How to steam your face correctly

Every time you need to clean your skin, a woman must carefully steam it. The subsequent state of the epidermis depends on this. And that means the beauty of a beautiful lady. There are many options for steam baths.

How to steam your face correctly

We boil water and pour it into a convenient container. This may be a specialized device for cosmetic procedures. An ordinary pan is also suitable. The effect will be the same, the only difference is that special devices will not allow you to burn yourself, and you don’t have to cover your head with a towel.

For preliminary cleaning of the skin, it is advisable to make a delicate peeling. This removes dead skin particles and mechanically cleanses the pores.

A good effect is the addition of herbs or essential oils to boiling water. For each skin type, you need to choose your own composition:

  • for the fat type add lemon, peppermint oil;
  • for normal skin - nettle, lavender and rosemary;
  • for dry - rose and grape seed oil, chamomile and linden.

After the infusion of herbs begins to boil, wait a few minutes, otherwise you may get a burn. Wear an elastic bandage over your head. Find a convenient place, because you have to spend a few minutes in a bent position. Close your eyes, relax, breathe with your mouth open. Warm your face for about ten minutes. You will feel profuse sweating. A quarter hour is enough to open the pores. Skin toxins, excess moisture, sebum come to the surface. All this should be removed with a soft towel, and only then you can proceed to cleaning. After the steam procedure, it is better not to go outside.

After steaming the skin, it is possible to get rid of some flaws. So, for example, acne, having the medical name "comedones", are squeezed by light finger presses. Then the face can be treated with an antiseptic and begin to apply nourishing masks.

How to steam your face at home with a hot wipe

A fabric is required that meets the following conditions: it must be natural (cotton, linen), dense and very soft. It is immersed in a decoction of hot herbs, slightly squeezed and laid on the face. As soon as the napkin cools down, it is again immersed, squeezed and applied to the face.

The steam bath for the face is especially good for oily and porous skin. If your blood vessels on your face are dilated, or if you suffer from hives, which manifests itself during sudden temperature changes, choose steaming with a napkin.

How to steam out your face if you are on a business trip or traveling

There are special masks with the effect of steaming. It is enough to apply one of them for a few minutes, as the skin takes on a beautiful appearance. The composition of these masks includes extracts of berries, herbs, cream and other things.

Star tips: how to steam your face

Actress Jane Fonda performs the following procedure every two weeks: she steams the face with a decoction of chamomile, then covers it with a thick layer of corn mask and kneads the skin. After this, you need to remove the mask, rinsing it with cool water.

The famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova after the steaming procedure cleanses the skin with a mixture of honey and salt. Singer Britney Spears uses lemon-herbal inhalation. Oksana Fedorova, after warming up the skin of the face, applies a mask made according to her own recipe. To do this, mix two teaspoons of glycerin, a tablespoon of camphor and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. The famous Cindy Crawford combines a steam bath with milk, Jessica Alba uses a mixture of sea salt and aromatic oils. All this helps to effectively get rid of skin impurities.

Now you know how to steam your face. Take care of yourself and be beautiful at any age and at any time of the year.

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