Actress Norah-Jane Noone: the most significant projects in the filmography

Irish actress Nora-Jane Noone, like any creative person, is not afraid of novelty and every time she undertakes to embody new unexpected images on the screen. She is young, attractive, and in excellent physical shape, so there is confidence that she will have a lot of new discoveries, vivid, memorable roles.

From science to cinema

The biography of Norah-Jane Noone is eventful. Nora Jane was born March 8, 1984, in the Irish county of Galway (Connaught province). Having received primary education at a local school of acting, the girl and in college unsuccessfully comprehended the basics of science. In parallel, she learns singing, doing vocals, and learns to play the piano.

Nora-Jane Noon begins her career on television, starring in the series “Coronation Street” and “Holby City”. An interesting fact can be considered that in 2001, the actress takes part in the creation of the television movie Jack Taylor, where she plays the role of constable Kate Noonan. Almost immediately after the series ends, she has a unique opportunity to plunge into the world of big cinema. Nora-Jane Noon, like thousands of aspiring actresses, is casting in the project of Peter Mullan's "Sisters of Magdalene." Luck smiles at the girl, and she is chosen for the role of one of the main characters - Bernadette.

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The Scottish director Peter Mullan released his creation “Sisters of Magdalene” in 2002 and was criticized from both sides. Women who actually experienced terrible events accused the director of not revealing even half of what was happening outside the walls of a noble institution, and the Vatican anathematized the film for denigrating Catholic clergy. Unlike the long-suffering creator, the casting was not criticized, and the hype that formed around the picture only became an additional advertisement for the actors. Nora-Jane Noon, for her mastery demonstrated in The Sisters of Magdalene, was awarded the British Independent Film Prize in the nomination "Best Actress in an Acting Ensemble."

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In collaboration with Neil Marshall

The next significant project in the filmography of Norah-Jane Noon is Neil Marshall's horror film Descent (2005). The performer still recalls the preparatory process for filming with a shudder. All actresses had to undergo special training at the climbing center in Derbyshire and pass the exam. This is not surprising, because the main heroines of Descent are participants in the speleological expedition, which turned into a claustrophobic nightmare. Nora-Jane Noon has repeatedly stated in an interview with the media that “Descent” is not only a cunningly twisted thriller: the actress is convinced that the picture can be put on a par in the cult “Alien”, which changed the viewer's audience about films about meeting with monsters.

Norah Jane Noone Biography

No less interesting experience was brought by the performer of the film “Judgment Day” by Neil Marshall. The actress characterizes the tape as a mix from Mad Max, 28 Days Later and Escape from New York. Her game in this project, critics called the English methodical, but without imagination. The comments did not spoil the impression of the actress about working in the project. Amateur videos from the filming and photo of Nora-Jane Noon are stored in his personal archive.

Among the last works of the performer are roles in the films Alienated and 12 Feet of Depth.

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