Addendum to the lease: purpose and rules for the preparation of the document

An additional agreement to the lease is drawn up with the aim of changing the terms of a previously concluded transaction. First, the parties should discuss their points of interest, and then draw up the result in the form of an independent document. The rules for its drafting and content requirements are governed by the same rules as the main contract.

Document Purpose

Initially, a lease is a special type of civil law contract, on the basis of which one of the parties (the lessor) in the person of its representative agrees to provide the other (the lessee) with certain property for use and temporary possession. For this, she receives a monthly amount of money (rent), the amount of which is established on the basis of preliminary agreement and in accordance with existing standards. If, for any reason, the parties decide to change the terms of their agreement, they will have to legitimize their action by drawing up an additional agreement to the lease.

supplementary agreement to the lease

The reason for such actions may be:

  • adjustment of the composition of participants;
  • change in the amount of the originally established rent or methods of making it;
  • extension of the contract;
  • change in obligations of both parties.

In each of these cases, an additional agreement to the lease must be drawn up. This document contains all the amendments to the main text, adopted with the consent of both parties. It can perform the function of not only an additional item, but it is also able to cancel or substantially modify existing sub-items and sections. An additional agreement to the lease must certainly be drawn up on the principle of mutual agreement of the parties and the absence of any conditions for the subsequent termination of the existing agreement.

Document Content

The participants in the transaction must clearly understand that to legitimize the disagreements arises only if an additional agreement is drawn up. The lease agreement (a sample document will be presented below) must comply with the following points:

  1. The number, date and place of conclusion of the contract, which must be amended.
  2. Data from both parties. Moreover, if they have changed, then this should be noted as a separate clause in the draft agreement. New information must be confirmed by reference to the relevant documents.
  3. The subject of this agreement, that is, those specific changes that are made to the contract itself.

optional lease agreement sample

We should also pay attention to the design of this document. Outwardly, it should be drawn up by analogy with the main contract. It is advisable to observe the sequence of presentation of information and the form in which it will be presented. That is, you must first identify the participants, and then formulate in detail the essence of those changes in respect of which they came to this agreement.

Continued relationship

In the event that the parties wish to continue further cooperation, they will have to document this decision. It is not difficult to draw up a model of an additional agreement to a lease agreement in this situation, you just need to take the original document as a basis and change only the clause in which the subject of the agreement is set out .

sample supplementary agreement to the lease

The wording should be extremely clear and concise. For example, “To extend the term of contract No. 350 from 11/15/2015 to September 1, 2016." Below, it must be noted when this agreement comes into force (from a specific date or date of signing). In addition, you should definitely indicate that this document is truly an integral part of the original contract (number and date). It should also be noted that the supplementary agreement also needs to be registered, as is the contract itself. The exception is only cases when the period is less than one year. Sometimes, in order to avoid undesirable additional costs, the parties to the transaction do just that.

Rental Property

When renting a room, its owner at any time has the right to make various additions to the text of the contract. Basically, they relate to the parameters of the object itself:

  • location;
  • inventory number;
  • area;
  • appointment (residential or non-residential).

additional agreement to the lease agreement

In addition, the landlord may at any time increase the size of the payment or change the way it is paid. For this, it will be necessary to draw up an additional agreement. A lease agreement usually requires supporting documents, such as an act of acceptance. It records the transfer of this property into the tenant's possession and contains a full description of the object by basic indicators. At the end or early termination of the contract, the property must be returned to the lessor, which is also a corresponding act. A change to any clause in a contract should always be accompanied by a corresponding supplementary agreement. Oral conversations here have no legal force, no matter what important issues are resolved.

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