At all times, the fair sex sought to be beautiful and attractive. Currently, women have the opportunity to use various professional products to care for their body, face and hair. But what did ladies do in ancient times? Of course, they used folk remedies, which many have now forgotten about.
Hair care
In order to strengthen the hair, give it shine and natural strength, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons every day and spend a lot of money and time. You can use the forgotten grandmother's recipes, the effect of which is not inferior to professional cosmetics.
For hair care, our ancestors used masks made of eggs, honey or sour cream. To give curls a special radiance and unusual shade, women used beets, tea and a decoction of onion peels. For hair, these products were not only not harmful, they were beneficial: they strengthened the hair follicle, added shine and density. Consider all the forgotten recipes for caring for hair, in which the main component was the usual peel of onions.
Strengthening the roots of onion decoction
Onion husk for hair in this case should be crushed. Peel a regular onion and knead the resulting peel with your fingers. You will need a few spoons of these flakes. Put the product in boiling water and put it on fire. Wait 20 minutes. During cooking, you can observe the process of darkening of the liquid. After the specified time, remove the container from the heat and wrap it with a towel. Let the broth stand in this state for about eight hours. After that, add a little cognac and chopped pod of red pepper to the solution. Mix thoroughly and strain.
Rub the cooked product into the roots once a week. Onion peel for hair will be a source of trace elements and nutrients. Also, the action of pepper with cognac will help to activate the bulbs and enhance growth.
Onion husk from hair loss: a recipe
As you know, in the old days, women could boast of thick braids. Ladies never complained of severe loss of curls, unless it was the result of an illness. Onion peel for hair is very useful. It has a general healing effect on the entire head of hair. Also, a decoction of it has a beneficial effect on the scalp, helping to strengthen the roots and prevent loss.
In order to prepare this miraculous remedy, you need to take in equal proportions onion husks and chopped oak leaves. Pour boiling water over this mixture and cook over low heat for about an hour. Make sure that the water does not completely boil away. After that, put the broth in a dark place and wait a few hours. Apply this product to your hair several times a week. You can finish washing your hair by rinsing it with the resulting solution.
Onion peel for hair: dyeing
This method of using onion peel is the most popular in cosmetology. If you want to get a slightly golden shade of hair or become the owner of fiery curls without damaging their structure, then this method is for you.
To give your hair a golden dull color, you need one handful of onion husks. It must be poured with a glass of boiling water and left in this state for half an hour. After that, apply the decoction on the entire surface of the hair and leave for several hours. Next, rinse the curls with running water.
If the result seemed pretty bright to you, repeat the procedure, increasing the amount of product used. It is worth saying that blondes can get a rather unexpected result when using this method. Therefore, if you do not want to be in an awkward position, carry out the dyeing procedure on a separate strand in an inconspicuous place. Only after this can you begin to fully process the hair.
Women's reviews
Onion peel for hair reviews is extremely positive. Many modern ladies, having tried such care, abandon previously used expensive products in favor of natural products.
Onion peel for hair is a source of vitality and shine. With regular use of this product, your hair will become thick, shiny and strong. They will stop falling out and breaking.
If desired, additional ingredients can be added to the above recipes. For example, honey or mustard will perfectly combine with peel from onions. When dyeing hair, you can use glycerin. He will give the hair a more saturated shade and lasting color.
Recently, a lot of hair care products are made with the addition of onion peels. Why overpay the manufacturer for preservatives and packaging, if such a miraculous medicine for curls can be prepared independently?
If you have never used grandmother's recipes for hair care, then it's time to do it. The main components of the decoctions and masks used are not very expensive, and the hair after them looks as if you just visited a beauty salon. Follow the health of your hair, use natural ingredients and all forgotten recipes, be beautiful!