Correct posture is the key to health and well-being.

Correct posture, beautiful, even back, elegant and easy gait - is this not what everyone dreams of? After all, a curved spine is not only an aesthetic flaw. In fact, poor posture leads to more serious problems, including degenerative changes in the spinal column, pain in the neck and lower back, and, at a later age, osteochondrosis.

Spinal curvature and its causes

Unfortunately, correct posture is becoming less common in the modern world. Along with this, cases of curvature of the spine in childhood are becoming more frequent every year. What are the causes of poor posture?

Of course, the most common curvature of the back appears along with age. Wrong posture when writing and reading, abnormal physical activity, constantly hunched shoulders - all these factors eventually leave an imprint on the child’s posture.

In some cases, spinal curvature is congenital. Sometimes an uneven back and stoop are the result of childhood diseases, including rickets. Much less often, incorrect posture is the result of surgery.

In modern medicine, there are three main types of curvature of the spine:

  • kyphosis - such a deformation is characterized by increased cervical and lumbar bending of the spine;
  • lordosis - in patients with this diagnosis, there is a bend in the lower back and thoracic region, as a result of which the chest is strongly protruded forward;
  • scoliosis is perhaps the most common disorder, which is accompanied by lateral curvature of the spine.

In any case, spinal deformity must be dealt with. Beautiful posture is also the result of constant work on ourselves. Of course, the sooner you begin to follow her, the faster and easier you can correct the situation.

Correct posture: how to achieve it?

If you decide to correct your posture and become the proud owner of a flat back, then it is worth following some rules:

  1. First of all, you need to constantly monitor yourself. For example, walking along the street, try as often as possible to pay attention to the position of your body and make efforts to keep your back straight.
  2. If you regularly have to carry weights, make sure that their weight is evenly distributed on both hands.
  3. In the event that you have to spend a long time in a sitting position, make sure that your posture is correct. The back of the chair should be comfortable enough. If during work you feel tension in your back, then put a small pillow or a towel folded in a tube under your lower back so you can maintain the natural curve of the spine. The feet should be completely touching the floor, so if the chair is too high, place a bench or a special stand under your feet. If you are working at a computer, then remember that the monitor should be located at eye level so that you do not constantly lower your head or look up.
  4. When reading a book or watching TV, sit in the lotus position. So you inevitably have to keep your back straight.
  5. Correct posture is largely dependent on the posture of sleep. Remember that a quality mattress and pillow is not a luxury, but a necessity. During sleep, the back should not strain or bend. If in the morning you feel pain in the neck or lower back, this is already a reason to worry. In such cases, a special solution is a special orthopedic pillow and mattress.
  6. Exercise regularly, paying particular attention to back exercises.

In some cases, it is advisable to consult an orthopedic surgeon who will tell you how to level your posture and prevent the development of osteochondrosis and other problems with the spine.

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