Japanese diet: menus, recipes, results, pros and cons

A beautiful figure is the dream of any girl. Good form has a positive effect not only on health, but also on consciousness. So, girls and women who do not feel extra pounds are more confident in the company of other people.

But not everyone can boast of an excellent metabolism, which allows you to eat and not get fat. Therefore, many have to maintain shape in various ways: playing sports, diets, meditations and medicines.

However, each of the methods helps to lose extra pounds gradually. And what if you need to lose weight in less than a month? In such cases, you need to strictly adhere to the Japanese diet menu. This will help to quickly reduce volumes. But before you start a diet, you need to learn more about all its secrets.

What is the secret of the Japanese diet?

Contrary to its name, the Japanese diet for 14 days does not include any exotic dishes. Diets are designed for three periods: seven, thirteen and fourteen days. The minimum weight that will be dropped during the diet is from five kilograms and above.

The secret is a strict menu of the Japanese diet for weight loss. Breakfast will be almost completely excluded from the diet, and the total number of meals will be reduced to three. In this case, the diet does not imply any snacks during breaks.

Many are interested not so much in the diet as in the calorie content of the Japanese diet. The daily menu is very limited in calories. A person will consume from 700 to 1100 calories per day. In addition, a special combination of products will direct the body to burn fat.

Throughout the diet, the diet will almost entirely consist of proteins. Fats and carbohydrates will also enter the body, but in very small quantities. Losing weight will be effective, since the menu includes a sufficient amount of fiber.

Japanese diet menu

Types of Japanese Diet

There are several types of Japanese diet:

  • A seven-day diet is the shortest. It helps to quickly lose weight. But she has a minus. The body only manages to get rid of excess fluid in a week, but cannot completely rebuild. The result of such a diet will last the least.
  • Diet for thirteen days is the most popular. In full compliance with the rules allows you to lose almost all the extra pounds. The body manages to rebuild and the effect lasts for a long time.
  • Diet for fourteen days - differs from the previous one by only one day. There are no significant differences. It is used only with good health.

We are losing weight on the Japanese diet: preparation

You can’t just get up in the morning and go on a diet. Before starting the original Japanese diet, you need to prepare your body and mind for this strict period. The first step is a psychological attitude. The diet is very strict and limits a person in almost everything.

During this period, you can not eat sweet, flour, fried and so on. It is very difficult to tolerate morally. Therefore, before starting the Japanese diet, you need to think about the fact that after seven / thirteen / fourteen days the body will be in better shape. Extra pounds will go away, the waist volume will noticeably decrease. To enhance motivation, you can take a photo in the evening before starting a diet and hang it on the refrigerator. Then take a photo on the last day and compare the results.

The second step is preparing the body. Due to the fact that the diet is very strict, you can not sharply limit the diet. Therefore, a few days before the start of the diet, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed. The body must get used to the trimmed portions. As with the Japanese diet, cabbage, fish, apples and so on should be the main diet.

Diet rules

During the Japanese diet, no matter what the time will be, you need to adhere to several strict rules.

Weight Loss with a Japanese Diet
  • During this period, it is necessary to strictly and strictly follow a specially designed menu. Do not reduce or increase the amount of daily food intake.
  • Strictly observe the sequence of consumption of products. You can not swap daily diets.
  • Completely exclude salt and sugar from the diet.
  • Drink water thirty to sixty minutes before starting a meal. You can also drink between meals. Never drink water with food.
  • Exclude alcohol from the diet.
  • Refuse any snacks between meals, regardless of the strength of desire. You can not eat even a small slice of bread, vegetable and fruit.
  • A few days before the start of the diet, arrange the unloading of the body.
  • After the diet, smoothly return to a more voluminous diet.
  • Drink more than two liters of water per day. This volume does not include coffee and tea.
  • Dishes during the diet can be cooked and baked, but not fried.
  • Meals should take place at the same time.
  • While eating, you need to chew everything thoroughly.

Menu for 7 days

The shortest diet is a seven-day one. The menu of the Japanese diet is quite ascetic, so it will be almost impossible to cook any dishes from it. The only thing you can afford is a vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.

The first day:

  • Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch: one glass of tomato juice for two hundred milliliters, two boiled eggs, a salad of Beijing cabbage, seasoned with olive oil.
  • Dinner: two hundred and fifty grams of boiled fish and a salad of fresh cabbage.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: a cup of coffee and a cracker of rye bread.
  • Lunch: two hundred and fifty grams of steamed fish, a salad of fresh cabbage.
  • Dinner: one hundred grams of boiled beef. Wash down with a glass of fat-free kefir.

Day Three:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black coffee and rye cracker.
  • Lunch: five hundred grams of vegetable marrow fried in vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: two hundred grams of boiled beef, two boiled eggs and a portion of cabbage salad.

Day four:

  • Breakfast: one cup of black coffee.
  • Lunch: three boiled carrots, grated and seasoned with olive oil. A piece of cheese (fifteen grams) of hard and unsalted variety.
  • Dinner: two apples of red varieties.

Fifth day:

  • Breakfast: one raw carrot, grated and seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Lunch: three hundred grams of boiled fish and two hundred milliliters of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: two apples of red varieties.

Day Six:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
  • Lunch: five hundred grams of boiled chicken without salt, coleslaw or carrot salad seasoned with olive oil.
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs and a salad of fresh carrots, seasoned with olive oil.

Day Seven:

  • Breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: two hundred grams of boiled beef and one fruit: orange, apple or pear.
  • Dinner: two red apples.
Japanese diet

Japanese diet: menu for 14 days

The first seven days of a two-week diet completely coincide with the weekly one. The diet and menu are completely identical.

Day Eight:

  • Breakfast: one cup of black coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch: five hundred grams of boiled unsalted chicken. Cabbage salad with olive oil.
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs, one fresh mashed carrot with olive oil.

Day Nine:

  • Breakfast: one raw carrot, grated with lemon juice.
  • Lunch: three hundred grams of boiled fish and two hundred milliliters of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: two fruits to choose from.

Day Ten:

  • Breakfast: one cup of black coffee.
  • Lunch: three boiled carrots seasoned with olive oil. Fifteen grams of hard cheese.
  • Dinner: two fruits to choose from.

Day eleven:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black coffee and rye cracker.
  • Lunch: five hundred grams of vegetable marrow fried in vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: two hundred grams of boiled beef, two boiled eggs and a portion of cabbage salad.

Day Twelve:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black coffee and rye cracker.
  • Lunch: two hundred and fifty grams of steamed fish, a salad of fresh cabbage.
  • Dinner: one hundred grams of boiled beef. Wash down with a glass of fat-free kefir.

Day Thirteen:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black coffee or tea.
  • Lunch: one glass of tomato juice for two hundred milliliters, two boiled eggs, a salad of Beijing cabbage, seasoned with olive oil.
  • Dinner: two hundred grams of steamed fish, a salad of fresh cabbage.

Day fourteen:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
  • Lunch: two hundred and fifty grams of steamed fish, a salad of fresh cabbage.
  • Dinner: one hundred grams of boiled beef. Wash down with a glass of fat-free kefir.

So ends the last day of the diet. As you can see, the menu of the Japanese diet is often repeated, but in no case can you change the days in places. In addition, cooking any dishes also fails. The diet is so ascetic that only simple vegetable salads are present from the β€œdishes”.

Proper completion of the diet

Benefits of a Japanese Diet

When a strict and difficult Japanese diet is completed, you need to get out of it correctly so as not to disrupt the body. Dishes of the Japanese diet were simple, so you do not need to immediately pounce on complex and high-calorie foods. During the diet, the stomach decreased significantly and rebuilt. Now it is set to digest low-calorie foods.

After completing the Japanese diet, the menu needs to be expanded very smoothly. The main diet should be cereals, their use must be placed on different meals. As with the Japanese diet, fish and lean meat should be steamed or baked. It is better to refuse fried foods.

As with the Japanese diet, fruits should be an integral part of the diet. They can be consumed in large quantities, but without fanaticism. It is also better to give up sweet fruits for a while. After completing the diet, you can return the snacks. All kinds of muesli or kefir are perfect for them.

The menus and results of the Japanese diet are interconnected. Therefore, losing extra pounds is possible only if you strictly follow the menu. Also, after a week or two has passed, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and exclude sweets and flour. Replace sweets with bread. Tasty snacks need to be introduced into the diet very slowly, so the effect of the diet will last longer.

The diet after the diet should be as similar as possible to the one that was introduced for a week or two. The longer the recovery period, the longer the result will last. If, immediately after its completion, completely return to the old diet, then the kilograms will also return soon. You must also drink at least two liters of water daily.

Japanese diet: benefits

Secrets of the Japanese Diet

Before embarking on "fasting," you need to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of the Japanese diet. The "Japanese" has a lot of advantages.

With strict observance of all the rules, you can lose up to eight kilograms in two weeks. However, this weight should be really overweight.

The Japanese diet allows you to lose weight in a very short time. For example, if you need to get in shape by a certain date for which an important event is scheduled, or if vacation looms on the horizon, then the Japanese woman will help quickly bring the body into shape.

During the diet, the body removes all toxins. This is due to a complete rejection of alcohol, salt, sugar and flour. Despite the fact that the diet menu is rather modest, a person does not feel a breakdown. A properly selected diet helps to easily transfer the diet, almost without feeling hunger.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the main advantage of the Japanese diet - long-term effects on the body. During the "Japanese" the body is being rebuilt, its work is changing and its metabolism is improving. Thanks to this and proper nutrition in the future, you can maintain the effect of diet for a long period. If you do not rush into the whirlpool with your head and immediately switch to flour and sweet, then you can not think about dietary restrictions the next couple of years.

Diet deficiencies

Like any diet, "Japanese" has its drawbacks and contraindications. For example, if you do not maintain the full course of the diet and return to your usual diet, then the lost pounds will return with "friends". Therefore, it is important to soberly assess your capabilities and understand whether it will be able to withstand such a load. If not, then you can switch to another, less strict diet.

You need to follow a diet for no more than two weeks, otherwise the metabolism will be disturbed. High consumption of strong black coffee can adversely affect the body.

Diet from Japan

Due to an unbalanced diet, a person will not receive the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins and other vitamins during the diet. Therefore, in these two weeks it is important to take vitamins in capsules, etc.

The diet has strict contraindications:

  • Metabolic diseases: diabetes, obesity and so on.
  • Changes in the endocrine system: menopause, pregnancy, lactation and so on.
  • Diseases of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), liver (hepatitis), disorders in the cardiovascular system (high and low blood pressure, etc.).
  • Gastritis.

Japanese diet reviews

How many people, so many opinions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the opinions on the Japanese diet can be found in a wide variety. But regardless of the pros and cons of the Japanese diet, it cannot be denied that it is very effective in combating extra pounds.

The opinions of those who have tried the Japanese diet on their own are divided into two camps. The first, of which a minority, argue that the harm of the Japanese diet outweighs the benefits. Such patients note that the diet does not give visible results, and their expectations are not met. However, such reviews are often left by those who could not overcome themselves and fell off at the beginning or middle of the road.

The disadvantages of the Japanese diet

So, if you do not finish the diet, then there will be no result. However, if you include snacks in the diet, add products to the menu, do not completely give up salt and sugar, then in such cases the result will not live up to expectations. Diet will help get rid of extra pounds only with strict adherence to the rules.

Also, those who are too abruptly returned to the previous diet are also unhappy with the diet. In such cases, extra pounds are gained back pretty quickly. In addition, often the weight becomes even more than what was before the diet.

Other patients, those who were able to bring the diet to the end and smoothly get out of it, leave extremely positive reviews. Girls and women note that this diet helps to quickly and painlessly lose weight. Yes, they write that refusing salt is the most difficult thing, that the diet is very poor, that it is difficult to keep oneself from snacking and breakdowns. But, as they point out, the result is worth these difficulties.

But it is important to know the opinion of the diet not only of those who have experienced it on themselves. It is important to find out what doctors and nutritionists see in this diet. Experts note that if a person has no contraindications for use, then he can safely plunge into a weekly or two-week diet.

Doctors say that after the completion of the diet, the metabolism in the body will improve. Also, with the correct exit from it, one can hope for a long result. Nutritionists also warn that after the expiration of a few kilograms it is imperative to return. Do not be afraid, this is a normal process.

However, along with this, doctors write that "Japanese" refers to low-calorie diets, while it is extremely unbalanced. There are a lot of fats entering the body, and few complex carbohydrates. Therefore, throughout the diet you need to carefully listen to yourself. Mild discomfort in the early days is normal, but if your health only worsens later, you need to stop the diet. This reaction of the body indicates that it affects the body too much. In such cases, you need to contact a nutritionist and consult with him.

Doctors also note that the Japanese diet is stressful. And too often you should not resort to it. The minimum interval between them is seven months.

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