How to get a tick in a person: all methods of removal

On the territory of Russia there are many ticks that feed on human blood, which is extremely important for them for further reproduction. The bite of an ixodid tick itself is not dangerous, but its saliva may contain pathogens of diseases such as encephalitis and borreliosis.

How to get a tick in humans at home or in nature, where there is no way to urgently seek medical help? This is the question that many are interested in.

The danger of encephalitis tick

how to pull a tick in a person with a syringe

The tick is very dangerous for humans, since it carries the risk of infection with encephalitis, tularemia, hemorrhagic fever. And this is not the whole list of dangerous diseases. It is worth remembering that the longer the tick will contact the human body, the greater the likelihood of infection in his body.

Therefore, the primary task is to remove the sucked tick as quickly as possible. But you need to do this competently, so that you do not inadvertently crush the bloodsucker.

The presence of an insect can not always be noticed, since the encephalitis tick has the ability to secrete an anesthetic during blood sucking. And upon arrival home, a person discovers in his body a blood-sucking insect filled with his blood and enlarged in size.

When the tick is removed according to all the rules, you must immediately seek medical help to get tested for encephalitis. Even if an ailment is revealed, this does not mean that the consequences will be extremely dangerous. A guarantee for recovery will be given by timely started treatment.


pull the tick at home in humans

How to pull out the tick head in a person with tweezers? The sequence of removing the insect with the tool is as follows:

  1. The place of damage is lubricated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Surgical gloves, also treated with an antiseptic, are put on hands.
  2. Eyebrow tweezers, also rubbed with alcohol, are pressed into the skin with sharp ends.
  3. After that, the tool is squeezed around the head of the tick and the insect is removed by twisting movements.
  4. The damaged area is densely greased with iodine or brilliant green.

Thread application

how to get the head of a tick in a person

It is not easy to remove the tick with a thread, but if you learn how to do it, you will be able to quickly get rid of the insect. If you are trying to do this for the first time, then it is better to immediately abandon the venture. The thread is used only when nothing else is at hand.

pull the tick at home in humans

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Hands are treated with alcohol.
  2. The thread is applied closer to the proboscis of the tick.
  3. Slow movements make the knot.
  4. After that, upward movements are made, thus drawing out the parasite. Manipulations to the side are prohibited.
  5. Then the tick must be taken to the sanitation station for research.

If it was not possible to remove the tick with the help of a thread or the head remained in the body, then do not panic. You need to lubricate this place with alcohol and quickly go to the doctor. If you do not have the experience of extracting a tick, it is better not to take risks, since the consequences of this can be unpredictable.

How to pull a tick in a person with his hands?

You can pull out the tick with your hands only as a last resort. There is a high probability of crushing it, which means the insect will let the infected contents of its body into the human body. As a result of this, encephalitis or another dangerous disease can develop.

This is done as follows:

  1. Hands and skin around the tick are treated with an antiseptic.
  2. They put on disposable gloves or, in extreme cases, wrap them with a sterile bandage or gauze.
  3. Ticks capture in the place where his body connects to the head. That is, as close to the skin as possible.
  4. The insect is removed by rotational movements counterclockwise.
  5. The bite site is treated with an antiseptic, the tick itself is placed in a container or other sealed container and taken to a laboratory. Hands after removing the bloodsucker are thoroughly washed with soap.

Tweezers "Nippes"

how to get a tick in a person with oil

How to pull a tick in a person with tweezers "Nippes"? This tool is designed specifically for removing ticks. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The device resembles a nail clipper, only in miniature. They can easily unscrew a sucked insect. Going into nature, it is advisable to take the Nippes tweezers with you.

Its advantages over ordinary tweezers:

  • does not compress the tick body;
  • the parasite gets out without any special obstacles;
  • the risk of infection is reduced.

Terms of use:

  1. Tick ​​picks on the side.
  2. Without pressure, it must be pulled up.
  3. Remove the insect with twisting movements.
  4. Put it in a pre-prepared jar, which is covered with gauze or a clean cloth.
  5. Take bloodsucker for examination.

What category of people it is desirable to get Nippes tweezers

This device must be in stock with the following persons:

  1. Lovers of outdoor recreation.
  2. Those who often go hiking.
  3. Mushroom pickers and forest berry lovers.
  4. Residents of the village who live near the forest plantations.
  5. Hunters and fishermen.

Now you know how to remove a tick from a person with tweezers "Nippes".

Syringe removal

how to pull out the tick head in humans

There is another way that talks about how to get a tick from a person at home. For this, a disposable syringe without a needle is used.

As an advantage of this method, its simplicity can be noted. The disadvantages include a high risk of incomplete extraction of a bloodsucker and leaving its head in the human body.

How to pull a tick in a person with a syringe?

The sequence of extraction of the tick with a syringe:

  1. The area around the insect is treated with alcohol or another antiseptic.
  2. The new syringe is removed from the packaging, its piston is lowered down.
  3. The syringe is pressed to the skin so that the tick is completely in the nose. But often the nozzles of many syringes are too narrow, so it is best to first cut off the nose. This must be done so that the edges are even. Otherwise, you injure the skin around the bite. For a more even cut, you can preheat the knife to a hot state.
  4. Now pull the piston up. This must be done slowly. Without sudden movements.
  5. When the parasite is separated from the skin, the wound area is again treated with an antiseptic.

Oil as one way

How to get a tick in a person with oil? To do this, you need to lubricate the place with the tick with oil well, in this case the bloodsucker will detach itself, after which it must be removed from the skin and put in a jar to carry for analysis.

What can not be done

how to pull a tick in a person at home

Now you know how to get a tick from a person, but what can not be done with a bite of this insect? Many people who have not heard about this problem may panic and do not know how to behave properly. Sometimes such actions lead to disastrous consequences.

So, it is forbidden to take out the tick in this way:

  1. Try to take it out sharply.
  2. Squeeze his abdomen with tweezers.
  3. Try to take it out with your fingers.
  4. Apply vegetable oil or other oily products to the parasite.
  5. Try to destroy the pest with a cigarette butt.
  6. There are also those who use their own teeth to extract the tick, so this can never be done!

What to do if the head or the proboscis of the tick breaks off?

Most often this can happen if a person in a panic begins to pull an insect from his skin. In no case should this be done. But you should reassure that the danger when leaving the head of a bloodsucker in the body is minimized. Since encephalitis infection is present precisely in the body of this creature. Although it is not a fact that the tick did not manage to let this substance into the blood of a person.

How to get the head of a tick in a person? The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Sanitize the needle in advance and try to remove the head yourself.
  2. If you do not know how to do this, then lubricate the location of the head with iodine, and after a certain time it will come out on its own.
  3. And the best option is to contact a specialist.

How to treat a wound after removing a tick

After extracting the parasite, you should not think that the case is completed. Be sure to treat the wound with an antiseptic. Do not neglect this procedure, otherwise there may be consequences. It is also forbidden to comb the place of the bite so that the itching does not bother, take an antihistamine and take other measures to eliminate irritation and itching. If you know how to properly remove a tick from a person, then this is already half the battle, then you need to know how to process the place so that there are no consequences from a bite.

For the treatment of wounds, such drugs are suitable:

  • Chlorhexidine solution;
  • pure alcohol or diluted with water;
  • vodka or moonshine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • even perfumes or eau de toilette will do, if nothing else is at hand.

Processing Rules:

  1. First, the damaged area is treated with light movements with a cotton wool, gauze or other cloth moistened with a solution.
  2. If nothing was at hand in the field, then pick a plantain or dandelion, rinse in water and squeeze the juice from the plant onto the wound, then attach a sheet of these plants to the bite site.
  3. In extreme cases, the wound is washed with clean water and covered with a clean cloth.
  4. As soon as possible you need to visit a doctor.
  5. On the way to the doctor, get an antiseptic and treat the affected area.

Going to nature, be sure to take care of essential medicines, this is alcohol, zelenka or iodine, cotton wool and gauze.

In addition, already in the future you can use antiseptic ointments:

  1. Sulfur ointment, it relieves inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect. It is applied 1 time in 2 days using a bandage.
  2. Ichthyol ointment - relieves pain and inflammation, has a keratoplastic effect. Apply it with a bandage every 8-10 hours.
  3. "Vetabiol." This ointment is applied 2-3 times a day.

Precautionary measures

To avoid a tick bite, while in nature, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If you gather in nature or in the park, do not wear open shoes, in addition, make sure that your clothes completely cover body areas.
  2. When you get home, fully examine yourself. With special care, look at the groin area, elbow bends, armpit areas, scalp and neck. If everything is clean, then go to the shower, and wash your clothes immediately using hot water.
  3. Going to nature, take an interest in a drugstore against ticks in a pharmacy. It is advisable to purchase it.

It is important that each person knows the instructions for behavior when they find on their body a sucking tick. So it will be possible to avoid dangerous consequences. Even if you practically do not visit the city, this does not mean that you are insured against the bite of this blood-sucking insect, because a considerable number of such ticks are found in city parks.

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