Institute of Immunology at Kashirka. Center for Immunology. Institute of Immunology in Moscow

FSBI SSC "Institute of Immunology" is a leading medical research institution of the Russian Federation. It is also an advanced AIDS prevention and control package. The main activity of the Institute is research in the field of allergology and immunology.

Institute of Immunology on kashirka

general information

The research activities of the Institute of Allergology and Immunology are aimed at creating innovative developments. They are focused on setting and achieving the country's national priorities. Among them are the following elements:

  1. Promoting economic growth.
  2. Immune security of the population of Russia.
  3. Improving the overall quality of life.
  4. Discoveries in the field of fundamental science.
  5. Education Development.

Historical information

The Kashirka Institute of Immunology was established in 1979. The initiative of its foundation belongs to academician Rem Viktorovich Petrov. The institution was created on the basis of the immunology department of the Institute of Biophysics. At that time, the academician led research in this area. During this period, the institution actively studied applied and fundamental clinical immunology. Research was conducted on its most significant aspects. In particular, work was carried out on the following immunity problems:

  1. Subpolar structure of the system.
  2. Functions and cellular interaction.
  3. Immunogenetics.
  4. Physiological basis.
  5. Regulation and control of the immune response.

Functioning during the USSR

It is known that at that time the ongoing research was only superficial. In the framework of experimental studies, textbooks and scientific publications, the immune system was considered solely from one point of view - as a way of infection protection. Research in the field of cellular problems of these structures was not actually carried out. Completely lacked understanding of specialized units, which were characterized by different functional activity. Immunology as an independent scientific discipline was not included in the educational programs of higher educational institutions of the country. For this reason, the relevant studies led by R.V. Petrov were innovative in nature. Thus, the foundations of immunology were laid for its further development in Russia. Conducted research gave impetus to the development of completely new areas of this science.

Initial stage

Institute of Immunology in Moscow

The success of many developments depended on solving scientific and organizational problems. The team, led by R.V. Petrov, made a significant contribution to the development of immunology. It was thanks to him that success was achieved in the development of many problems in this area. Many large-scale events began to be held. They took place at the initial stage of the Institute's development and laid a solid foundation for its entire future structure. Extensive work was carried out to train highly qualified personnel. The desire to unite immunologists was also realized. This greatly contributed to the solution of many urgent problems in this area. Immunological knowledge quickly spread between specialists in various fields of scientific activity. Ram Viktorovich was preparing a large group of scientists at the Institute of Biophysics. Among them were doctors and candidates of sciences. All this contributed to the development of immunology as an independent discipline. Also, work was carried out to organize her teaching. The countryโ€™s first specialized textbook, called Immunology, was created. Constantly functioning scientific seminars were organized. A series of reviews of relevant immunological issues from leading Russian scientists has been released. The knowledge about this science was popularized both among the population and between workers of other disciplines.

Institute of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

Discovery and further operation

The result of all this painstaking work was the opportunity to create the first Institute of Immunology in our country. The institution opened in 1979. Ram Viktorovich Petrov became its director. The academician led the institution until 1988. Subsequently, this post was occupied by his student and follower, Professor Rakhim Musaevich Khaitov. It was thanks to him that many discoveries were made in various fields. Among them are immunology, allergology, biotechnology and many others. R. M. Khaitov is the country's leading specialist in various scientific fields.

Composition of the institution

The structure of the Institute includes clinical and scientific units. This factor determines the implementation of various tests from basic research to the implementation of developments that are subsequently used by healthcare in practice. The research activities undertaken by the Institute of Immunology at Kashirka are carried out comprehensively.

Creation of a Special Unit

The Institute acts as the initiator of the organization of the immunological service in Russia. In 1990, the government approved some of the institution's designs. The Kashirka Institute of Immunology has been involved in organizing a number of programs. Among them:

  1. Projects to monitor the dynamics of the state of the immune status of residents of the country.
  2. Model provisions for a regional center.
  3. The main directions in the field of research of the problem "Clinical Immunology".
  4. Model provisions for the establishment of a laboratory.

The immunological service began to function in the 1990s. The nomenclature of provisional and medical specialties of the country was introduced corresponding changes. The Government approved the Regulation "On the Physician Allergist-Immunologist."

immunology institute reviews

Extracurricular Activities

The Institute of Immunology at Kashirka is an advanced scientific and organizational center. The institution coordinates the activities of more than fifty research institutions. They are involved in drug development. Among them are new vaccines, diagnostic systems and immunomodulators. Currently, a whole network of laboratories and regional centers operates. The Institute of Immunology of the FMBA of Russia is engaged in the management and control of their functioning. Now the domestic Association is actively and successfully working. It consists of allergists and clinical immunologists. It employs more than five thousand highly qualified specialists. It has several dozen regional branches. RAACI was created in order to disseminate the latest achievements in the field of immunology and allergology. The organization is committed to maintaining and expanding relationships between medical and scientific staff. It was created at the initiative of the Institute.

Technical equipment

The Institute has a unique set of equipment at its disposal. It includes medical, diagnostic and experimental equipment. In addition to everything else, the Institute has functioning pilot plants. They are intended for the development of drugs on a semi-industrial scale. Then they undergo preliminary and clinical trials. Industrial technologies are being developed to create dosage forms that will subsequently form the basis of new drugs. There is a specialized clinic at the Institute. It operates the only branch in the whole of the Russian Federation in which there are allergy-free rooms. The Institute carries out activities to obtain unique hybrids and cell lines. A special bank was created for their storage. It is designed for fifty thousand conventional units.

Institute of Immunology, Fmb of Russia

Experimental installations and stands

The Institute of Clinical Immunology is constantly developing in this area. These elements are included in the List of unique stands and installations that are of national importance. Among them are the following elements:

  1. "Pilot" - is a line for the concentration and purification of experimental drugs. She also diagnoses various vaccines.
  2. "Anabiosis" - is a stand that is designed to store in a special condition the unique cellular structures of humans and mammals. They are used for various research in biotechnology.
  3. "AIDS" - is a stand that is designed to study biological material. Used to conduct studies of cells susceptible to infection with the immunodeficiency virus.
  4. "Vaccine" - is a stand that is designed to study the synthesis of antigens and primary structures of certain drugs.
  5. "Tissue" - is an installation that is used for complex research of cells of viruses, animals and humans.

Scientific Library

The Institute of Immunology in Moscow has a huge amount of materials on a wide variety of topics. It successfully operates a scientific library. She is visited by many people. For example, among them residents, graduate students and other employees of the institution. The library has a reading room. You can also purchase a subscription. The reading room is equipped with computers with Internet access. Each employee of the Institute can use them. The library stockpiles over twenty thousand books. Some of them are written in foreign languages. The material presented here is very extensive. It covers almost the entire medical field, as well as related topics. For example, there are materials on biophysics, biology, biochemistry and microbiology. At the same time, there are books for studying philosophy. In the library you can find materials for improving knowledge of foreign languages.

Institute of Clinical Immunology

The fund contains absolutely all dissertations that have ever been defended at the Institute. It is possible to get acquainted with abstracts that correspond to the scientific activities of the institution. The library fund is constantly updated. Most often these are the novelties of medical literature. Currently, the library continues to issue about twenty-five titles of thematic magazines and newspapers. The unit operates in open access to various sources. You can use magazines, newspapers and books. It is also possible to photocopy printed materials for free if they are of interest to library visitors. The fund is equipped with an alphabetical and thematic catalog. It is very convenient to search for interesting abstracts, dissertations, and books on it.

Institution Functions

The Institute of Allergology and Clinical Immunology has some responsibilities to the state. They were entrusted to him by the Government. The functions performed by this Center for Immunology are fixed in the appropriate position. The following are some of them:

  1. Carrying out the following types of work: technological, experimental design and research. All of them must be implemented in accordance with approved systems.
  2. Mandatory participation in the development and implementation of federal programs.
  3. The performance of the intended functions.
  4. Conducting open consultations.
  5. Implementation of training of qualified employees who will be involved in the field of fundamental and clinical immunology.
  6. Providing medical assistance to the population.

The Institute of Immunology in Moscow includes a specialized clinic in its structure. In it you can get the following services:

  1. Reception and counseling.
  2. Individual study of allergic reactions of the body.
  3. Therapeutic manipulations.
  4. Specialized immunotherapy.
  5. The study of specific allergens.
  6. Rehabilitation.
    clinical immunology

Treatment and cosmetology rooms are also located in the clinic, which includes the Institute of Immunology. Reviews of patients about their stay in the institution testify to the high professionalism of the staff. Patients especially note the quality of ongoing medical and diagnostic measures.


The Immunology Center has the right to work in a number of areas. Among them:

  1. The implementation of medical activities in the capital.
  2. Organization and scientific and methodological management of clinical laboratories of immunology.
  3. Training of highly qualified specialists.
  4. The management of complexes for the assessment of immune status and other issues that are associated with the identification of sick and infected people.
  5. Control of specialized groups and laboratories.
  6. Coordination of immunological support for organ transplantation in the country.
  7. The implementation of educational activities in the field of vocational training.

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