Communion is one of the most important topics in the basic Russian language course. Her knowledge is also tested on exams, so it is absolutely necessary to learn it well. In this article we will analyze what the participle is, why it should be used, and also find out what categories of participles exist in the Russian language.
Definition of the sacrament
What is the sacrament? First of all, this is a special form of the verb, denoting the attribute of the subject in action. The sacrament answers the questions of the adjective; it can be of gender, number and case. From the verb it received the following attributes: form, pledge, time. Sacraments can be formed solely from verbs. Examples: running - running, lying - lying down, reading - reading, reading - reading, etc.
How to distinguish a participle from an adjective?
The greatest difficulty for many students is the ability to see the difference between an adjective and a participle. Both that and another answers a question "what?", "What?" etc. So how do you distinguish them?
It is worth remembering that the sacrament can be formed only from the verb. Other parts of speech cannot participate in its education. Adjectives are most often derived from nouns and adverbs. Examples: speed - fast, fast - fast.
However, there are still verbal adjectives. They can easily be mistaken for communions if you do not know what the differences are. First of all, an adjective cannot possess the attributes of a verb, that is, it does not have a collateral meaning or a specific temporal meaning. Also, the participle can have dependent words, in contrast to the verb adjective. This opportunity in this part of speech is called verbal control.
Why use the participles?
Of course, in everyday speech and simple communication on everyday topics, we are unlikely to use the participial phrase. They will be too bulky, long, difficult to perceive. However, in written language and in various works of authorship they will be quite appropriate.
Communions add greater expressiveness to the text, help in describing various phenomena and events. Pupils often have to write various essays and essays. Involved passages there will also be necessary.
Communion ranks
But before you begin to actively introduce the participles in your speech, you need to understand what they are. There are two categories of participles: real and passive. What is the difference? To understand how to determine the rank of participle, we will consider them separately.
Valid participles
This category designates a sign of the subject performing any action. That is, if an object performs some action and a dependent participle is next to it, then it will be valid.
He saw a cat running down the street.
The cat independently performed a certain action (ran), therefore, the participle “running” is valid.
The girl walking in the park was pretty.
The girl independently performs the action (walking), therefore, the sacrament belongs to the category of real.
Holy Communion
If the sacrament indicates a sign of an object over which someone performs certain actions, then it will be suffering. That is, if the object does not perform the action itself, then the dependent participle will be suffering.
On the table lay scattered beads.
Someone scattered beads, that is, they performed an action on this item. Communion "scattered" will be classified as suffering.
On the windowsill there were flowers arranged by him.
The flowers did not set themselves up, that is, someone performed this action on them. From this we can conclude that the sacrament "apart" is passive.
How are real participles formed?
Now let's look at ways to form real participles. First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of verb and its conjugation. Further, the formation of real participles occurs by adding certain suffixes. They are formed from the infinitive. In the past tense, suffixes –vsh / sh should be added to the base of the verb. Examples: screaming - screaming, standing - standing, reading - reading, etc.
In the present tense, the participle is formed using the suffixes -usche if the basis was the verb of the first conjugation. Examples: draw - draw, groan - groan, drown - drowning, etc.
From the verbs of the second conjugation, participles will be formed using the suffixes -sc / box. Examples: flying - flying, circling - circling, ringing - ringing, etc.
How are passive forms formed?
In the formation of passive participles, as in the case of real ones, it is necessary to pay attention to the form of the verb and its conjugation.
Past participles are also formed from the infinitive using the following suffixes: -nn / enn / enn / t. Examples: draw - drawn, teach - taught, surround - surrounded, reveal - revealed, etc.
In order to form the present participle from the verb of the first conjugation, it is necessary to use the suffixes –em / ohm. Examples: close - close, reflect - reflect, etc.
From the verbs of the second conjugation, the present participle will be formed using the suffix –im. Example: stored - stored.
To make it easy to assimilate all of the above data and turn it into a certain system, let us imagine the participle ranks in the table. Examples of the formation of participles were given above.
Discharge | Valid participles | Holy Communion |
Time | Elapsed time | Of the present | Elapsed time | Of the present |
Suffixes | The basis of the infinitive + -you / -sh | 1 conjugation: -ush 2 conjugation: -ash / -yash | The basis of the infinitive + -nn / -enn / -enn / -t | 1 conjugation: th 2 conjugation: -them |
This participle table will help determine which suffix should be used in situations where there is doubt about it.
Brief Communions
Since the participles can answer the question “what?”, “Which?” etc., they also have some signs of an adjective. Therefore, like them, the participles can have a short form. Moreover, it must be remembered that only passive participles can take this kind.
The short form is formed from the complete using the following endings: -a, -o, -y or zero.
Examples: painted - painted, painted, painted, painted.
The short form, as well as the full one, can vary by gender and number. In sentences, short participles play the role of the predicate. It should also be remembered that the negative particle “not” with a short form is written separately: not drawn.
In order to confidently use the participles in oral and written speech, it is necessary to distinguish between the categories of participles, and also to understand from which verb conjugations they are formed.
The form of the verb will directly affect the choice of suffixes. It should also be remembered that only passive participles take the short form.