What people are not ready for, especially the fair sex, to get rid of the hated extra pounds. They have been searching for information for a long time about which diet pills are effective and where they can be purchased. In pursuit of harmony, women rashly purchase drugs of dubious quality, which can not only turn out to be inactive, but also harm the body. Therefore, it is very important, deciding to lose weight, choose the right remedies that are recommended by doctors.
Pills "Figurin" - what is it?
Of course, first of all, in order to maintain normal weight, you need to limit yourself in food and exercise. But very often the amount of extra pounds is so significant that you can not do without the additional push that the body must receive. And here Figurin diet pills will help. They are a means effective in alimentary overweight.
This is a patented pharmacological drug that has a stimulating effect on the metabolism and digestive system of a person.
Those who took "Figurin" reviews leave mostly positive. The main advantage of the drug can be called a magnificent, natural composition. Herbal ingredients speed up the metabolism of fats, the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates and the process of burning extra pounds.
Guar gum is a unique component that helps lower blood cholesterol, suppresses appetite, and also has a mild laxative effect.
Isapgol Husk is able to regulate digestion using the active substances it contains.
Pectins, saponins, flavonoids and hydroxy acids also affect the reduction of plasma cholesterol and a decrease in appetite.
Loha bhasma is a very popular plant used in Indian Ayurveda medicine. This is a natural source of iron, which has a beneficial effect on overall well-being. Enthusiastic responses are left by people taking "Figurin", reviews on how the drug helped to increase hemoglobin in the blood. He is able to cope with iron deficiency anemia, but only as part of the therapy prescribed by the doctor.
Vidang has an astringent effect and has antiniperlipidemic activity.
Pippali has antiseptic properties, as well as anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective.
The composition of "Figurin" includes active essential oils, which reduce the level of lipids in the blood. They enhance the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal motility, and also have a choleretic effect.
Guggul is used in herbal medicine to lower blood cholesterol.
Chitrak normalizes appetite and stimulates blood circulation in the stomach, which, in turn, improves the process of fat metabolism and digestion, as well as the absorption of lipids.
Triphada is a proprietary blend of exotic fruits such as Behada, Alma and Harda. They have an astringent, tonic, choleretic and laxative effect. In addition, they reduce appetite and stimulate digestion.
Mechanism of action
If you ask yourself which diet pills are effective, then Figurin will occupy one of the leading positions. Due to the fact that its composition is natural, it has practically no contraindications. If you listen to the drug “Figurin” (“Lekpharm”) reviews, you can come to the conclusion that it acts gently and quickly.
This effect is provided by astringent, laxative, appetite-reducing properties. In addition to the direct function of weight loss, Figurin will help to lower blood cholesterol, as well as improve fat metabolism and remove excess waste. This is very important for increasing tone.
Indications for use
"Figurin", reviews of which are very common, can be drunk only after you consult with your doctor. Despite the fact that this is a herbal preparation, nevertheless it is included in the group of pharmacological agents, and it has a number of contraindications. There are side effects that the doctor can tell you in detail.
As the main indication for the use of the drug can be called obesity of the first degree (as part of complex treatment), as well as overweight. You need to know what the medicine will help only if the problem is caused by overeating and improper diet, and not by hormonal or endocrine disorders that occur in the body.
Since Figurin is a herbal preparation, it can be taken by almost every person.
The exception is women during pregnancy and lactation. This is a very responsible period when any medications must be taken very carefully, and the fight against excess weight should be postponed until later. It is also prohibited to take the drug to persons under the age of eighteen. This is due not to the availability of reliable data on the negative effects on a fragile organism, but to the fact that no studies have been conducted.
It is not recommended to drink the medicine for people whose obesity is caused by hormonal and endocrine problems. In this situation, Figurin will be simply useless. With arterial hypertension, the drug is also not taken. You can not use it for people suffering from the following rarely encountered diseases:
- Bulimia nervosa.
- Anorexia nervosa.
- Occlusive diseases of the peripheral vascular bed.
- Transient disturbances of cerebral circulation.
- Hyperthyroidism.
- Impaired liver function.
Side effects
Like any medicine, Figurin can cause some discomfort. Of course, this does not always happen, and most often they disappear a few days after the start of the drug. But you should not be afraid of such conditions as abdominal pain, flatulence and loose stools, hypersensitivity to the composition of the medicine. In addition, a dry mouth, weakness, and decreased performance may occur. A variety of allergic reactions can occur. In this case, taking "Figurin" should be stopped immediately and pick up another remedy.
Mode of application
In obesity, the medicine should be drunk twice a day, one capsule.
If you are overweight, the daily dose will be one tablet.
The effect can be seen not immediately, but about a month and a half after the start of administration.
"Figurin" should be washed down with a small amount of liquid. Let it be drinking water at room temperature.
Before starting the use of the drug, it is recommended that the therapist consult.
Capsules can be used simultaneously with antibiotics, antipyretics and vitamin A. They are not advised to take Figurin simultaneously with other drugs, which also have a laxative property. Otherwise, it can lead to prolonged diarrhea, which instead of losing weight will lead to dehydration.
"Figurin": reviews
Before taking this or that medicine, it is recommended to study the opinion of it of those who have already tried it on themselves. “Figurin”, the price of which is very affordable, is very popular with women who want to lose weight. Of course, the best effect can be achieved only when taking this drug is combined with the right lifestyle, healthy nutrition and active physical activity. This is the only way to achieve stable weight loss and well-being.