Thyroxine for weight loss: reviews about the application

Nowadays, advanced technologies of medicine and fitness, many drugs with different spectrum of action are used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a means to solve other problems. An example is the drug "Thyroxine" for weight loss. Reviews of people who have experienced its effect on themselves are completely different. Someone achieved a tangible result without experiencing significant side effects, and someone had a hard time. After all, thyroxine is one of the important hormones of the body responsible for the activity of the thyroid gland. This substance in the human body performs the function of prohormone.

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Thyroxine itself, also known as tetraiodothiranine, does not perform a direct biological task. Being produced in the thyroid gland, it is already transformed in the tissues into its more active form - triiodothyronine. The question arises: "Why is it used thyroxine?" Weight loss with its help, as experts in this field assure, is more sparing for the body than through the use of its active form. The fact is that the direct intake of triiodothyronine creates a constant fluctuation in its concentration in the body, which negatively affects the entire state of the body. In addition, this drug is more expensive.

Those people who intend to use this substance should know that it causes not only weight loss. Reviews about the drug are not always positive. So, for example, in addition to accelerating the main metabolic processes and burning fat, it also increases the body's heat production, that is, body temperature, stimulates the central nervous system, which can lead to increased aggressiveness, insomnia, etc. Also tetraiodontiryonin leads to a decrease in appetite, interruption in the work of the heart and high blood pressure.

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In the presence of such side effects, is it worth a simple person to use the thyroxin diet pills at all? Reviews of people leading an active lifestyle and engaged in fitness, those who just wanted to lose weight with it, also indicate that this drug not only burns fat, but also helps to get rid of muscle tissue, and also reduces bone density. All this does not speak in favor of its application. In most cases, tetraiodothyronine is used by professional bodybuilders in preparation for the competition. However, these people consciously take risks by using thyroxine for weight loss. The reviews of bodybuilders, as a rule, are positive, and they do not perceive all the side effects described above, since the result in this sport is primarily.

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Of course, with a competent hike and with full initial health, any person can get some benefit from taking it. You should know that only observing strict rules can you use the drug "Thyroxine" for weight loss. Reviews on its administration can be positive if the duration of its administration did not exceed 5-6 weeks, the maximum dosage did not exceed 300 mcg per day, and the resting heart rate did not exceed 80 beats per minute.

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