The characterization of the kindergarten pupil, a sample of which should be with the teacher and other teachers working in a preschool educational institution, is an official document. It describes in detail the personality of the child, the development of his cognitive abilities and the degree of adaptation in the preschool.
Guidelines for characterization
Characterization in kindergarten is given for the first time, therefore it is important to describe the necessary qualities of the child as objectively as possible. It is possible that further on this document will be based on school teachers and other specialists working with the child (defectologists, psychologists, social workers). To present the most adequate picture of the development of the baby, one should consider the following recommendations:
- to observe a child is in the natural conditions of his life, for example in a game;
- the study should be carried out in different types of activities;
- not allow their own speculation;
- get to know the family of the child, identify the people who have the greatest influence on the development of the baby (this may not necessarily be the parents);
- hold a conversation with these people, evaluate the family atmosphere;
- describe the state of health of the baby.
Characterization Algorithm
Before writing a characterization for a child, you need to have a plan with you so that the document is informative and has a clear structure. So, you need to specify:
- general information about the baby (personal data, address of residence, period of visit to the kindergarten);
- family description (composition, status, educational influence);
- physical and mental health of the child;
- activity characteristics (gaming, cognitive, self-service skills);
- behavior during classes;
- character traits;
- conclusions about the adaptation process.
Child Social Information
Living conditions of the child is an important point, which should include a characteristic for the kindergarten pupil. A sample document from the teacher should include the following information:
- the influence of the family on the development of the child (are there negative factors for the development of the baby - antisocial behavior of parents, lack of educational influence, status of an incomplete, guardian or large family);
- severe illness of close relatives, which directly or indirectly can affect the development of the child;
- material status of the family (whether the child receives everything necessary for development, how stable earnings in the family are).
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child in kindergarten
Teachers of Kindergarten are well versed not only in the features of the essence of the pedagogical process of child development, but also in the psychology of this process. Otherwise, for additional information, you can contact a staff psychologist who can add information about the child. After all, the characteristics of the child’s mental development in an educational institution are the most important part, which includes a characteristic for a kindergarten pupil. Sample document should include such structural points:
- in the description of the activity it is necessary to describe: how much the child mastered the skills of elementary everyday actions (can he dress, put on shoes, wash, comb, use tableware, etc.), what types of graphic and design activities does the child have (drawing, modeling, playing with designer, performing actions by analogy and according to verbal instructions, performing manipulations with counting sticks, writing different lines, etc.);
- participation in classes and attitude to educational activities (is he involved in the process, does he understand the tasks of the teacher, what is the pace of work, how quickly he gets tired and distracted, how long he can concentrate, how to overcome difficulties);
- psychological traits: the adequacy of emotional reactions, the general background of mood, the ability to communicate with children and adults, basic knowledge of morality, the level of aggressiveness, the ability to obey, and others.
Features of gaming activities
In games, a preschooler develops. That is why the description of the features of gaming activities should include a characteristic of the kindergarten pupil. A sample of this part of the document may include information about how the child manifests himself in the game: with interest, initiative, whether he correctly understands the rules, whether there are any favorite activities, whether he takes part in role-playing games and what role he chooses. Does it interact with children during the game? Does your experience transfer to it? Are all stories and tasks accessible to his imagination? Is able to change the content of the game and take a leadership position?
Characteristic of a kindergarten pupil: sample
Characteristic pupil ... (name of the DOW) Ivanova Daria, 2011 year of birth |
Daria Ivanova has been visiting ... (name of the preschool educational institution) since 2014. During this time, she proved herself as a kind, cheerful child.
Dasha is brought up in a complete family. She is more attached to her mother, T. Ivanova, who spends all her free time with her daughter. The father, A. A. Ivanov, by virtue of his employment, devotes less time to raising a child, but shows a genuine interest in the life of his daughter. The family is financially secure, Dasha has everything necessary for life and visiting the garden.
Daria has age-appropriate physical development. The girl is interested in teaching classes, knows how to focus on the task, is rarely distracted, understands the instructions of the teacher. Dasha owns a sufficiently large vocabulary, knows how to read, correctly pronounces all phonemes, knows how to express her thoughts and correctly build sentences.
In playing activities, he manifests himself as an initiator: he often offers the plot of the game and distributes roles among children. He chooses games of a household and social nature, for example, “Shop,” “Beauty Salon,” House. He loves to sing, participate in morning performances. He knows how to draw, sculpt from clay, attends a music school in piano.
Dasha is a cheerful, open girl, adequately responding to praise and criticism. Knows how to share with children, understands what is “bad”, tries to console another sad child, loves animals. At home, she has her duties: watering flowers and feeding a cat.
The characteristic is compiled for presentation at the place of demand.
The date.