Complete transformer substation KTP: production, installation

Complete transformer substations are used both in industrial enterprises and in communal networks of settlements. Their main advantage is reliability and relative low cost. KTP cost two, and sometimes three times cheaper than conventional transformer stations. This electrical equipment is manufactured using a special technology with exact observance of the standards provided by GOSTs. Therefore, if necessary, such a substation can be selected for absolutely any line.

KTP types

At the installation site, complete transformer substations are classified as such on the KTP and KTPN. Blocks of the first variety are installed indoors. Such substations are commonly used in production. KTPN are more often used in utility networks. The dimensions of the substation of both types can be different. For large installations, a foundation is laid.

substation ktp

KTP substation can have different power and purpose. On this basis, such equipment is divided into the following categories:

  1. KTP with transformers with power from 25 to 400 kW. Such stations are installed outside.

  2. KTP for industrial enterprises. This option is equipped with transformers having power from 160 to 250 kW.

  3. Prefabricated KTP.

  4. KTP special purpose. Such structures can be used in mines, on construction sites, in quarries, etc. Their design includes such an element as a slide for movement.

According to the assembly method, stations of this type are divided into mast, ground and built-in. The first variety is mounted on vertical supports. Ground stations can be assembled in metal, concrete or sandwich cases.

production of substations KTP

KTP production plants

The manufacture of substations KTP is carried out at enterprises, the structure of which includes:

  1. Metalworking shop.

  2. Assembly shop.

  3. Workshop low and medium voltage. There is a tire processing, wiring, commissioning and testing section.

The main structural elements of KTP

The KTP substation is being assembled at the plant using the following main elements:

  • high voltage input devices;

  • oil or dry power transformer ;

  • switch cabinet for voltage rejection.

The substation enclosure, depending on the purpose and design group, can be made of metal, concrete or sandwich blocks.

complete transformer substations KTP

Modern transformer substations KTP: production

The manufacture of this type of equipment involves several basic steps. The assembly of the most popular KTP in a steel case begins in the metalworking workshop. For their manufacture, the highest quality material is used. Housing parts are usually made on special machines by bending and stamping. The preforms thus obtained are first treated with special anti-corrosion compounds. Then they are stained. In this case, powder agents are usually used. Such dyes are the most resistant to negative environmental factors.

The production of KTP substations continues in the assembly shop. Here, by riveting, all the workpieces are connected into a finished case. Finally, all the elements of the latter are mounted in the workshop of medium and low voltage. Here, at the tire processing section, elements of the bus system are manufactured using a special technology. Next, all the necessary communication equipment is installed in the housing. This operation is performed on the wiring site. Then the assembly of all automation and relay protection is carried out.

At the final stage, the finished station arrives at the commissioning site. Here it is checked for operability and compliance with the standards stipulated by GOST.

installation of substation KTP

Production of concrete sheathing stations

KTP complete transformer substations of this type are manufactured using a different technology. In this case, at the first stage, special molding plants are used. They are necessary for pouring the concrete shell of the substation. In the manufacture of the latter, frame reinforcement of the corresponding design is used. The hardened concrete block with technological holes is treated with special tools that increase its resistance to adverse environmental factors. The cable floor of the resulting building is waterproofed.

Electrical equipment inside the unit is installed in the same workshop. It comes from the low and medium voltage section. After its installation, as in the first case, tests and adjustment of equipment are carried out.

Installation of KTP

The installation of stations of this type is usually carried out by specialists of the same enterprise at which they were manufactured. The site is carefully prepared before installation. Next, marking is made under the base of the station - the foundation or supporting channels. A small substation KTP can be delivered to the installation site already assembled. Large equipment of this type is brought in parts - in blocks. Collect them already at the installation site.

transformer substations KTP production

After the construction of the base, the installation of the station is actually started. Cabinets are raised using a truck crane. In the absence of such equipment use special rollers made of thick steel pipes. To lift the switchgear, inverter slings are used, fixed at the ends of the supporting channels.

After the substation KTP will be installed on the base, proceed to connect the electrical equipment. This stage consists of operations such as connecting the transformer leads to the switchgear, assembling overhead and cable lines, etc.

After the completion of these works, the reliability of all bolted joints, the serviceability of mechanical locks, apparatuses and devices are mandatory checked. The insulation is also carefully inspected to identify possible damage.

Installation of complete transformer substations KTP of several blocks

In this case, the installation is performed approximately according to the same procedure. However, with KTP motorbike consisting of several main parts, among other things, the assembly order of the blocks should be observed. The first set extreme. Next, mount the blocks in turn. Before lifting, remove plugs from each of them, which cover the outgoing ends of the tires. After installing the blocks, the busbars of the grounding system are welded to the supporting channels.

Network Connectivity Features

The power supply circuit substation KTP can have a radial or trunk. In the first case, when connecting according to the principle of block - line - transformer, it is allowed to use a blind connection with TM. If the power supply circuit of the station is trunk, the UVR cabinet is pre-installed. With a transformer power of 1000-1200 kW, 2-3 transformer substations are usually connected to one line. If this indicator is less, 3-4 stations are used.

production of substations KTP

Rules to be observed

Installation of the substation KTP should be carried out with the obligatory observance of the following standards:

  • The station can be installed at an altitude of not more than 1000 m above sea level.

  • The ambient temperature must comply with the regulations for this particular model. This parameter is indicated in the instructions (usually from -40 to +40 gr.).

  • No explosive or chemically active substances should be in the immediate vicinity of the station.

  • Installed equipment must not be subject to jolting, shock or vibration.

Operational Features

The main equipment requiring periodic maintenance in the substation is the switchboard equipment and the power transformer itself. When operating KTP, the following standards should be observed:

  • The load current should not exceed the indicators indicated in the instructions. In a station with two transformers, for example, it should not be higher than 80% of the nominal.

  • Periodic monitoring of normal oil circulation through the filter is necessary. The check is carried out by the degree of heating of the upper part of the casing.

  • Oxide film and sludge from the contact system should be removed at least once a year.

installation of complete transformer substations KTP

If during the manufacture, installation and maintenance of the substation all the technical conditions are met, it will continue to work uninterruptedly and for a long time. Otherwise, the management company or production company will necessarily have all sorts of problems. Therefore, the choice of a KTP manufacturer should be carefully, focusing primarily on the reputation of companies offering such services.

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