Children's gas mask: features, types, description and reviews

Gas masks are a means of protecting the respiratory system, skin of the face and eyes from the ingestion of substances harmful to human health. Protective equipment intended for use by adults and children. A huge number of their varieties are currently being produced. This article discusses a children's gas mask, its types, description, reviews about it.

General information

The invention of a gas mask has its own history associated with German troops. In World War I, they developed a new tactic called a gas attack. Her goal is to kill people slowly. The area of ​​gas damage was huge, a person, dying, experienced severe pain. Only about two weeks have passed since the first gas attack was carried out, but means of protection against harmful substances contained in the air have already appeared.

Gas mask for children

A century later, chemical weapons became a popular means of killing people in droves. But the production of protective equipment, such as a gas mask for children and adults, has advanced. Departments of all countries of the world that have military and civilian purposes are energetically engaged in their development.

How to use a gas mask?

If necessary, the entire civilian population receives filter media: filter masks for children of school age, toddlers and adults. The device must be carried in a special bag, buttons on which should be unfastened. Place a gas mask on the stomach. Before putting it on, it is advisable to study the instructions. You need to proceed as follows:

Gas masks for children filtering for school children

  • A deep breath is taken.
  • Breathing is delayed for several seconds.
  • Eyes close.
  • With his left hand, the gas mask is taken out of the bag.
  • A stopper plug is removed from the filter box.
  • All fingers (except the thumbs) of both hands are inserted inside the mask.
  • The bottom of the mask is applied to the chin area.
  • An exhale is made.
  • With a sharp movement, the gas mask is pulled over the face from the bottom up. All folds straighten out immediately.
  • Eyes open.
  • So that the bag does not interfere with free movement, it must be moved to its side.

If a person is given a gas mask for a long time, his condition must be monitored. Caring for the device consists of cleaning and wiping the glass of the mask. If the filter cartridge has expired, it will be replaced.

Children's gas masks

These devices are designed to protect the respiratory organs of children from exposure to toxic mixtures in the air. Children's gas mask is of various modifications. Baby equipment is also available. They are structures made of rubber chambers with a metal frame. In them the baby is placed in its entirety. Purified air is pumped into the chamber by bellows.

Children's protective camera KZD-6

Its purpose is to protect infants from exposure to air containing poisonous substances. The kit includes a cape that protects the child from exposure to bright rays of the sun, rain, cold wind, a cardboard box and a plastic bag. The main element of the chamber is the shell, for the manufacture of which a rubberized fabric was used. For its fastening, a collapsible metal frame with a pallet is used. Together they form a crib for the baby.

The gas mask is children's filtering

The shell has openings through which purified air enters the chamber. Observe the child using viewing windows. Place it in a chamber through a hermetically sealed opening. The baby can be in it continuously for no more than 6 hours.

Personal protective equipment design

Children’s gas mask is designed to protect the eyes, skin of the face and respiratory organs of children from harmful mixtures in the air if necessary. It can be toxic chemicals, biological aerosols, radioactive dust. The gas mask children's PDF-2D weighing 750 grams is intended for children of preschool age over one and a half years. The feedback on this personal protective equipment is positive. If the apparatus is fully operational, children can easily cope with it, as training exercises show.

For students designed gas masks for children PDF-Sh. Their weight is 850 grams. The design of the box for absorbing and filtering air in both types of apparatus is designed so that air resistance is less than in ordinary civilian gas masks. The main parts of a children's gas mask for toddlers (PDF-2D) and schoolchildren (PDF-Sh) : a face mask and a box for absorbing and filtering the incoming air. The composition of the front part (mask) includes the following elements:

Gas mask children's pdf 2d

  • Mask body.
  • Spectacle unit having flat round glasses.
  • Valve assemblies for inspiration and expiration.
  • A connecting tube, with its help, a filter-absorbing box is connected to the mask.
  • Films that prevent glasses from fogging.

A feature of the front of the gas mask is that when it is put on, the ears remain open. It is produced 1 and 2 growth. The box for absorbing and filtering air is made in the form of a cylinder, on the outside of which there is a threaded neck. With its help, the box is attached to the mask. For the manufacture of a filter-absorbing device housing , metal or polymeric materials are used. The box has an absorbing layer (charge) and a filter.

How to choose a gas mask for a child?

For children from one and a half years old and young schoolchildren, a children's filtering gas mask is selected, and adults face up the front part. High school students can do this on their own. For this, the height of the face is measured - this is the distance between two points: the largest deepening of the nose bridge and the middle of the lower part of the chin. To measure the face, a caliper is used, which can be made independently from a ruler and pieces of plywood or cardboard.

The main parts of a children's gas mask

If the height of the face is 103 millimeters or more, and the vertical coverage is 620 or less (the points on the closed measurement line should lie on the crown of the head, cheeks and chin), then the fourth-height mask MD-3 is given to such a child. The mask matched to the size of the child fits snugly to the face and does not move when the head is turned.

What should be done during gas mask training?

Children of preschool and primary school age receive devices already tested for serviceability. Senior students before the event themselves check the gas mask that they carry in a bag that has two compartments. A box for absorbing and filtering air is placed in one, and a face mask in the other. The gas mask is checked as follows:

  • First you need to remove the protector from the bag.
  • Then visually check for proper functioning of the mask, glasses, ribbons, mobile buckles.
  • Next, a box with valves is inspected: inhalation and exhalation and a safety screen. Their presence is checked, if everything is in place, then the condition.
  • When inspecting the connecting tube, its serviceability is checked. It should not be present tears and punctures. In good condition, it tightly joins the mask.
  • Inspected gas box. If it is rusty, holes, dents are seen on it, it needs to be replaced, it may be malfunctioning. The bottom of the box has a hole. From it you need to remove the cork from the rubber.
  • When examining a gas mask bag, attention is drawn to ensuring that the integrity of its surface is not compromised and that all fasteners, straps, wooden inserts, waist braid, a box with films that do not fog up when breathing, or a pencil are present.

Gas masks for children pdf

After the external inspection is carried out, the gas mask is collected and checked for leaks, for which a mask is put on, the gas mask box is taken out of the bag, its hole is closed with a stopper and a deep breath is taken. A gas mask is considered serviceable if air does not pass under the mask.

Prohibitive actions when wearing a gas mask

Depressurization of the device should never be done. This can lead to the fact that unfiltered mixtures of air masses get inside the gas mask, then wearing it makes no sense. When putting on a protective measure, you need to know that because of the difficult intake of air, slight suffocation can occur, especially in people with respiratory problems.

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