Helicobacter treatment with folk remedies - an addition to the success of drug therapy

Until recently, it was believed that a stomach ulcer is a disease that is caused by chronic stress syndrome, irregular diet, bad habits, and high acidity. But in the mid-90s, studies unexpectedly showed that peptic ulcer is an infectious disease, that is, it can be infected, and everything else is only predisposing factors. The microorganism that can cause an ulcer is called Helicobacter pylori and it is perfectly adapted to exist in the acidic environment of gastric juice. Moreover, the more acidic it is, the better the microbe multiplies. It lives in the mucous membrane of the wall of the stomach, fixed on it with the help of special antennae, and causes not only an ulcer, but also chronic gastritis, which scientists call "type B", that is, provoked by this particular pathogen. It is transmitted by contact through household items and especially cutlery and food. Therefore, if a helicobacter carrier appears in the family, then all households will soon become infected.

Modern official medicine recommends treatment (sanitation) of Helicobacter at the same time with 3 drugs, this is the so-called three-component therapy. It includes an antibiotic, an antibacterial agent and secretion blockers to reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Along with medical methods, there is also treatment for Helicobacter pylori with folk remedies. This microorganism is very resistant to various influences, so only alternative treatment for Helicobacter does not completely cure. But in combination with drug exposure, alternative treatment for Helicobacter pylori gives excellent results, they seem to reinforce each other.

The treatment of Helicobacter is effective with folk remedies using such herbs as St. John's wort, marigold and yarrow. These herbs contain natural atibiotics that inhibit the life of the pathogen. They consume an infusion prepared from an equal amount of these herbs (one tablespoon of dry substance). filled with 500 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to take 100 milliliters of infusion before meals.

During the day between subsequent meals, Helicobacter can be treated with folk remedies using another recipe for herbal infusion. It is necessary to take 1 table. spoon elecampane, centaury herb and St. John's wort, lay in a thermos and pour 600 ml of boiling water. Let it brew in a closed thermos for at least 30 minutes and then strain and cool. Ready infusion is consumed in half a glass (100-150 ml) 3 times a day.

Helicobacter treatment with folk remedies using propolis gives a good result. You can just chew fresh propolis 10-15 grams before meals, but if there is no fresh, you can use ready-made alcohol tincture, bought at the pharmacy. Alternative treatment Helicobacter is carried out only with diluted tincture. For this, 10 cap. It is diluted in 100 ml of boiled warm water and a ready-made solution is taken 1 hour before each meal.

Also, the treatment of Helicobacterum with folk remedies based on the mummy has proved to be excellent. You can apply the following composition: 5-6 grams of fresh mummy is thoroughly dissolved in 180 milliliters of freshly obtained aloe juice. Take a dose of 1 teaspoon 15-20 minutes before eating. The course should be at least 2 weeks.

Helicobacter treatment with folk remedies is necessarily carried out in conjunction not only with drug therapy with antibiotics and antacids, but should also be carried out in conditions of patients with a strictly prescribed sparing diet. Only in this case can one count on a full recovery and early scarring of erosive and ulcerative foci in the stomach and duodenum. It is also necessary that all family members carry out the treatment at the same time, regardless of whether they have symptoms of the disease. This ensures the complete destruction of the focus of infection, as it excludes reinfection, that is, the transmission of the pathogen from the patient to a healthy, just cured person.

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