Why can't the lymph nodes be massaged? The subtleties of massage

Any, not even the most experienced massage therapist who has received a professional education, will tell his patient that lymph node massage cannot be performed. But to explain scientifically why the lymph nodes cannot be massaged, not everyone can. Let's try to find the answer to this question, so as not to become a victim of charlatans who claim that they have discovered a new type of effect on the body.

why lymph nodes cannot be massaged

What is lymph, its main functions

The internal environment of a person consists of a variety of connective tissues. One of them is a viscous liquid that has no color. This tissue is called lymph. She does not bear direct responsibility for the work of individual organs or their systems, but takes part in the work of the whole organism. The main function of a liquid substance is to return proteins, salts, water and metabolic compounds from tissues to the circulatory system. In total, an adult has almost 2 liters of lymph.

What is a lymph node?

Lymphatic current occurs in a special open system, supplementing the cardiovascular system. Fluid through the lymphatic vessels and capillaries moves slowly, because the pressure in the system is low.

One of the important organs of this system are human lymph nodes . They are located along the lymphatic current. The current of lymph is directed from the bottom up. The movement of fluid through the system is due to a reduction in surrounding muscle tissue. In the lymphatic ducts, valves are located that do not allow the reverse movement of fluid. The main functions of the lymph nodes are to create a barrier and maintain immunity.

lymph node function

Lymph nodes can be round, oval, and sometimes ribbon-like. Some nodes look like a small bean. Lymph brings foreign antigens to this organ, and the lymph node forms an immune response, protecting the body and preventing the spread of infection. The sizes of the lymph nodes range from 0.5 to 50 mm. They are arranged in clusters of several pieces.

The subtleties of massage

So why can't the lymph nodes be massaged? Massage involves a fairly profound effect on the tissue. The masseur rubs, presses, thrashing and twisting the skin. Lymph nodes consist of fragile connective tissue, which is not designed for active exposure. Under the pressure of the masseur’s hands, microcirculation inside the node is disturbed, ducts are damaged.

Another answer to the question of why the lymph nodes cannot be massaged may sound like this: massage increases the pressure inside the node, and the lymph begins to circulate faster. But she does not have time to clear herself and begins to spread pathogens throughout the body at an accelerated pace. Thus, the attempt to improve with the help of massage suffers a complete failure, since it will turn out the other way round, intensification of diseases can be provoked.

human lymph nodes

Another danger that awaits a person during an unprofessional massage is a surge in an autoimmune reaction. This also answers the question of why lymph nodes cannot be massaged. How is this phenomenon manifested? Due to damage to the lymph node, due to exposure to it, the source of liquid lymph to the surrounding tissue occurs. At this point, lymphocytes enter the work, taking organ tissues for hostile structures, which leads to edema and impaired functioning of the affected organs. The immune system includes a protective function and begins to destroy and destroy its own lymphocytes, which did not have time to fully mature. This leads to even more inflammation and damage to the lymphatic structure, which, in turn, disrupts the metabolic processes in the body.

Draw conclusions

So, we found out that the lymph node is a small purification station in the human body, in the service of which there is a large army of lymphocytes, scrubbing out all the "dirt". Everyone should know that the lymph nodes can not only be massaged, but also heated or rubbed so as not to harm the delicate organ. Take care of your body, do not provoke a violation of its functions by reckless actions.

lymph node sizes

If there are problems with the lymph nodes (they have increased and there is pain), consult a doctor for help, since the causes of inflammatory processes can be different and it is difficult to establish them yourself.

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