The best films from Leonardo DiCaprio: a list. Films with DiCaprio: description, reviews, stories and reviews

Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor of world fame, an idol of millions of girls around the world. He began to hone his acting skills as a child, and professionally made the decision to act in films at the age of 14. From that moment on, his life began to change dramatically. Today there is no person who has not watched films featuring DiCaprio (the list includes more than 30 paintings).

Actor popularity

The fame came to the actor 3 years before the start of the new millennium. The film, which became a symbol of the tragedy and devotion of the lovers to each other, brought DiCaprio world recognition and fabulous fees. "Titanic" became the fulcrum of the actor - he began to rapidly move on, and each film reflected his creative abilities from an unprecedented perspective. Until now, the premiere of films with Leonardo DiCaprio is looking forward to.

List of movies with DiCaprio

His work partners, starting in the 90s of the last century, were such famous personalities as Johnny Depp, Russell Crowe, Kate Winslet, Sharon Stone, Robert de Niro, as well as Meryl Streep and many others.

DiCaprio Films: First Successful Steps

The first films of DiCaprio differ in that the actor from the very first frame shows himself as a talented “player”, despite his young age and little experience. These films from Leonardo DiCaprio, the list of which is presented below, should definitely be watched not only by the fans of the actor, but also by lovers of high-quality cinema and an exciting plot. Each of them is special in its own way - different genres and images, remembered for its versatility. Spectators have different opinions about the paintings, but in one they are united - films with Leo DiCaprio are saturated with brightness and entertainment. The list, from 1991 to 2000, is as follows:

  • "Critters - 3" (1991).
  • "Poison ivy".
  • "What is eating Gilbert Grape?" and "The life of this guy."
  • 1995: “Total Eclipse,” “Fast and Dead,” as well as “The Diary of a Basketball Player.”
  • Marvin’s Room and Romeo + Juliet.
  • "Titanic".
  • 1998: “Celebrity” and “Man in the Iron Mask”.

Movies with Leonardo DiCaprio List

These films are the beginning of a career, a rapid leap forward. The actor will prove himself brightly and later, collecting another successful list. Films with DiCaprio until 2000 are interesting to watch now, knowing the whole filmography. In the film "What Eats Gilbert Grape?" he worked in tandem with everyone known Johnny Depp. Image - an ordinary guy from the province, living with his brother, a mentally handicapped, two sisters and a mother. His place of work is a store where he has a relationship with a married woman. There are no changes in his life until he meets the girl of his dreams.

In the “Diary of a Basketball Player” everything is the opposite - a talented teenager writes poetry, enjoys basketball, but takes the dangerous path - takes drugs, which inevitably leads to its complete degradation. Thanks to willpower, he copes with a dangerous problem, while his friends enjoy his free lifestyle very much.

A little bit about the "Titanic"

"Titanic" is the brilliant creation of D. Cameron, where Leo is the main key to success. This picture of the true love of two young people has become the main component of the acting "piggy bank" (list). Films with DiCaprio are saturated with a special atmosphere, and Titanic is no exception. In parallel with the tender and amazing relationship of the couple, a real tragedy of the collision of a huge liner with a block of ice develops. Based on many reviews, the actor is not taken seriously in the role of responsible Jack for the reason that DiCaprio seems very young. However, age did not affect his entry into the image, and therefore the Titanic (11 Oscar awards) was included in the Best Films with DiCaprio - a list consisting of more than a dozen masterpieces.

Best Movies with DiCaprio List

2000-2009: filmography

Many viewers leave a lot of admiring reviews and reviews of films with the participation of the actor from 2000 to 2009. The list, films from DiCaprio which are diverse in their genre and plot, is as follows:

  • 2000-2002: “The Beach,” “Catch Me If You Can,” “Cafe Dons Plum,” and “Gangs of New York.”
  • 2004-2006: Aviator, Blood Diamond, and The Departed.
  • 2008-2009: “The Island of the Damned,” “The Set of Lies,” and “The Road to Change.”

The reviews for the film “Island of the Damned” are interesting to read, since this film, which belongs to the “psychological thriller” genre, is distinguished not only by its exciting plot, but also by its unusual impressive ending, which is very rare. An unpredictable turn of events can be observed in the film “The Set of Lies”, which is also on the list, films with DiCaprio in which they admire the actor’s play. It is worth seeing the “Beach”, where the main character (represented by Leo) goes to live on an unknown island with a couple of Frenchmen who met him on the way.

Films featuring DiCaprio List

A vivid biographical picture in which DiCaprio played a major role is Aviator. Howard Hughes is successful, the owner of more than one million, but not spoiled or demanding. Its main feature is an unusual perception of the world. The actor, according to professionals, coped with this role brilliantly.

“Catch me if you can” is not only appreciated by adventure lovers. The protagonist inspires with his optimism and a peculiar craving for life - he runs away from home, reads children's comics and fakes bank checks. At the age of 17, he pretty skillfully copes with all the frauds, which, according to the audience, does not look quite realistic. Leo's game, as always, is at its best.

Films of the last 5 years

Films from Leonardo DiCaprio, a list of which includes films from 2010 to 2015, cause a lot of discussion among fans and lovers of quality movies. List Contents:

  • "Start".
  • "Django Unchained."
  • "J. Edgar".
  • "The wolf of Wall Street".
  • "The Great Gatsby".
  • "Survivor."

The plot of the film "Beginning" impressed the audience so much that this psychological thriller was recognized as one of the best in recent years. The main plot is the ability to introduce someone else's thoughts into the head of any person. This is what the main character uses, manipulating the consciousness of others.

An unusual story is shown in "Django", where DiCaprio appears before the audience as an imperious slave owner. The rigidity of the plot and the unusual development of events are the main features of the paintings by Quentin Tarantino.

An interesting fact is that, according to viewers, the actor showed himself as vividly as he played the millionaire Gatsby in the film of the same name. The story tells of love, life after death, lies and unfulfilled dreams.

Movies featuring Leonardo DiCaprio List

Films not rated by viewers

In 2009, the audience was presented with a film called “The Road to Change”. The tape did not receive demand and success, possibly due to a rather serious genre - psychological drama. However, the film earned a lot of flattering reviews from critics.

The plot of the film is the life of an average young couple living in their own house outside the city. The family wants to move to France, but on the way there are many difficulties that make it possible not only to stay in Paris, but also to save the marriage.

2015 New - Survivor

A dynamic plot, vivid images of the main characters, high-quality production - all these are films with the participation of Leonardo DiCaprio. The 2015 Premiere movie entitled “Survivor”, which is part of the Western / Adventure / Drama genre, tops the list. The main character - Hugh Glass - a hunter who was wounded in the endless territory of the "Wild West". One of his comrades, also a member of the conqueror’s detachment, leaves his wounded friend without any help. Gathering all the strength and will, the hero will have to survive in severe frosts, repulse the tribe of Indians and find a "friend" with one goal - to avenge suffering.

Movies with Leo DiCaprio List

Success lies in talent

The role in this new motion picture "Survivor" brought DiCaprio an award as the best actor of 2015, based on the opinion of critics. Numerous awards, including Golden Globe, Silver Bear, nominations and worldwide success, have earned Leonardo DiCaprio through his hard work, outstanding roles, decent films and unlimited talent.

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