increasingly appearing on screens in a wide variety of movie genres. Also, the actress began to make her way into the modeling business and began to appear at fairly famous and major fashion events. Krystal leads a healthy lifestyle, does not eat meat and does sports.

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