Christian Gray: actor. Christian Gray ("50 shades of gray"): name of the actor, photo

Jamie Dornan, who starred in one of the most popular films of recent years, was born in a small provincial town in Northern Ireland. Being very young, the actor dreamed of devoting himself to the career of a doctor. But his dreams were not destined to come true because of the catchy appearance of the future hero of a million female hearts. During his studies, he often received offers at photo shoots. And at that age, for any twenty-year-old guy to get big money just for posing is a chance, and he did not miss it. This is evidenced by Dornan (Christian Gray) himself, an actor ("50 Shades of Gray").

Jamie Dornan Biography

It is worth noting that at the age of 17, the actor lost dear people: friends died in a car accident. Perhaps this tragic event prompted him to move to London and start a completely different life, full of new acquaintances and bright moments.

christian gray actor

Knowing the nuances of the modeling business, the guy feels confident. In addition, the role was played by his participation in the musical group "Sons of Jim". The first talk about the rising star of the modeling business began after successful photo shoots at the GQ publishing house.

From the modeling business to the first movie role

In addition to the money that the actor received from the photographs, there was one more pleasant moment. Jamie has always been surrounded by beautiful models. Then he loved to twist novels without obligation. This lasted until he met a girl who became his first muse. She opened to him a completely different world.

christian gray actor 50 shades

It was a popular actress who starred in "Pirates of the Caribbean" - Keira Knightley. Their meeting took place at the film screenings of the film “Jacket” in 2003. It was from this moment that Dornan’s film career began, as Kira introduced him to her agent. And only then he will become more known as "Christian Gray" - the actor of "50 shades of gray."

The beginning of Jamie's career in cinema

Perhaps this decision became fateful for Kira, because they broke up after the first work in the movie lover. Her agent found for Jamie the excellent role of Count Forsen in the film "Marie Antoinette." The young actor played all the bed scenes too passionately, and although the rumors about his relationship with the actress who played the empress were not confirmed, one thing was clear: Kira did not like it very much. Therefore, they decided to leave. The young ardent actor wanted more freedom.

christian gray actor 50 shades of gray

Over time, he proved his desire for independence: scandalous pictures with various celebrities regularly appeared in the press. Naturally, as a true gentleman, he denied any connection with beauties, but the photos spoke for themselves. In any case, this was the beginning of his path to the breathtaking glory that will come after the release of the famous film.

The combination of an actor’s career and a model

Despite being busy with acting, Christian Gray - actor Jamie - continued to participate in photo shoots. And this is not surprising, because now he was called for really serious advertising of famous brands. He became the star of Nicole Farhi and Massimo Dutti, appeared in the commercials of the famous Hugo Boss, became part of the promotions of Aquascutum and Gap. Although, unlike other models, he does not deprive himself of the pleasure of enjoying beer and Chickenburgers.

christian gray actor photo

Long before the release of the film, he earned popularity, albeit a small one, a man who everyone remembered as Christian Gray. Photos of the actor flashed everywhere thanks to his modeling career. His passion for tennis, football and rugby, as well as constant trips to the gym, allow the actor not to deprive himself of delicious treats and stay in shape for the next photo shoots. In general, the actor had an exciting, full of events, work and adventures exciting life, allowing him to overcome the steps on the path to world fame. He is widely known as the main sex symbol of our days.

The personal life of the actor

And in the spring of 2013, Dornan got married, and this event did not cause a stir in the press. Most likely, this happened because his chosen one, Amelia Warner, was not as famous as the rest of his girls, and although she starred in the movie, it is difficult to call her a role hunter. She is more likely a housewife, a loving wife, who does not need to be flashed in public. But she influenced her husband's career by introducing him to Colin Farrell, a famous Hollywood actor.

The actor who played Christian Gray

Six months after the wedding, the actor had a daughter, just at the time when work on the film was already actively underway. The couple decided that the birth will take place in Northern Ireland, with Dornan's parents. Firstly, the father and mother of the actor work in the field of gynecology, and secondly, the actor still could not pay much attention to his wife. On top of that, before the film was released, the paparazzi paid a lot of attention to the main character, and this atmosphere is not at all suitable for a pregnant woman. It is worth considering the plot of the film and the scenes that are shot in it. The wife perfectly understood that this was all not for fun, and no understudies of her husband could be substituted for in the frame. In addition, Jamie's parents helped with the child at first, supported the mother of her grandson after childbirth. And while the actor, who played Christian Gray, went to fame, somewhere in Northern Ireland was born and spent his first days his newborn daughter.

The reaction of the family to the output of “50 shades of gray”

After completing the filming of the sensational film on the red carpet, Christian Gray (actor Jamie Dornan) appeared not only with his film partner, but also with his wife. It immediately becomes noticeable that next to the beloved, the actor feels shy and bashful. Perhaps she blames him for something: Amelia flatly refused to watch a film that conquered so many female hearts. And there is no certainty that such popularity of the father of the family has a positive effect on their family life. After all, millions of fans around the world are in love with the actor, and the role that he got is not at all to the face of a diligent family man.

The reaction of society to the famous film

But besides positive reviews about the film and about the actor, there is also criticism. For example, the famous actress, who played the charming Samantha in the series “Sex and the City”, believes that, revealing such an image as Christian Gray, the actor could not cope with the role, and it makes no sense to watch the film. Kim Cattrall generally doubts the correct presentation of the plot by the actors.

christian gray actor name

But it doesn’t matter whether people are positive or negative about this film, the main thing is that it has become a world premiere, the most anticipated and popular. And now everyone with bated breath is waiting for the continuation of history. And given the fact that the actors signed a contract, we will see them on the screens again. Indeed, according to the contract, they are obliged to play in all parts of the “Shades”.


In addition to "Marie Antoinette", which became the springboard of the actor in the world of cinema, "Christian Gray" (the actor whose name is Jamie Dornan) starred in several films, namely:

  • In 2008, he played Ed in the movie Beyond the Rave.
  • In the film Shadows on the Sun, which was released in 2009, he played Joe.
  • In the same year, the actor took part in the filming of the film “Nice to meet you.”
  • In 2011, he began filming in the series "Once Upon a Time" in the role of Sheriff Graham.
  • Starting in 2013, he played the Pala Spectra in the series Fall.
  • The role of Abe Goffe in the TV series "New Worlds" went to him in 2014.
  • Then he played Collin in the movie "Flight Home".
  • In 2015, the fateful film "50 shades of gray" was released, which brought the actor crazy popularity.
  • This year it is planned to release two more films - “Adam Jones” and “The Ninth Life of Louis Drax”.

In addition, "Christian Gray" (actor Dornan) is now busy filming the movie "Anthropoid", where he got the role of Jan Kubis. Two more parts of the Christian Gray story are being prepared for release. Preliminary release dates for large screens are planned for 2017 and 2018.

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