Sports supplements: Matrix protein

Today, the concepts of "bodybuilding" and "sports supplements" are inseparable. Bodybuilding is a sport that includes not only a properly selected system of training and exercises, but also a diet. It is scientifically confirmed that in order to improve metabolism and reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, one should not starve, but rather eat more often (up to six times a day). At the same time, nutrition should be balanced. All received calories, as well as consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates, need to be calculated and developed your daily diet based on the loads in the gym and throughout the day. Many people are unable to eat properly due to work or lack of time. Sometimes the daily calories are simply not enough to achieve the desired gain in muscle mass. Therefore, more and more often, bodybuilders take sports supplements instead of a snack or with a full meal.

Benefits of Protein Supplements

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These additives to the main diet have excellent positive properties. And all of them are inherent in such a sports nutrition product as the Matrix protein. Firstly, it takes very little time to prepare it (just add milk or water to the dry protein powder). Secondly, in comparison with ordinary food, proteins are composed of simple substances (amino acids), which will be absorbed by the body in a very short period of time (if you take ordinary food, the body will need a lot of time to digest melon substances). Thirdly, taking into account the two previous statements, the athlete will be able to quickly close the anabolic window (the moment after training (10-30 minutes after it), when the body absorbs food without the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, and all the elements are used to restore energy in the muscles) as well as organize meals anywhere and anytime.

Types of Protein Supplements

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There are a great many protein supplements in our time. And they all differ not only in the manufacturing company, but also in appearance. There are varieties of proteins such as whey, egg, casein, vegetable, meat and fish. Moreover, they have their own subspecies. Whey protein is divided into whey concentrate, whey isolate and whey hydrolyzate. Vegetable is divided into soy, pea and hemp proteins. All of them are produced by various companies. Among them all, one can note such a brand of sports nutritional supplements as the Matrix protein.

Properties of various types of proteins

Protein Matrix Reviews
Whey protein is quickly absorbed by the body, it contains a lot of amino acids. Perfect for use before or immediately after a workout.

Milk (casein) protein is somewhat similar to whey, with only one difference - it is absorbed much more slowly. Therefore, it is better to take it before bedtime, because the body expends energy even in a dream.

Egg white is the standard in the world of proteins. All other types of proteins are compared with him in terms of value and digestibility. It has a high amino acid composition and absorption rate.

Matrix (protein): composition

Let's deal with this product. Protein "Matrix" possesses very good characteristics. Thanks to its multicomponent composition, it helps to provide the athlete with the necessary amino acids and proteins for a long period of time. This helps nourish the athlete’s body in general and muscle in particular. It contains whey, casein, egg proteins. Each of them has a different coefficient and assimilation time, which helps to quickly restore strength. One serving of protein (32 g or one scoop) contains many useful substances and important amino acids.

Matrix protein composition

The ratio of protein / fat / carbohydrate is 23g / 2g / 3g (72g / 6g / 9.4g per 100 g of product), respectively. Energy value - 120 kcal (275 kcal per 100 g). One stingy of this supplement in 250 ml of water, juice or milk. Depending on the goals and intensity of bodybuilder training, the number of measuring spoons can vary up to 2-3 at a time.

Matrix Sports Supplements

Under the brand name "Matrix" two types of products are produced. The first is the Matrix 5.0 protein. It is slightly different from the other. The second is Matrix 2.0 protein. The difference between them is that in the first version of the supplement there are about 76 servings, and in the second version - about 30. Protein mixtures have the following taste properties: banana, vanilla, chocolate, strawberries, mint cookies, orange and others. Protein supplements are of high quality at a low price. That is why they are very much appreciated among bodybuilders and athletes.

Protein Matrix

Protein "Matrix": reviews

What do consumers say? Protein "Matrix" combines excellent qualities. The special technology of its creation makes it easy to mix it with water, milk (fat content up to 1.5%) or juice. In this case, lumps will not form, which in low-quality proteins with a low amount of protein have to be broken with a blender. A large selection of flavors will allow the athlete to find his favorite. After analyzing most of the forums on bodybuilding, we can conclude that because of the affordable price, high quality and multicomponent athletes like the Matrix protein more. Reviews on the same forums make it clear that the most common flavors of sports nutrition from this manufacturer are mint cookies and chocolate flavors. In most cases, the protein is easily tolerated by the body and does not cause gastrointestinal upset. Also, a product of this brand can be freely used in the preparation of high-protein desserts and cocktails.

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