Bait for bream: proven recipes

According to experienced fishermen, bream is considered a very careful fish. His suspicions can cause hooks, bait, noise on the shore. To lure him to the place of fishing, many people practice fishing for the bream on fishing. A wide range of different ready-made lures is available in specialized stores. There are many ways to make homemade bait for bream. Judging by consumer reviews, most fishermen use their own baits. Information on how to make do-it-yourself bait for bream is contained in the article.

DIY winter bait for bream

Meet the Bait

According to experts, it is desirable that the bait for bream have a large fraction. This is due to the fact that this fish is quite large. The weight of some individuals may exceed 1 kg. Without bait fishing fish will be problematic. When making bait for bream, its gastronomic preferences are taken into account. However, factors such as time of year, weather conditions, and feed availability can affect the tastes of this type of fish. In this regard, there is no ideal recipe for bait for bream.

About bait requirements

Those who decide to cook bait for bream at home should consider the following nuances:

  • The bait should have a pleasant smell. However, if the bait is too aromatic, it will scare away the fish.
  • According to fishermen, bream is considered a sweet tooth. Therefore, the bait should be flavored with sugar or honey.
  • The bream feed should be a homogeneous mass. To do this, all ingredients should be thoroughly chopped and mixed. For this purpose, fishermen use a meat grinder and coffee grinder.
  • It is desirable that the bait be without coconut flakes, hemp cake and sunflower seeds. This recommendation is due to the fact that poorly chopped, these ingredients can float and lure small fish.
  • The bait should be viscous enough to not immediately crumble in water. However, you should not make the bait too dense. These two parameters depend on the conditions in which fishing is carried out. In rivers, the level of viscosity should be higher. In stagnant bodies of water, on the contrary, the bait should crumble faster.
sculpt balls
  • It is recommended to use light bait. Nevertheless, when choosing a bait, you need to consider what color the bottom of the reservoir has. The bream will not be wary if the color differences are not too noticeable.
  • It is advisable that the bait matches the attachment used. For example, if a fishing hook is equipped with a worm, then it must be part of the bait in crushed form. If you are fishing for corn, then these grains must be equipped with bait for bream. In winter, this fish searches for plankton, snails, crustaceans. The diet of the bream practically does not change in the autumn and spring seasons. According to experts, in the cold season in the bait, you must first add animal food. For fishing in the summer, you can use herbal supplements.
bream bait recipe

About the ingredients

In the manufacture of bait for bream at home, the mixture should consist of the following components:

  • Peas.
  • Wheat and pearl barley. You can also use millet and oatmeal.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Cornmeal.
  • Cake with bran.
  • Peanuts.
  • Fried seed.
  • Corn flakes.
  • Bloodworms, maggots and dung worms.
  • Canned corn and peas.
winter bait for bream

The option is not ruled out when this list of required ingredients is already supplemented by other products at the request of the fisherman.

About Flavors

Bait for bream will have a pronounced smell, if you add various flavors to its composition. You can buy them in specialized stores. When using attractants, it is recommended that you follow the instructions. Experienced fishermen do not recommend putting a small amount of flavorings in the bait, as the bream does not study them. Judging by consumer reviews, baits with the following components are very effective:

  • vanilla extract;
  • Caramel
  • cinnamon
  • fennel and dill;
  • garlic
  • strawberries, banana and pear;
  • honey
  • fried flax;
  • coriander (crushed mainly on-site fishing);
  • caraway seeds;
  • sunflower, sea buckthorn, anise or hemp oil.

The use of bait in different periods

Since the tastes of the bream may vary depending on the season, this should be considered when choosing the ingredients for the bait. In summer, fishing will be more effective with a mixture of oilcake, breadcrumbs, oatmeal, sprouted peas and two teaspoons of coriander. In order to give the bait a better viscosity, clay is added to the above products. It is better to fish in stagnant ponds using a mixture of boiled millet, bran, breadcrumbs, cinnamon, sunflower seeds and a small amount of coriander. It is advisable to fry sunflower seeds: this will give them a good aroma. Clay is also added to bait. In autumn, the composition is represented by breadcrumbs, boiled rice, oilcake, rye or wheat bran, ground coriander, finely chopped lard, worms and maggots. You can cook winter bait for bream yourself with peas, corn, buckwheat, peanuts and hemp seeds. These ingredients are thoroughly fried. It is important that they are not burnt. After roasting, they are mixed using a meat grinder. Then the resulting mixture is seasoned with breadcrumbs, bran, coconut, cinnamon, salt, cocoa and dried dill. Upon arrival to the pond from the resulting mass, you can sculpt small bait balls. For the bait used in the spring, the recipe is complemented by a large amount of bloodworms.

The most popular recipe

Judging by the numerous reviews of fishermen, ready-made branded bait is not cheap. Since fishing will require a lot of bait, you can get out of the situation by using handmade bait. Make it easy, if you adhere to the following sequence:

  • Pour three glasses of water into the pan. Then put the container on fire and bring to a boil.
  • Add barley (two glasses) and mix. The contents of the pan should noticeably swell.
  • Pour in one glass of millet.
  • Pour in unrefined oil (no more than two tablespoons).
  • Add a bag of vanillin. During cooking, millet absorbs most of the water. This can be determined by the holes formed in the croup. After this, the pan must be removed from the heat and cover. In this form, the brew should stand for half an hour, until millet absorbs the remnants of water.
  • Transfer the bait to a dry container and add the barley groats (no more than two glasses).
  • Pour corn grits into the bait (two glasses).

Alternative option

According to experts, in the absence of barley or corn grits, you can use the following ingredients:

  • breadcrumbs;
  • well ground meal.

Since barley and millet are inexpensive and affordable products, it is not recommended to change them. Winter bait for bream is prepared mainly using one glass of semolina, flour or other ingredients that can form dregs.

Mix for summer fishing in a standing reservoir

This bait is intended for use on lakes. You can cook it from the following products:

  • breadcrumbs (300 g);
  • bran (300 g);
  • fried ground sunflower seeds (200 g);
  • millet porridge (300 g);
  • chopped coriander (2 teaspoons);
  • dry clay.

About bait for streams with a strong current

This mixture is used in the summer. Fishing a bream in a river is more efficient with a bait consisting of the following ingredients:

  • sunflower meal (200 g);
  • breadcrumbs (100 g);
  • sprouted peas (100 g);
  • steamed oatmeal (200 g);
  • chopped coriander (three teaspoons);
  • clay.

Bait for spring fishing

The mixture is made from:

  • millet porridge (100 g);
  • bloodworms (at least three matchboxes);
  • sunflower meal (100 g);
  • rye bran (100 g);
  • river sand and clay.

Bait is used to catch bream in various reservoirs.

fishing bait bream

About the mixture for river fishing in the fall

The bait consists of the following ingredients:

  • breadcrumbs (100 g);
  • rice porridge (100 g);
  • unsalted pork, finely chopped lard (50 g);
  • sunflower meal (100 g);
  • rye bran (100 g);
  • two matchboxes of bloodworms or maggots;
  • one teaspoon of coriander;
  • clay.

They make bait balls already at the place of fishing.

Winter Bait Recipes

The bream bait can be prepared from:

  • ground roasted oatmeal (250 g);
  • millet porridge (250 g);
  • ground roasted sunflower seeds (250 g);
  • half a teaspoon of vanillin;
  • chopped maggots, worms and bloodworms.
do-it-yourself bait for bream

For winter bream fishing, some fishermen prepare baits according to another recipe from:

  • Breadcrumbs (800 g). This ingredient can be replaced with ground dryers.
  • Boiled peas (500 g).
  • Shredded oat flakes (250 g).
  • Chopped bloodworm.
winter bait


Preparing bait for bream at home is not difficult if you have the right ingredients and theoretical knowledge. Making lures is a creative process. Therefore, experimenting with products is not ruled out. Most fishermen use custom-made baits. A well-prepared bait will be the key to a good catch.

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