Teacher Responsibilities Education Act: Teacher Responsibilities

So, today the responsibilities of the teacher will be presented to our attention. The teacher himself, and the parents of the students, and the leadership should know them. After all, for violation or non-fulfillment of duties, you can incur trouble. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the law on education, the duties of the teacher in which are clearly spelled out. And so in educational institutions very often there are various "showdowns" between teachers, management, students and parents. To avoid this, let's try to understand what teachers have at school rights and obligations.

teacher responsibilities


Let's start with what you can count on an employee of an educational institution. Not everyone knows about this. And often the rights and obligations of a teacher are simply violated. It should be noted that, according to the law on education, the entire teaching staff can be protected. It is about professional honor and dignity.

In addition, one must also pay attention to the fact that any teacher has the right to protect human honor (do not confuse it with a professional one) if they tried to slander him. This applies to leadership, and students, and parents. That is, if students regularly and unreasonably complain about you, somehow belittle or insult you, you have the right to protection. The question is different - few people will deal with such complaints in Russia. The rights and obligations of the teacher are prescribed by law, but not all of them are respected.


Each teacher can also participate in school management. And for this it is not necessary to be, say, a director. True, you should not count on the fact that they will give you the floor in solving any school issues.

Why? Participation in the management of the school is regulated by the charter. And in every educational institution it is different. Somewhere the teacher is given such a right, but somewhere not. Practice shows that often school management is entrusted only to honored teachers and leadership. The main thing is to spell it out in the charter. If there is nothing like this, then any teacher can participate in the management of the school.

teacher job responsibilities


It is the responsibility of the teacher (as well as his rights) to write a complaint to any member of the teaching staff of the school or student. True, there is an important point. All information must be presented in writing and in a delicate form. In oral form, reports are not welcome, but there is a place to be.

In addition, each teacher can make a complaint about the educational system used in the school. You should not be afraid of any punishment - this is normal. But, as practice shows, teachers are often intimidated. If they write “denunciation” on someone, they are threatened with dismissal. This is a violation of human rights. And you should not be afraid of such behavior.

Absolute freedom

The functional responsibilities of the teacher include such an item as the preparation of the curriculum. And here the teacher has the right to complete freedom of action. That is, everyone can independently develop a work plan for the coming year at their discretion. The main thing is that the developments comply with the educational standards and do not carry any danger to children and society.

In addition, any teacher has the right to nominate himself for participation in pedagogical councils. For different positions. They cannot forbid you. Is it just to vote and not to choose where you would like to get.

The teacher has the right to compliance with hygiene standards at the workplace. Thus, an educational institution must provide each teacher with a place suitable for teaching children. If you need something to organize the process, you can ask the school management to provide you with this thing.

teacher responsibilities at school

The responsibilities of the teacher also include the choice of methods for assessing knowledge. Here he also has the right to complete freedom. It should be noted that the modern teacher also sets the rules for behavior in the lesson. But there is one caveat - they should not contradict morality, as well as infringe on the rights of students.


The main duties of a teacher are the implementation of activities aimed at educating school-age children, as well as supplying the material necessary for the development of the child in a suitable form. In other words, each teacher must teach children. And bring to them information that would serve as a “push” for their development.

For all this, it should be borne in mind that the material should be presented in a convenient form, and also not contradict moral principles. Plus, now there are some rules for preparing a curriculum for a year. And they regulate the main directions and rules of training. Their teaching staff must comply.

Moral education

It's no secret that nowadays it is customary to call a school a second home. And therefore, the duties of the teacher include such a point as the moral and moral education of students. This is especially true for primary school teachers. Here most attention is paid to this moment.

In truth, in this regard, everything is not so complicated. After all, the official duties of the teacher on the GEF, including the moral development of the child, as a rule, have a clear list of instructions that will have to be followed. That is, there are norms according to which moral education will take place during one or another period of study.

primary school teacher responsibilities


The duties of primary school teachers (and indeed, any) includes such a point as maintaining discipline in an educational institution. In addition, the teacher is obliged to teach children the rules of behavior. In other words, develop discipline.

Particular attention is paid to this item in elementary school. Such children can still be explained what can be done and what not. But in high school it is extremely difficult to comply with this rule. Nevertheless, do not forget - if a child violates discipline, you must stop it. But in such a way that your behavior does not infringe on the student’s rights.

Total volume

The duties of an elementary school teacher (just like everyone else) include the full delivery of teaching material to students. That is, you do not have the right to change the already approved curriculum, to shorten or "lengthen" the lessons devoted to a particular direction. To keep silent and conceal important moments for the educational process is also prohibited.

Unfortunately, not everyone respects their duties now. Teachers quite often violate this point. But in a cool magazine for control they write everything the way it should be. Some material may not be covered in the class at all, but may be given for home reading. It is not right. Parents have every right to complain about you. Indeed, according to the law, each teacher is obliged to fully convey the teaching material to the student.


But this is not all the requirements for the teaching staff. The thing is that the job responsibilities of a modern teacher are that you must educate children in their love of the homeland and patriotism. And all this taking into account the absence of the imposition of religious views.

teacher rights and obligations

In truth, a great deal of time is being devoted to this moment. Teachers have been trying to instill love for the country since elementary school. And many succeed. Keep in mind that you can’t carry out propaganda against the Motherland, and also convince that patriotism is bad.

It should also be borne in mind that the duties of primary school teachers (and the rest, too) include a point such as teaching children tolerance. When you elevate your country and try to instill in your students love for it, you cannot belittle the honor and dignity of other nations. Rather, one will have to teach tolerance and respect.


The teacher’s responsibilities at the school also include raising children's love of the family and family values. Thus, it will be necessary from time to time to conduct discussions on this topic. Explain how important a family is for a modern person. The main thing is not to “go too far”. Sometimes children perceive information as a direct signal to unquestioning obedience to parents and senior family members.

Physical development

Do not forget about such a point as the physical development of students. This is also the responsibility of the teacher at school. You need to be able to convey to the guys how to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as how to play sports.

Practice shows that physical education teachers are more likely to follow physical development of students. But class teachers and other teaching staff should, in turn, simply explain the benefits of playing sports. You can conduct different quizzes, relay races and "Fun Starts" to attract students to exercise.

job responsibilities


The duties of a teacher are not only teaching something. They also mention the protection of children during school hours. You must ensure their safety. And let go home only after class.

During the educational process, all responsibility for the life and health of students lies with the teacher. And therefore, it is important to ensure that there is no danger nearby. If a child is injured during the lesson, your parents may complain about you. Of course, you cannot keep track of each child, but you must somehow deal with it. For non-compliance with this obligation faces a penalty. Up to trial and arrest. The only exceptions are those cases when you can prove that the child independently endangered himself and did it on purpose.

And one more thing. If the child takes leave from the lesson, you have no right to let him go unaccompanied. Only if you have a student call your parents and they will allow you to do this. This item also applies to security. After all, if something happens on the way home with the student, then it will be you who are to blame.

Qualification and Communication

But there are several non-standard duties of a teacher. For example, continuous training and self-improvement. Each teacher from year to year must necessarily increase his "knowledge base". And if you are sent for advanced training, you should not refuse. Otherwise, you may be accused of not fulfilling your duties.

In addition, each teacher must keep in touch with the student’s parents. Or with its official representatives. This can be through calls (telephone conversations), personal conversations or writing messages in the child’s diary. Avoid communicating with parents.

Socialization and culture

Perhaps there is another area that is part of the job responsibilities of a modern teacher. This is especially true for the lower grades. And cases when new students from their other schools come to you. What are you talking about?

official duties of the teacher

On the socialization of children. She will have to train teachers. After all, it is in school that children should learn to communicate, communicate with each other, find a common language, and so on. And the teacher must contribute to all this. Adaptation of a child in a new class and society is also your responsibility, according to the law on education.

As you can see, a modern teacher does not have as many rights as binding points. In principle, this does not mean that you will be powerless. Just knowing what you have the right to and what not to. Do not violate the rights of students and parents, observe the charter of the school, and educate your students morally and spiritually. Develop and improve. Then you will not have any problems. If your rights are regularly violated, feel free to contact the Ministry of Education. But first, try to resolve the issue within the school. And if this could not be done, stock up with evidence of a violation of your rights and feel free to contact the appropriate authorities.

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