Incident. What is an enterprise incident

So what is an incident? This is the suspension of the enterprise for a period of not more than a day. These include incidents when buildings, general systems of mechanisms were not destroyed, and there were no deaths.

Incident. What are incidents and accidents?

An incident is considered only the breakdown of certain mechanisms, parts, small fires, as well as minor destruction of buildings.

There is such a thing as an accident. It may include those cases when an enterprise is forced to suspend work for a period of more than a day. At the same time, buildings were destroyed, there was an emission of harmful substances that can pollute the environment. Severe fires, man-made explosions, the death of one or a large number of people.

incident what is

Situations and actions that entail an incident

What is an incident, everyone already understands. However, in order to avoid it, it is not enough to know one definition. The following causes of incidents, which are the most common, exist:

  1. Of course, first of all, accidents and incidents occur as a result of the negligent attitude of the employees of enterprises to the work performed.
  2. Disastrous situations arise due to non-observance of safety precautions, as well as due to the fact that workers are intoxicated.
  3. Banal lack of professionalism of the enterprise employees.
  4. Sometimes a person is innocent of an accident: an accidental combination of circumstances, as a result of which accidents occur. For example, the cause of the tragedy may be weather conditions. There are cases associated with malfunctioning equipment, which can malfunction and lead to an incident.

what is an incident

Commission that investigates incidents and accidents

In the event that an accident occurs in production, a special commission is convened to determine the procedure for investigating incidents and accidents. The commission is appointed by the board of the enterprise. It should include an odd number of employees. Such a system exists so that the opinions of members of the commission are not divided evenly, because of which the investigation could drag on.

The commission identifies the causes of incidents. First of all, it identifies persons who were involved in an accident or incident. Next, determine the degree of damage, as well as the size of the damage. After that, the commission draws up an emergency response plan.

It is worth recalling that after the incident, the employees of the enterprise should first of all immediately report the incident or accident to the appropriate authorities. Work carried out upon a violation or incident is documented and recorded in a specially prepared normative legal act. It should indicate the time, place, as well as the essence of the incident. The action plan for the liquidation of the accident is also included in the act. Data from the act is recorded in the incident log. All procedures for the identification, elimination, and registration of incidents and accidents must be completed within the specified period - ten days from the start of the investigation.

The accident and the incident can lead to serious consequences, so every six months at the enterprises inspect all employees. The level of their professionalism and responsibility is assessed.

causes of incidents

Avoiding incidents and accidents

What an incident is, many understand, but not everyone knows how to avoid it. There are several rules that can prevent a tragedy.

  1. Compliance with safety regulations. Quite often, employees of various enterprises neglect the safety rules, hoping that nothing will happen to them. But unfortunately, as practice shows, most of these people are faced with unpleasant situations. Therefore, you should not violate safety rules in order to avoid incidents.
  2. Never appear at the workplace while intoxicated!
  3. Monitor the health of the equipment. Sometimes it happens that incidents and accidents occur without the fault of employees. Therefore, if they notice that the equipment is in poor condition, it is necessary to inform the authorities about this and replace everything.

incident investigation procedure

Incidents at enterprises occur often, therefore it is necessary to know about all precautionary measures and safety in order to prevent troubles and to avoid disastrous consequences.

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