Canyons are places that attract travelers from all over the world. However, not everyone knows about the features of their origin. Why are canyons so interesting for lovers of natural landscapes and thrills? Which canyons have gained the greatest popularity among tourists? First things first.
What is a canyon? How are canyons formed?
The canyon is a river valley with high and steep banks. Usually at the bottom of the river flows. But there is another kind of canyon in which the bottom is not occupied by the riverbed, or is not completely occupied by it. This type of canyon is called a gorge. They appear as a result of soil erosion and are a kind of dips in steep mountains.
Sometimes canyons are formed due to soil erosion, sometimes the reason for their occurrence is the movement of large layers of the earth. A large number of canyons are located in the United States of America. For example, this is the Grand Canyon, which was formed many years ago in the bed of the Colorado River.
Outdoor activities in the canyons
A simple answer to the question: “What is a canyon?” it may sound like this: it is a river valley with sheer walls. Due to the many falls, vertical sections and waterfalls, incredibly beautiful natural landscapes are gradually forming over the centuries. For those interested in outdoor activities, canyoning can be a great idea. This type of activity combines brisk walking, rope descent, diving, gliding. In this campaign you can discover all the secrets of the majestic river canyons.
How the Israelis beat the word "canyon"
However, to the question: “What is a canyon?” can give some answers. For example, one of the largest shopping centers in the Middle East is the so-called Grand Canyon. On an area of about 200 thousand square meters. m located a huge number of outlets. There is a parking lot, a children's amusement park, and a myriad of restaurants. However, in the name “Grand Canyon” the last word has a double meaning. The fact is that in translation from Hebrew “canyon” means a place where they make purchases.
But the Israelis showed their sense of humor by locating the largest of the shopping centers in this canyon. The gorge where the complex is located is located between the Haifa regions of Ramot Sapir and Neve Sheanan. Therefore, it is very difficult for a simple layman to estimate the size of a shopping center, looking at it from the side. And the entrance to the Grand Canyon is actually located on the top floor.
Amazing Antelope Canyon
In the southwestern part of America, one of the most magnificent creations of nature is located, which fully corresponds to the idea of what a canyon is. His photo is impressive: here, the graceful lines of the relief inside the rocks form bizarre curls that are illuminated by penetrating deep light. Sunlight in Antelope Canyon takes on a truly magical hue. Strong winds and water for many centuries have been carving their bizarre work of art from the local red sandstone. When it rains heavily — and this happens approximately every few years — Antelope Canyon is flooded.
To visit the Antelope Canyon, you must hire a guide and pay for admission to Indian territory. The best time to visit this property is March-April and October-November. It is then that the maximum amount of sunlight enters the depths of the canyon, reaching the bottom, and it looks like a magical glowing palace.
However, the main danger that may lie in wait for visitors to Antelope Canyon is rains. During the visit, even at a distant distance, there should be no rain - water can flood the base of the canyon suddenly and almost imperceptibly.
Tsangpo Canyon in Tibet
The classic example often resorted to when trying to explain what a canyon is is Tsangpo in Tibet. Its depth is about 6 thousand meters, and its length is about 500 km. The gorge has an unusual shape in the form of a horseshoe. The mountains that surround Tsangpo Canyon are incredibly high - clouds peel over their peaks. Climbing is only possible for experienced and professional climbers. On the southern slope is Mount Namjagbarva, whose height is about 7780 m.
The ancient Tsangpo River still flows along the bottom of the canyon. The width of the channel in its narrowest places is about 80 m, however, from a bird's eye view, Tsingpo seems to be a subtle blue ribbon. Thanks to the development of science, modern man can explore from above those natural phenomena that previously inspired fear. The sciences that study these natural systems give their answers and formulations regarding what canyons are. Geography, biology, hydrology, geology, meteorology, mineralogy, topography and geology - in any of these areas of knowledge you can find the term we are considering.
The word "canyon" in computer terminology
It is noteworthy that the word under consideration is used in an area very far from geography. For example, the computer term “Canyon” means processors from the Intel Device Canyon family. The question "what are canyons in motherboards" is unlikely to sound correct. After all, Canyon itself is a type of motherboard - one of the most popular, according to many experts.