Certification on industrial safety of managers and specialists: training, exam

When performing work at a hazardous industrial facility (hazardous production facility) , not only its registration, but also certification of industrial safety of managers and specialists is required. Training and certification is conducted at the regional office of Rostekhnadzor (RTN). Also, if there is a license for the right to educational activities on industrial safety issues, training can be carried out by a training center, but the exam is mandatory at the RTN.

Who needs certification at RTN and why?

Industrial safety is a comprehensive measure aimed at preventing accidents at facilities whose activities pose a danger to the public and the environment. Therefore, qualified specialists should be involved in resolving issues and problems of industrial safety. So, certification in Rostekhnadzor with the subsequent issuance of the protocol is required for:

- Heads of structural divisions of public educational institutions (training for everyone, starting from the head of the organization, ending with the masters and team leaders of individual production sites);

- to specialists who carry out direct work and maintenance of equipment at the OPO (electrical installations, equipment for oil and gas processing, boiler houses and thermal power plants, equipment for lifting and moving finished products, materials and workpieces throughout the enterprise).

certification on industrial safety of managers and specialists

The current legislation defines three types of certification:

  • primary;
  • periodic;
  • unscheduled or extraordinary.

Absolutely all employees belonging to the above groups are exposed to primary within 1 month from the date of admission to the state or when transferring to a position in this list. Even if an employee was transferred from one workshop to another, where in one workshop he was maintenance staff, and in the other he became a team leader, regardless of whether the specifics of the work were changed or not, training would be considered primary, as when applying for a job.

certification in Rostekhnadzor

Periodic testing of knowledge is carried out for some categories of industrial safety once every 3 years, for others - once every 5 years. Frequency is established by specific regulatory acts in the field of industrial safety. For example, PTEEP requires certification of the specialist responsible for the electrical industry once every 5 years, and the Requirements for Thermal Power Plants state that the person in charge passes certification once every 3 years. Conducts Rostekhnadzor testing in the same manner as in the initial certification.

Extraordinary certification

There are many situations in which the level and volume of knowledge of a specialist in industrial safety is insufficient to conduct the activities of the enterprise. Examples of such situations include:

- installation of new equipment;

- changes in the process;

- a break in work for more than six months;

- accidents and accidents at hazardous industrial facilities or other hazardous facilities conducting identical production activities.

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Extraordinary certification of industrial safety of managers and specialists is carried out in a general manner, regardless of the date of the last knowledge test. Based on the results of the certification, the representative of RTN issues a new protocol for testing knowledge on the required area of ​​industrial safety.

Changes in the legislation, production technology also indicate that industrial safety expertise is required. This procedure is mandatory for all organizations whose activities are consecrated in Federal Law No. 116.

Which enterprises fall under the POE?

By order of RTN No. 233 of 2012, the areas of certification for industrial safety were determined, and Federal Law No. 116 - objects related to OPO:

  • oil and gas industry;
  • metallurgy and mechanical engineering;
  • mining industry;
  • operation of pressure vessels and gas consumption and distribution facilities;
  • operation of lifting equipment;
  • blasting operations;
  • hydrotechnical industry;
  • operation of thermal power plants;
  • operation of electrical installations.

Certification Procedure

Each knowledge test is preceded by training in specialized programs agreed with the RTN. As soon as the material of the program is mastered, students can come to RTN for certification.

Certification on industrial safety of directors and specialists of educational institutions is carried out both after training in an educational institution and in the internal commission of the enterprise. The easiest and most inexpensive way is to prepare in a training center.

Rostechnadzor testing
The latter case is resorted to when you have to train a large number of employees with a separation from production, which increases the employer's training costs.

To do this, you must perform a number of measures:

1. Development of a training program in a specific area of ​​industrial safety, its coordination with the inspector of RTN.

2. Certification on industrial safety of managers and specialists who will train and take the preliminary exam directly at the enterprise (certification committee).

3. Issuance of certificates of admission to certification in RTN.

Certification in Rostekhnadzor is mandatory! It is forbidden to independently conduct a knowledge test and issue protocols. Failure to comply with this requirement, as well as the absence of certification protocols for employees allowed to perform work, entail the administrative responsibility of the employer under Article 9.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the minimum fine will amount to 200 thousand rubles.

If the training is carried out by the training center, then the employer can only arrange attendance at the classes by employees, pay the state duty for certification, draw up a statement-submission to the RTN (data on employees, occupational safety area, position held), and if the exam is successful, pick up the protocol.

How to prepare for certification?

Attending lectures on the required field of industrial safety does not guarantee 100% preparation for certification. And the industrial safety certification of managers and specialists is aimed at testing not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills.

On the network you can find many sites with simulators of questions on industrial safety, divided by area. With their help, you can find out what type of questions will be tested, their number and complexity. There are also entire sites dedicated to answers to all questions from all areas of certification of RTN. There is no guarantee that answers are correct, so testing should rely on the theoretical knowledge and practical experience gained.

industrial safety expertise

During testing at the territorial office of RTN it is forbidden to use any means of access to the Internet, print media, video and audio materials.

Is Rostekhnadzor and Gostekhnadzor the same government agency?

If we turn to the full names of these two state structures, it becomes clear that they are different. Gostekhnadzor conducts certification for forklift operators, bulldozers, excavators and other specialized machines.

Gostekhnadzor places tickets on the official website in all categories from B to E. GTN also provides services for registering special equipment for state registration, as well as for conducting technical inspections. Preliminary certification before certification is carried out by specialized training centers and some driving schools licensed for this type of educational activity.

The exam must be taken to Gostekhnadzor. Tickets there will have to be decided on computers without the ability to find the answer on the Internet.

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